Showing posts with label Walker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walker. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Getting Around Finally

I have been healing faster the past couple days!   

1.  I can mostly free-walk now (needed the walker only when I first got up yesterday).  Not normally or fast, but I can walk enough to function now and every day is better.

2.  I got down to the basement to do a load of laundry and it was easier than a few days ago.  

3.  Took the car out for a brief test-drive.  It is easier than even using the walker.  The hardest part was getting OUT of the car afterwards.  My right leg kept hitting the steering wheel.

4.  I have a last regular Dr visit later today.  I probably don't NEED the visit but it serves "for the record" in case something comes up later.  I'll use the walker, but probably won't need it.  Handy for carrying stuff!

5.  I think I will go out on the deck and maybe down on the backyard tomorrow (but not let The Mews out yet).  I have a couple small bags of kitchen scraps for the compost bin and they are starting to make their presence obvious.  :(

6.  I think I will leave the ladder up against the tree as a reminder.  I'll make a sign to hang on it:  "Use of ladders after age 70 can be dangerous to your health".

7.  I initially made a few ill-informed predictions about when I would be healed.  First, I thought 3-5 days.  Then, another week.  Well, Groundhog Day will be exactly a month and that is my more-informed guess for normal mobility.

8.  This January has not been "best  month ever" but I should be back to my normal activities soon:A strong man pulls a big truck

Sorry, just couldn't resist that!  A sense of humor is important.  "Laugh, and the world laughs with you.  Cry, and you cry alone"...

Sunday, January 24, 2021


I don't often have pics of myself to post, but Great Neighbor Deb took a few yesterday for me.

First, just plain me.  My pics always look a little odd.  Some people have a natural smile even when relaxed.  Not me.  My natural facial expression is a bit dour, even unhappy-looking sometimes.  When I try to smile for a pictures, my eyebrows go up too and I look somewhere between stupid and surprised.

So I actually practiced in front of the mirror!   I managed to keep the eyebrows down and still get a slight smile.

Second, here is a pic of me with the walker Deb's hubby John brought from work.  He works at a public storage place and they have abandoned stuff like that just sitting around.  The thing on top is the breakfast-in-bed tray I mentioned previously.  One end fits over the walker handle and the other end is snug against the bottom of the tray frame.  It works well enough and it is easily removable.  Deb attached a basket in front with zip ties.  The red thing is an AARP fanny pack.  I keep my meds and my Dr appointment cards in there.  Much better than the plastic shopping bag I originally tied there.
I usually wear an N-95 mask when out, but I found a neat cat mask!  If I wear the N-95 mask under it, I will even look like I have a kitty snout, LOL!
Physically, I feel the same as yesterday, so nothing to mention there...  My sleep cycle is all messed up, though.  Sometimes I am tired and go to bed early and get up early; sometimes late and late.  Some nights I can barely sleep (some muscle unhappy in any position).  Other nights, I'm in bed for 10-12 hours.  I'm driving The Mews crazy; they sort of set their daily clocks by when I get up.  

Keepin On Keepin On...

Saturday, January 23, 2021

3 Week Anniversary

Yeah, 3 whole boring (sometimes painful) weeks!  

There is a song with a verse I recall that goes:

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all
Playing solitaire 'til dawn with a deck of fifty one
Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo

Now don't tell me I've nothing to do

The entire lyrics are HERE if you are interested.

Things to do when you are bored:
1.  Hand-wash dishes
2.  Fold your underwear
3.  Clean all your light switch covers
4.  Look yourself up on the internet
5.  Look your friends and family up on the internet
6.  Watch a political TV channel whose views you hate and laugh at them

I bought a universal-fit walker tray.  It doesn't fit (no adjustments possible) so I'm returning it.  I may have mentioned that previously or not.  The good news is that I realized I had an old breakfast-in-bed tray.  It fits on the top of the walker!  Not that it attaches, but it stays on well enough (I'm only going 10' with it).

I will become a member of the smartphone world Monday!  My needs are few (phone away from home, camera, navigation app).  I chose an Apple iPhone XR.

Tried my 1st home food delivery.  They were out of half my order.  Naturally, the stuff I wanted most.  Next time, I will try allowing substitutions.

Medical Report:
1.  Feeling somewhat more mobile
2.  Can handle stairs carefully (but can't do that AND bring the walker down with me)
3.  Seeing orthopedic surgeon about my shoulder Monday
4.  Seeing primary care Dr Thursday for (hopefully) final re-evaluation
5.  Gave up on the tramadol (no effect at all)
6.  Ibuprophen is working fine with no side effects so far (but I'm going lightly with it - a 600mg when I get up and a 200 at bedtime)

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Day 19

First, I just relaxed all day yesterday watching Inauguration Day events.  Well, actually, it was hard to avoid.  Even channels that never show news (like Smithsonian) were broadcasting it.  Mostly, I am just glad that all the election stuff is OVER!

Second, the pulled groin muscle was temporary.  I can still feel it, but it was a lot easier to sleep last night. Still, I'm being VERY careful of it.

Third, I took the first Tramadol pill 4 hours ago.  I can't detect ANY lessening of muscle soreness.  It might as well be a sugar pill.  At least it isn't making me feel drowsy or dizzy or anything.  I'll take another one this evening, but I think I will just stick with Ibuprophen 600mg pill after that.  

Fourth, I swear I am drinking at least a gallon of water a day, but I always feel slightly thirsty.  I try to avoid any late in the evening, I have to get up at night often enough as it is.  Which, I have to say, is a LOT easier than it was a week ago.  

Fifth, I have an appt with an orthopedic surgeon Monday to examine the shoulder joint.  I will be VERY interested  in what she fines.  I could be anything from "you're healing fine" to "let me try this, it may hurt"  to "I'm scheduling an operation".

Sixth, I have an appt with my primary care Dr next Thursday.  I HOPE I won't need it by then, but I probably will.  I don't know what he can do other than measure vital signs like the PA did.  Maybe he will take some xrays to compare to the hospital ones from Jan 5th.

Seventh, I ordered and received a "universal-fit fold down tray" for the walker.  Of course it doesn't fit!  The leg clamps are 2" too short and there is no adjustment possible.  So I am going to try one that has slots that fit over the walker handles.  Those have very specific dimensions, so hopefully it will work.  And since it lifts right off, it will be convenient.  I only need it for transporting meals to the TV room. 

Eighth, the shoulder bruise is gone.  The hip-lower back-other hip bruise WAS solid deep purple.  Now I see some very slight splotching.  So I guess they will fade away in a week.

Other than all that, it is just "sit, sit, sit" though I do make sure to use the walker about 10 minutes per hour.

Computer Madness And Success

 I was using an old laptop last year.  There were problems.  Several keys came loose, the battery died.  I read that both together would pro...