Showing posts with label Venus Fly Traps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus Fly Traps. Show all posts

Monday, July 17, 2017

A Very Unfortunate Moth

I have really been enjoying my Venus Fly Traps.  In the past, I have tried a few and they didn't live very long.  It is sort of like buying an ant farm; a short-lived novelty.

My understanding of Venus Fly Traps was that they lived in shady bogs in upper Southern States.  So I kept them on East windowsills and caught a few flies to feed them.  They would last a couple months and fade away.

So, this year, when I some some for sale, I researched what they needed.  To my surprise, a site said at least 4 hours direct sun and more was better.  Plus NO tap water.  I knew they didn't want fertilizer (that why they catch insects), but they also didn't want dissolved minerals in the water.  Distilled water was best.

I was so surprised, I checked other sites and even asked about it on a forum discussing carnivorous plants.  I always do some research before asking a question at a specialty site.  Otherwise, you tend to get condescending replies.  But it WAS trustable verification.    So, armed with good information, I have kept the plants in larger pots than they came in, on the sunny deck.

I caught a few flies to feed them at first (I good at that).  But I quickly noticed that there were a lot more closed traps with something in then than the few flies I fed them.  So it really is true they can catch all they need. 

In fact, one plant is healthy enough to be sending up a flower stalk.  The forum recommends cutting the flower stalk to save the plant the energy required.  But given that the plants have doubled in size and have almost all of the dozen or more traps full, I think I will let at least one bloom to see what the flower looks like.

All well and good...

But I'm posting this to show one very unfortunate moth.  It must have landed on a trap with its wings up because they were outside the closed trap.  If the wings had been closed, it probably would have pushed its way out the side.
BTW, the part about them wanting distilled water worried me.  I'm not someone who buys water in bottles.  So I was pleased to discover the stuff costs 88 cents per gallon at Walmart.  I bought 2 gallons.  I used a half gallon just soaking the peat moss mix.  I had to keep preventing myself from soaking the peat moss in regular tap water out of habit, and I had to keep reminding myself not to water the Venus Fly Trap pots "as usual" when I am watering the deck flowerpots.  But it is a habit to skip them now.

One good thing is that rainwater is just fine.  Not rain off the roof, just direct from the sky into clean buckets.  3 well-rinsed kitty litter tubs collect more mater from an inch of rain than you might think, ans we got 2.5 inches here in one storm early this months.  I now have two 1 gallon jugs filled with rainwater now, and it only takes about a cup to keep them wet each morning. 

I still feed each trap with a fresh-caught insect every couple of days just to watch the traps close.  It doesn't seem to be necessary, but that's most of the fun of having the plants, so I do it.  Plus, it seems like sweet revenge to see the traps close on a small caterpillar I pick off a veggie in the garden.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Other Flowers And A New Moth

First,  there was a moth I have never seen before. 
Then there are the Venus Fly Traps I transplaned from tiny pots from Walmart to good ones according the instructions from several sites about caring for them.

I have to undo the potting!  The sites said to use 2 parts peat moss and 1 part sand.  I did that. Then one site mentioned not using "regular sand" because it comes from beaches and has lots of dissolved solids in them, which are bad for Venus fly traps (and explained why).  They said to use perlite instead.  I have perlite.  I will repot them. 

Meanwhile they are catching flies and seem happy.  I caught and fed each one a fly when I first bought them, but now I see that there are at least several traps on each plant closed and showing a dark lump in the traps.  I guess they can do well enough on their own.  On the other hand, I will feed them a caught fly once a week just because it is so strange to watch them close up on the flies.

And the meadow flowers are blooming nicely.  The first ones were all yellow, then sweet williams appeared.  Now I have some blanket flowers.
There are Queen Annes Lace emerging, but not in full bloom yet.  The goldfinches are starting to find seeds to eat in there, which is a natural event.  I have 2 niger seed feeders for them, but I'll bet a variety of seeds is better for them.

And the tomatoes are thriving.  They seem healthier than in years past, so I am hoping for a good harvest.

Sports, 2

I've mentioned sports too much.  But I have to tell you about a big event before high school. I played in little league.  I was a terrib...