Showing posts with label Sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sleep. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Busy Day

Thursday was a busy day.  First, I had to get an abdominal ultrasound at 9 AM.  But their first offer was 5:30 AM, so 9 seemed much better.  I don't deal with appointments and time-commitments very well, so I didn't sleep well the night before.  I use a kitchen timer as an alarm clock (much easier to set) but I'm always worried I will sleep through the beeps when it matters.  But I got up and arrived on time.

The ultrasound requires a gel.  The tech warned me it would feel cold.  It was.  But when she spread it around, it was colder!  It was my first ultrasound, so I expected a machine.  I thought she was pushing on my with her hands, but that was the small detector she was moving around.  

The ultrasound was required for some possible liver scarring issues.  Livers get scars?  Anyway, it my right hip that bothers me, but my Dr is eliminating everything else before he will authorize a CT of the hip.  I sort of understand, but I wish he would get to the hip sooner rather than later.  

If the hip problem is fixable, I would like to get on with that.  But if it isn't, I would like to know that soon too!  There are possible causes for the hip pain that could be serious.  Delay is disturbing me.  Every negative test is just putting off a confirmable diagnosis.  And after every unimportant test, it is 2 weeks before I can see the Dr again.

So anyway, after the ultrasound, I went grocery-shopping, I had done a pickup order, but left out a few things I wanted.  Fortunately, I had bought a clear plastic bin at Walmart that fit the seat of my roller.  It is large enough to most of the things I buy.  In this case, it was chocolate chip ice cream, whole black pepper, frozen baby green peas, milk, and snow peas.  

And went home to get some sleep...  And not much.  Because I also had an appointment for Marley to get a urinalysis a 2 PM.  So 2 hours of bad sleep again and off I went with him to the Vet.  When we got to the exam room, they weighed him.  He was 16 lbs in his prime, but is down to 13+ now.  Age and kidneys are getting to him.

When they put him back in the carrier, he really surprised me.  He growled!  I can't recall hearing him growl since the last time he faced down an intruder cat years ago.  But then the vet tech said he is often difficult and growly when they do stuff to him in the back room.  Well, that's because I'm not there with him!

But anyway, his urinalysis was good and they didn't suggest any further treatment or meds.  So we went home.  We were both happy to be there again.

I slept for 3 hours, finally free of appointments.  Got up at 6 PM, fed the cats, made dinner, watched TV political news.  I bet I sleep 12 hours tonight!  No appointments to worry about.

Monday, December 16, 2019


Yeah, I dyed.  Rit "Emerald" to be specific.  I toss and turn at night.  Really rip out the seams of my undershirts twisting around.  So I bought some XL size undershirts.  Not loose enough.  So I bought some A Shirts.

Men's Fruit of the Loom Signature 7-pack + 1 Bonus A-Shirts

Look immune from turning and tossing.   But really boring.   So I dyed them.  That was an adventure.  An hour in the laundry tub, 4 rinses in the washr.  I used to tie-dye. 

My hands are sort of green right now, LOL!

Cant wait to try one on, but they are still taking a trip through the dryer...

Friday, March 2, 2018

March Comes In Like A Lion

And other problems...

We have had some of the strongest winds here the past 2 days and it is forecast to last another.  Well "strongest" except for hurricanes and those don't last as long.  There have been gusts up to 62 mph, and it seems constant around 40+.  The wind howled so loudly around the house I could barely sleep, and I was very tired from staying up all night on the computer til 8 am the day before and only getting 5 hours sleep before I was SO hungry I couldn't lay in bed anymore.

I've mentioned before that I keep weird hours, but maybe not have explained in much detail.

I stayed up late Tuesday night and got 5 hours sleep.  I stayed up late Wed night in spite of having a dental appointment Thursday at 2 pm.   Partly, it was stress from the dental visit, but partly because I got emails from almost everyone I know and wanted to respond.  And I had just started an online chess game and kept getting replies from my opponent.

I also had about 100 pictures to process, a Dr Seuss poem to write, some software downloading problems, and Amazon seemed to have taken over my search engine choices (anything I searched online was sending me straight to Amazon's page).

I can't sleep worth a damn when I have stuff floating around in my head like that, and the only solution is to stay up until I solve most of the problems. 

So I did most of that stuff, and went to the dentist about as tired as possible.  That is generally good, as I have some problems with dental work.  I have a small jaw and holding it open while they do their work is hard.  Plus, let's just say I have to swallow a lot when my jaw is stretched wide and leave it at that. 

