Friday, January 8, 2021


I've been offline a week because I'm stupid. I fell 14' off a ladder Jan 2 saturday trying to get Laz out of a tree.  I know he probably could have gotten down eventually, but I saw him try 2x and not knowing how, and it was dark.

I am injured.  I hit the ground on my right shoulder and back.  I passed out briefly, then yelled for help.  No one heard me.  I felt like I had been hit by a car.  It took 15 minutes to crawl 50' into the basement.  I couln't manage the staiurs, so i slept on the basement floor.  In the morning, I was able to slowly drag myself up the stairs and into bed.  It was VERY painful to do that.

I didn't feel any broken bones, I figured it was all sprained muscles, and I heal fast.  Because of that, and covid19 fears (both danger and expecting no beds or nurses available) I didn't call 911.

Sunday and Monday were horrible!  Tuesday, the muscles hust "less" (a rather relative "less") but then I could feel rubbing on both side of my ribs.  Plus the ball of the right shoulder joint was sticking up.  I could not move my right foot to walk.  I called 911 and they sent a medical transport vehicle ( not a full-blown ambulance, thankfully).  They were wonderful!

I was given immediate attention.  After physical poking and prodding (oh the joy)  :( I got xrays, a catscan, and an MRI.  I have 3 broken ribs on the left, 1 on the right and a dislocated right shoulder. I have a massive bruise on the right shoulder. I got a morphine shot.  There wasn't actually much they could do for me there, so they sent me home whith a percoset prescription and the name of a local chiropractor.  I couldn't go get the prescription of visit the chiropractor.  

I had no one local to call for help.  Family dispersed and no telephone numbers for neighbors.  But here is where things got much better.  I saw the lady across the street (Deb) outside Thursday.  I manged to open the window (OUCH!) and called out for help.  She came right over.  

She saw I was in misery and offerred complete help.  She collected mail and newspapers (papers on the ground invite burglars).  She asked about food and medicine.  I had a shopping list and the Percoset prescription.  I gave her my food list, prescription, driver license, and insurance card and she took off at once.  

It took her 90 minutes to get everything.  What a kind person!  

She immediately asked what else she could do.  I hesitated to ask, but the litter boxes hadn't been cleaned since Saturday.  Turned out she had cads previously and said she would be happy to clean them (down in the basement).  And I asked her to bring up fruits and vewgies and meat from the basement refrigerater.  She even watered my basement plants.

She also called her husband (John, works at some public auction place) and told him to bring a walker home.  He did and they brought it right over.  What a relief!  I was barely scooting around in my computer chair.  With the walker, I could even drag my right foot along.

She teleworks, so she is home all day.  She gave me her phone number and assured me I could call day or night.  She came over this afternoon to check on me and did some more helpful things.

I didn't know Percoset was Oxycodone and something else I forget, so I was careful to take a 1/2 pill to see how it would affect me (warns of drowsiness and dizziness).  It didn't seem to cause a problem, so I'm taking a full tablet as prescribed now.

Everything still hurts like blazes, but I suppose it would be worse without the Percoset.  I can get around with the walker.  Today I could actually stand up on my own though I can't move around without the walker.  I can get in and out of bed with less pain.  I've been lying in bed 12-14 hours a day.  The waterbed is soft and warm.

I can cook simple meals, though I'm more thirsty than hungry.  I can use the computer (carefully).  Deb will come visit each day.  She even offerred to do laundry, but I have enough clean clothes for a week.

I'm healing slowly but steadily.  Everything still hurts.  Today, I am able to use my right leg some.

I'm leaving a brief note on the Mark's Mews blog.  I think I can be emailed directly at  I MAY be absent a while.  Or not.  Typing is awkward, but doable (and it's not like I have much to do but watch TV otherwise).  I may be able to walk normally in 3-4 days, but I'm not going to risk the stairs.

I did get Laz out of the tree, but that's why I fell.  I got his claws loose from the branch, but as I lifted him towards me, he grabbed the branch again.  Not knowing that, when I pulled, he held and over I went...  I'm not blaming him at all.  But I'm not letting any of the cats out.  They are all acting weird because I'M acting weird!  Ayla is spooked and hiding, Laz will walk past me but out of reach, Marley at least stands next to my chair for scritchies sometimes.

Deb filled a large bowl with kibbles, and I can manage canned food once a day.

See ya around...


Megan said...

Oh Mark - I am very concerned to hear about this. As you say, not a good time in your part of the world to be claling for an ambulance and heading to A&E at your local hospital. I am very glad that you did call for help and that you have found a wonderfully caring and generous neighbour. Please get better soon!!

Sydney, Australia

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is terrible, Mark! I am relieved you could get the attention of a neighbour or who knows what might have happened alone in the house unable to do things.
I had noticed you hadn't posted in a while but assumed you were still working on transferring everything to your new computer.
As bad as your accident was, it could have been so much worse and I am very relieved you are still around to be able to tell all your friends of it. The older we get the less we bounce back, but I wish you a good recovery. Do take care because we do care.

ZOOLATRY said...

