Showing posts with label Old Camera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Camera. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Found The Missing Camera

I found it in the washing machine.  Which doesn't make sense.  Knowing it was missing, and looking for it everywhere, I took all the clothes out of the hamper a few days ago and felt around all the pockets and did not find it.  From any logic, I could just as well found it on the roof.

But there it was...  I've taken the memory card and battery out and I'm letting it sit to dry for a couple weeks.  Maybe it will work after that and maybe not.  And maybe the memory card and battery will work and maybe not.  No rush since I have a new camera, but there are pictures on the memory card and I would like to get at those.

In one sense, it is good to have a mystery solved.  On the other, it is sad to ruin a camera by carelessness.  Fortunately, the cost is not a problem.  And the replacement is identical, so there is no learning curve involved.  

I've taken more pictures with the replacement, but I am too worn out from preparing taxes, Binq's vet visit and sorting out general clutter to process them today.  I'll catch up.  

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Newer Camera

I bought a cheap camera 2 months ago and finally got around to trying to use it.  It was for "children and seniors".  Since the only real use I have for one is blogging and email pics, I thought that would be fine.  It isn't.   And it's too late to return it.

The buttons are monochromatic metal grey.  I can't distinguish the buttons even with my reading glasses.  It has few controls.  I took pics and couldn't upload any.  So I went back to the manual.  Apparently, on this one, you have to format the memory card.  So all the pictures I took with it were never saved!  The zoom function is display-controlled and that is a real pain.  And it allows for several shots real fast, but the control is hard to get at.  

So I did that and took some test pics.  They show up on the camera display and I can cycle through them.  But they won't upload to the computer iPhoto app.  So back to the manual.  It says "connect the provided cable, upload the pictures".  Wow, that was a lot of help.  😏.   I gave up on it.  A real loser of a camera!  Well, it was only $50...  

I'm used to researching products.  So I know that price isn't always the best determinant of quality and ease of use.  But in this case it sure was.  $50 gets you a very bad camera!

I'll give it to a neighbor kid.  They will have it working fine in a day, I'm sure.  😁

So I bought a new camera.  The same model I had.  The problem with the previous one was that it started favoring orange in indoor pics and I think the stabilization was failing.  I tried to fix that in processing in iPhoto by adjusting color adjustment with blue and other hues, but I don't seem to have a talent for that.  I routinely adjust light and color levels, and I increase "definition" in all pics, but the "hues" thing escapes me.

But I liked the old camera otherwise.  The buttons are black with white cut-ins.  I don't need many controls, but it has the ones I need (I'm not trying to do calendar-quality pictures here).  So I went with the same one I was familiar with.  At my age, "familiar" is a good thing...

It didn't take long to go through the settings.  Date and time didn't want to save because I couldn't navigate to the save function a few times but finally managed it.  I took a few test pics, but it it is late and I'll try processing those tomorrow.  But I expect it will work fine.  After all, it is the same model as the old one.

Sometimes I buy "best" and it is usually worth it (but sometimes not).  Sometimes I buy "average" and it works well enough.  I've never bought "cheap" and enjoyed the results.  I learn from that for a few years, but then finally something cheap looks too tempting and I try it.  😞

So anyway, hoping that future pictures on the blogs show up better.

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...