Wednesday, January 13, 2021

One Week Home From The Hospital

First - I can see why SOME permanently-injured or very elderly people ask themselves why they are "sticking around" (don't worry, that's not me - "this too shall pass").  This is all INCREDIBLY BORING AND IT HURTS, TOO.

Second - Many of you have mentioned how fortunate I am to have neighbors like Deb and John.  I certainly agree and make it a point to thank them every time they visit or run an errand.  And I mentioned to Deb how often all of YOU have expressed gratitude for her help on my behalf.  She said "WOO HOO, thank them all for the kind words" (with thumbs up).  And "it is nice to be recognized but I would do it unrecognized of course".  Well, of course she would.  She's that kind of helpful person.  She said she has had similar good help in the past, and believes in "pay it forward.  I sure will.  So, I'm passing that along.

Third - The hospital has left a couple  of voice mails asking me to call them about my recent visit.  I haven't called back yet; I'm not sure what to say.  Amdla2000 left a comment "This old nurse thinks that your ER visit was medically successful, but a total case management failure".    I agree.  They did some good thorough work with xrays/catscan/mri, but sent me home without much advice.  

I am, of course, grateful for their work to gauge the extent of my injuries, but I will mention that (as kindly as possible).  Also, the medical report they gave me is complete gibberish to any non-expert.  I will suggest they provide future patients with a 1 page summary in PLAIN ENGLISH.  Needing a medical dictionary to understand the report makes it nearly useless.  A list of what all those blood test acronyms mean would also help.  A list like that wouldn't even need to be personalized for each patient.  Just a boilerplate single page.

Something like "3 fractured left ribs, 1 fractured right rib, dislocated right shoulder, pulled muscles on both sides of rib cage/hips/lower back/left thumb.  Try to move around frequently, drink lots of water.  A walker will help", etc, would have helped greatly.  

I also want to ask why they didn't automatically do a covid-19 test.  I know there was no  nasal swab done, but maybe it shows up in the blood test.  If so, they didn't mention it in any way I can tell.

Fourth - Cable TV is wretched!  There is an old song "57 channels and nothing's on.  Well, I have a lot more than that and it is still true.  Even the free on-demand stuff is pathetic.  I end up mostly watching CNN, MSNBC, and cartoons.  I'm not a movie person (they are just too long).  Thank goodness I have a lot of DVDs!  I may order more.

Fifth - Well, I just got up, time to face the day...


Brian's Home Blog said...

You should call the hospital back and tell them honestly, they can't improve if they don't know. Keep getting better!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Sometimes the hospitals here send out surveys to find out how you felt about the care you received, etc. you can voice those kinds of experiences there. I think the hospital wanting to reach out to you is how they follow up on the condition of those whom they saw/treated.
You should answer them and tell them how you are doing and ask your questions, they should be able to give you a lot of good info. Wriypte down your questions so you don’t forget them...
But it is good that you are trying your best to stay active as much as your current limitations allow. You are motivated to get better which is half or more of winning the battle. Maybe you should pursue PT, they can be of tremendous help.

We here will continue to send healing thoughts and vibes!

The Florida Furkids said...

We always got a survey after Bill had a hospitalization. We're still sending POTP.

The Florida Furkids

Marvelous Marv said...

We are glad that you are feeling better! The Canadian hospitals are no better and because its free...we don't get a survey. Sending you prayers and strength. Barb

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I would think the phone calls are to ask about your experience at the hospital. It would give you chance to ask your questions too. My consultations are all by phone since Covid and I have one next week. My next CT scan will most likely be requested then and someone always rings with the results and to explain everything. I assume they will do the same when you ring them.

Megan said...

I suspect that the emergency/accident department of our public hospitals wouldn't have been any different. (Like the Canadians, ours are free too.)

The A&E goal is to triage incoming patients, figure out what their problems are, get them addressed as an emergency, and then move patients on. All of which may only be obvious once an emergency staff member explains how they see their objectives. (This only happened for me a few years ago - and it was an education. I had previously thought that the staff in emergency would think of you as 'their' patient until you were better.)

So, they did their job. Their assumption (??) may have been that they were moving you on to your local general practitioner - so the report you have wasn't really intended for you so much as for another medical expert who would be managing your on-going care.

In Australia, another option might have been to sign you up for (free/publicly funded) home nursing. (I work in admin for our local home nursing team!) A nurse would visit you at home and provide ongoing treatment/care - probably gradually decreasing the frequency of their visits until they were no longer needed. You would also have been eligible for (free/publicly funded) personal support services to help you with personal hygiene, cleaning and shopping - ie. the things that your lovely neighbour is doing for you. These services are especially intended for patients who live alone or whose other household members aren't able to provide the support they need. Do you have similar services - perhaps funded by your health insurer??

When you think about it, there are lots of people in your situation - living alone without family close by. So there must be something available to assist you.

Yes, being unwell/incapacitated is boring, which in turn, becomes stressful. Is it any wonder that patients can be rude, short-tempered, anxious or plain outright obnoxious to care workers???

Please keep posting updates. We're all thinking of you.

Sydney, Australia

pilch92 said...

They definitely should have given you some care instructions like the walker, etc. I am impressed you could get all those tests so quickly. I know at our local hospital there is a catscan machine that travels so is only here one day a week.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Mark!
Just catching up with your news and what news it is!!!!
So sorry to hear about your accident, but very glad you will recover(slowly, nut surely). I can't even imagine your pain!!
Very happy that you will recover and you have some good neighbours <3
Sending you (gentle) virtual hugs!!!!! Keep us posted.
Purrs, Julie and "mum" Nancy

Timmy Tomcat said...

Mark as a RN who worked ED and all the units I am surprised but not terribly that you did not get a sheet from Nursing. This would contain all that which you need but it seems this place leaves that to Case Management. Yeah I did that too. Biggest hurdle in CM is to get patients to answer the phone and/or follow up. With your damage I STRONGLY suggest, as I did previously, to make sure you check for Physical Therapy for that shoulder. If you lose range of motion it will forever be a pain, and plain old pain, to reach up or have full movement. We wish you fast healing and fully back to better in a short time
Pete and the crew

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