Showing posts with label Trick Or Treat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trick Or Treat. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Halloween Decorations.

Not mine; the cross-street neighbors...  They really decorate for holidays.

 The picture isn't great.  My camera doesn't do well with little bright lights at night from a distance.  But you can get the general idea.  There are strings of small orange lights all around.  There are 2 large inflatable pumpkins upper left.  The bluish thing on the right is the head of a witch (otherwise draped in black).  The upper middle thing is a ghost.  The white light is just their sidewalk lamp.

I'm just going to put a regular pumpkin (carved with a cat face) on the front steps along with 4 small orange Mums I found cheap at Walmart.  I'm just doing that for neighborhood friendliness.  Kids don't do "trick or treating" anymore (around here at least).

I haven't had a knock at my door for almost 15 years.  Actually, I almost never see kids playing outside at all.  I know they exist here because when I am working in the front yard, I see the parents getting them into cars to take them hither and yon...  But they don't play outside.  I suppose outside (or "trick or treating") is just consider to dangerous these days.

I bet if you asked a kid about kickball or tag, they wouldn't even know what you were referring to.  But that's really a subject for a future post.

But anyway, I always have a box of Lindt truffles around for an occasional treat, so if some kid did knock on the door at Halloween, I can oblige...

Computer Madness And Success

 I was using an old laptop last year.  There were problems.  Several keys came loose, the battery died.  I read that both together would pro...