So I got home Thursday and the winds hit!  I needed sleep and got little.  The crashing sounds outside didn't help.  I was "IN" bed 12 hours, but maybe got 8 hours sleep.  Which, averaging the past several nights came out to about 4 hours per night for 4 nights each.

My local meat market was having some specials this week of exactly the stuff I wanted.  Del Monico Steak at $8 per lb, pork boston butt at $2, deli roast beef at $5/lb, and other stuff.  I HAD to get up to shop today to shop (Saturday is a madhouse there).  And I was out of fresh fruit.  I love fruit. 

I slept Thursday night til noon.  Got up and left the house at 1 pm.  But that would have put me at the meat market just when the local school lets out and a dozen students hit the store deli counter for subs.  So I stopped to get a haircut. 

I obviously don't worry about my appearance too much, LOL!
The cats aren't very critical and it is not like I'm trying to win a "handsome contest". 

Driving to the barber and the grocery stores was interesting.  The car kept rocking in the wind just sitting at a traffic light.  While actually driving, I kept getting hit with cross-winds and wanted to "change lanes" for me.  Local bridges were all closed.  One bridge, after having 3 tractor-trailers just plain knocked over. 

The dentist said none of my teeth are any good.  Which is really annoying because I don't eat candy and sweet stuff and brush twice a day.

Well, Dad have no teeth left by my age, so I guess I will not thank him for THOSE genes. 

The neighborhood have fence panels blown out all over the place and I've never seen THAT even when Hurricanes blew through.  None of mine though!  Friends tell me I "overbuild" things.  But I know those neighbor's fences and they are newer than mine and build by professionals.  I built my own. 

Companies use 1x4s and I use 2x4s.  They use nails and I use screws.  And that is why it is still standing!  My fence is 30 years old now, and not one board loose...

Thursday, July 13, 2017

While You Sleep

Have you ever considered what goes on in the world when you are asleep?  I know that when I go to bed, I am totally cut off from the world.  And the first thing I do when I wake up is turn on the radio on the headboard (tuned to a news station) to hear of events.

But what if something really important happened while I was sleeping?  What if the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupted?  What if India and Pakistan exchanged Nuclear weapon attacks?  What if the Sun went dead?  I mean, I would just sleep for days waiting for dawn and get colder and colder and colder.

I say this because I had the strangest dream last night.  Aliens arrived on Earth, and I didn't know about it.  And they were good aliens.  They announced they would take everyone who arrived at any major city by dawn to a newer better Earth2 (since they knew what we needed and had found one), and I slept through it.

I ignore the phone at night, I don't have smart phone with alert apps, and I doubt neighbors would beat on my door to tell me the good news.

Actually, it would be bad enough just to not know that some virus had been dropped in my area by some terrorists...

I suppose this has something to do with a feeling of lack of control over my life while I sleep, but it is still an interesting question.

"What if something really important happens when you are asleep"?

Friday, July 24, 2015

Some Details

Yesterday, I referred to being in bed for 10 hours and a "poacher's shovel".  It occurs to me that both could use some explanation...

FIRST, the 10 hours in bed (and sometimes it is more).  As a child, I was an early riser.  In college, I took early morning classes because I was up and ready to go.  My 35 year career had me up at 5 am to leave the house by 6 am to meet a carpool at 6:15 to get to work by 7 am.

When I retired in 2006, I just collapsed and went to late mornings.  At first, I assumed it was just a temporary reaction to all those years of getting up real early and that I would get "back to normal".  I didn't.  I can only get myself out of bed before 10 hours if some contractor just HAS to be here at 9 am.  And I feel wrong the whole day after. 

Well yesterday I read an article about sleep patterns.  I forget which magazine (National Geographic, Scientific American, one of those), that said we modern people are off our traditional sleep schedules.  Basically, we wake up to artificial lights, stay up late with artificial lights, and go suddenly to bed after 16-18 hours of bright lights.  Practically every gadget we own emits some light, and that has some effects.

According to the article, sleep research and historical research suggests that, before artificial illumination, we were awake after dark for a while and we used to have a different pattern of sleeping that involved a period in the middle of the night akin to meditation.  Something like 4 hours of regular sleep, 2 hours of general semiwakeful calmness, and then 4 more hours of regular sleep.

There were writings from less modern era people regarding things like "after my first sleep" and (paraphrasing) "then after some restful thought, I returned to sleep".  And history is full of examples of people who had great insights in that "restful thought time". 

