Showing posts with label Freaky Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freaky Friday. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

A Peaceful Evening

TBT here...  I am sitting here at the computer.  Marley is sitting on the carpet next to me.  Iza is sitting on the floor next to him.  Ayla is on my lap, a rare event.  All is quiet.  All is peaceful.  All is good in our lives...

But the camera is in the kitchen...  And speaking of "no camera"...

OK, about the "Chicken Thigh Incident".  My view is that Iza was young and none of the Mews or previous cats stole food from my plate .  I could always just get up to answer the phone or check email at the back room in perfect confidence that my food ON A TABLE was always untouched.

Food on the floor in bowls was THEIRS.  Food on the table was MINE!

So imagine my surprise when I glanced through the kitchen door and saw Iza running past with my WHOLE chicken thigh in her mouth.  Keep in mind they had all just been fed full bowls of stinky goodness.

So I ran into the bedroom after her.  Of course she went to the hardest place for me to get at.  She KNEW the space under the bed headboard was tricky.  She WASN'T prepared for The Mop.  I shoved it in under the headboard.  And even then, having been stuffed with good cat food before, she refused to give up the chicken thigh.

She didn't realize I had closed the bedroom door...

Seeing no other exit, she ran into the bedroom bathroom.  And I went in there and closed the door behind me.  Iza, the chicken thigh, and me in the small room.  I was pissed.  And as much as I like to share with the cats, I wasn't planning to eat the chicken thigh after she had chewed on it.  There ARE limits to sharing.

But I didn't want to reward her for stealing my food either.  So took the chicken thigh away from her and left her in the bathroom for 5 minutes while I put the thigh away in a marked container to dice up and give her later.  She enjoyed it and hopefully did not recall that was the same chicken thigh.

IZA:  I have a different view of the "chicken thigh incident".  He abandoned some great food and I was HUNGRY!  He starved me.  I only weighed 12 pounds at the time and thought I should weigh MORE.  So there was this great-smelling food on the TV Tray that he OBVIOUSLY didn't want , so naturally I just picked it up and walked off to a safe place to eat it.  He went all nuts!

Chased me all around the house, and finally I fled to the room he never goes into in daytime, and went to eat the good stuff in peace.  And then he snuck in while I was distracted and CLOSED THE DOOR.  Oh Bast, that was not good...  Nowhere ta go...  Never ever go hide in the shower...  He pulled the good food RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH!  Can you belief that?

And then gave me little bits of it the next day as if I should be pleased.  Well, actually I was.  But still, I grabbed that fair and square.  A WHOLE chicken thigh, unspiced with "stuff" and all mine...  And he took it away from me...

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...