I am emailing you right now ...
Ann A

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh dear Mark, how scary for you all and I hope you start feeling better soon rather than later and are able to get off those addictive pain killers soon. I wish we could do something from afar but we know that's pretty impossible.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

we are so sorry you got hurt so bad. I am in the same position as you in that i am old and have no family left but have friends and neighbors that are just as old or older than me. Drink a lot of fluids as those drugs tend to dehydrate you. I am super, super careful on ladders now and hang on for dear life. i had to change the light bulb outside above the front door last week in the dark. scary that that is a scary thought, getting old sucks. Glad that your neighbor is being so wonderful.

The Florida Furkids said...

Holy Carp!! That's not a great way to start the year. We're glad you have some help now.

The Florida Furkids

Ivan from WMD said...

How very scary! We're so glad someone is helping you, and we hope you are well on your way to healing. Our mom is in a similar age/family situation. She knows we probably wouldn't phone anyone for help unless there was food involved. :-)

pilch92 said...

That is an awful way to start the year off. I will be praying you feel better quickly. I am going to email you now.

Thumper said...

Holy krap, dude! I hope you heal quickly, and I'm seriously glad your neighbor is willing and able to help. That could have been so much worse :(

Just Ducky said...

Oh dear! Mum has given up on tall ladders. She knows she isn't getting any younger or more nimble as she gets older.

Thing they mentioned with her master gardener stuff. Keep your cell phone on you so you can call for help. She didn't have hers with her when she broked her ankle so couldn't call for help either. That wasn't nearly as bad as falling off a ladder.

Sending healing purrs!

Just Ducky said...

Another thing, mum recommends sleeping in a recliner if you have one. Easy on the ribs.

The Swiss Cats said...

Dear Mark, that's awful, and so scary ! We're so sorry you got injured. We cross our paws and wish you a good recovery. Purrs and hugs

catladymac said...

Good thing your neighbor was available and is such a good person. I live alone with indoor and outdoor cats, just turned 75, and have a cell phone and a medical alert device, and a neighbor to check in w
with regularly (family is half the state away, friends are my age and in worse health). This is what one never thinks of until it happens. You may have to adjust to the fact that aging is something you will have to deal with once you have begun to feel better. I send you all kinds of purrayers and Power of the Paw. The Mews definitely know not only that something is wrong but they are worried about you. Glad that Marley is available for some skritches - I'm sure that helps both of you.
Please do hesitate to ask for help - there are some things we have to accept -as a part of getting older.
Take care

catladymac said...

do NOT hesitate to ask for help !!!!

Age has not improved my typing skills either

AnnDee said...

Oh, Mark! Sending gentle hugs and thoughts of healing.

When will you be able to go to the chiropractor? I don't think I'd want chiropractic treatment with broken ribs.

I have a lot more to say, but decided you don't need a lecture on ladder safety.

Love to the kitties,
AnnDee (^..^)~

Katie Isabella said...

Mark I am so SORRY this happened to you and any one of us would have done anything we could to help. Thank heavens the neighbor is such a kind upright and good person. PLEASE get better soon. I know how it is as I injured myself horribly 2011.

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh Mark! I am glad you have met your neighbor and that she is helping you out! Most people are inherently good. I broke my shoulder and a rib in a fall 3 years ago when I was living in Vancouver. Very painful. And that is how I met my next door neighbor. Even his mother came over to check up on me and washed my clothes for me. Know that we are purraying for a quick healing!
Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Cinnamon, Angel Nellie and Barb

Timmy Tomcat said...

Mark that is so sad and dangerous. I myself live alone and am disabled from a motorcycle accident years ago and have really great neighbors. You really are a lucky fellow and we wish you rapid healing. Those darn felines will make you worry about them and then be fine. We have a full fence so they can go out but not get in any trouble. Something to think about. Its winter, the holidays are over, lay about and watch silly tv till you are back to better. You have our purrs and prayers to get better soon

The J-Cats said...

Oh heavens! That is truly scary! We are so sorry this happened to you. You were really lucky it was no worse. Suppose you had injured your head?
We wish you a speedy recovery - but take it easy and don't try to get back to bysiness TOO fsst.
And rememver - some good has come of this after all. You have discovered some wonderful new neighbours. That is something worth its weight in gold!
All the best and, as we say in Hebrew - Refua mehira ush'lema (a Swift and Complete Recovery). And POTP from the kitties.
Shimona and the J-Cats

The J-Cats said...

We meant "remember" of course. This is what happens when using the tiny keyboard of a mobile phone ;-)

Terri said...

Oh, my! Next time, just leave the ladder against the tree for the cat!

Glad to know you have a neighbor willing to help you. Certainly takes a load off one's mind.

Take care and hope your recovery speeds up soon.

amdla2000 said...

My husband fell off of a ladder (only a six foot one).. He was standing on the top of it using a rake to pick the last milliton off the vine--so stupid too. Thank God only dislocated a shoulder. All th e broken ribs sound like our Drew Brees. Faulkner s re muted to have said that if there is something impossible that. needs to be done, ask a woman or a child. Glad you have such a good neighbor. Take care and heal.

The Laptop

 I am not a mobile person.  I don't carry the laptop around with me.  But I have a particular use for it. If I sit at the desktop comput...