Showing posts with label Block Sender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Block Sender. Show all posts

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Blocking Spam

Ducky (and thank you muchly) mentioned that the "3 dot" option depends on the provider.  It may be the browser too.

The article I read didn't mention that, but it makes some sense that it could.   I have AOL mail that I can read on Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.  It is the same on all.  Maybe different email providers have the same feature in different places or with different icons.

But the important thing is that there is probably that option in all providers.  I love having discovered this.  IUt is so easy to use.  Click on "block senders".  It has to stop some of them.  Maybe some spammers change their emails frequently, but anything is worth a try.

I know it is working somewhat.  I used Facebook a couple of times to read articles from friends, but then I stopped.  So, Facebook "threatened" me with cancellation for not using them enough.  That was fine with me.  

But then they said they would "allow" me 6 months to renew my account.  I didn't, and what they did was extremely annoying.  They sent a daily or 2x daily notification bragging about how good they were and "promised" to send me a daily notification of the cancellation for 6 months!

I emailed them directly asking them to stop the notifications.  No luck.  I emailed the support staff to stop the notifications.  No luck.  Apparently, they just won't stop.  I had to keep manually deleting their notification (even after I sent them to the spam folder).

But "block sender" works.  I haven't seen a notification from Facebook In the week since I blocked them.

I encourage everyone to find and use the "block sender" feature, wherever it is on your computer.  Search for it in HELP if you have to.  Call your email provider if you have to.  The initial effort is worth the spam reduction (and I do think I get less spam than I used to).  Every email in the spam folder gets the immediate "block sender" treatment (after review to make sure it isn't actually legitimate, of course).

It is SO easy...

University of Maryland Men's Basketball Team

It was a real NCAA Tournament thriller .   MD started out so badly, I stopped watching for a while.  But just before the halftime, I returne...