My jobs+commutes used up from 5 am to 6 pm every workday.  Gave me 3 hours to make dinner, clean house, play with cats, do yardwork, etc, and then it was back to bed again to get 8 hours maximum sleep (even if I fell asleep at once, which seldom happened).

And it struck me that that's what I've been doing ever since I was freed from the requirements of regular job hours!  I've been going to bed after an hour of low light, sleeping about 4 hours, laying in bed lightly awake and contemplating things as I lay there, and then drifting off again for another 4 hours or so.

I think I have been getting into that pattern because I have the bedroom completely blacked out.  I put acoustical tile in the bedroom window years ago because the *%#@ Spring Peepers used to keep me awake at night.  But it also blocks out the morning sun.  And I keep the door nearly closed.  It stays dark in my bedroom.

I think they may be on to something that we have lost.  And that I have fallen into by fortunate happenstance.

SECOND, I referred to a "poacher's shovel".  It's a narrow shovel.

Apparently, it was originally designed to be assembled from pieces (blade and handle that could fit unobtrusively in a backpack) onto a shaft that looked like a simple walking stick, it was used for digging valuable plants out from rich folks' gardens at night and leaving a small hole that could be easily filled in with surrounding soil.

Today (hopefully), it is more a convenient "foot-powered trowel" for getting at deep-rooted weeds among flowerbeds.   I love mine!  Brambles are hard to dig up among my flowers and against the garden stone borders.  This can get into the tighter spots, and it cuts fewer flower roots.

I just thought that was worth explaining...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


You know how sometimes you want to write, but can't think of what to write about?  Me too.  That's why sometimes I go on about something badly and then delete it a day later.

So I sat down a few minutes ago and decided to just scribble out some things going on around me, the house, and the yard.  I hit a dozen immediately!  Some days are like that.

1.  Frogs
2.  Mosquitoes
3.  Crocuses
4.  Deer Ate Shrub
5.  Car Battery
6.  Snowblower Snow Wouldn't Melt
7.  Enclosed Garden
8.  Tomato Grafting
9.  Dad
10. Smoking/Not Smoking
11. Covered Plant Rack
12. Wine

So, how about "frogs"?  Now, I generally LIKE frogs.  None of them around here are poisonous, they eat mostly bad insects, they are impressively weird, and they mostly don't bother me.

Except Spring Peepers.  For a month each year around now, they all start a "chirping contest".  And since there are wetlands across the street (used to be a full-fledged swamp) they are a biblical multitude!  10,000 chirping Spring Peepers can be distracting.  The chirps are of a sound frequency that comes right through windows and walls.  Well, no wonder at THAT, they evolved their sound to penetrate woodsy swamps. 

I can live with that; there are so many of them that the sound is constant.  Its the 5 or so of them that find my small 4'x6' lily pond that drive me NUTS!  The pond is only 20' from my bedroom window, and with only a few of them, the chirping comes and goes.  I can't sleep when they chirp randomly.

It was so bad when I worked, that I would sometimes have to go out at night, find the little devils with a flashlight, and stomp on them just to get some sleep.  And its not like I didn't try passive frog-friendly ideas first.  I put acoustical ceiling tiles covering the inside of my bedroom window.  It didn't work!  Well, it helped some, but not enough.

Even after retirement, when I can sleep later to make up for the disturbance, it is still aggravating.  The past 5 years, I have covered the pond with loose-woven garden cloth.  That works.  If they can't get to the water, they can't mate, so they don't chirp.

I usually notice them first as I go to bed and it is really too late to do the covering thing that night.  But this year, today, I caught them in the act.  It was suddenly very warm today (75F at 4 PM), s I had some windows open.  It was nice and quiet. 

Until...  At precisely 5:30 PM, I heard a chirp in the wetland.  And 2 seconds later, I heard 10,000!!!  They ALL started immediately when the very first one did.  I was astonished.  At least I have tomorrow to cover the pond.  The pond doesn't seem to warm up as fast as the open wetland do, so there is a lag.

Tomorrow, I will take out the garden cloth and cover the pond and ruin the mating possibilities of the several Spring Peepers who chose my pond as their "Dream Seduction Site".  Well, they are either the dumbest Spring Peepers and deserve not to mate, or they are the smartest Spring Peepers (choosing a less-competitive location) and just had the bad luck to annoy ME!  Either way, I doubt I am affecting the long-term survival of Spring Peepers...

And if I am?  Well, MY sleep comes first.  Being Top Of The Food Chain has its benefits.

Topics 2-12 to come later, maybe in no particular order, and interrupted by new topics as they come to mind.

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...