When I cook, I use a lot of bowls, and I never know how many. So I tend to leave that cabinet door open. But if I bump my head into the lower corner ONE MORE TIME I am going to switch the door so it opens the other way!
Pet peeve...
Pet peeve...
I get so tired of muscle cramps sometimes. During the day, I can get finger-clenches and rib muscle cramps. At night I can get thigh or calf cramps. It used to be seem there were causes. If I did too much gripping of shovels while gardening, I got finger-clenches a few hours later. If I lifted too much, I got rib muscle cramps. If I just did too much walking, I got leg cramps in bed.
Now it doesn't even seem connected to physical activity. I got finger-clenches a few days ago after just mowing the lawn and I don't exactly keep it in a death-grip. Tonight I got them and I didn't do ANYTHING active. Sometimes just holding a knife while preparing dinner causes it.
I try to stay hydrated. I take a supplemental potassium tablet. I have a good diet (not a "diet" diet, just good fresh foods with some meat and several colorful veggies). A low dosage Ibuprophen helps. Ointment rubs with aspirin or lidocaine help the finger clenches and rib muscle cramps.
I saw that basketball players use a sort of rolling pin for leg cramps. so I bought one. It's hard to use by yourself. Walking around for 10 minutes usually works.
Mom had the finger-clenching thing and that was the first sign of Parkinson's. I hope it isn't that. Dad had lumbar muscle cramps in his 60s but that went away. Neither are around to ask questions of. I wish I had asked more questions of them, but who thinks about aging at 50?
I am beginning to wonder if the finger-clenches are from typing. I'm a bad typist and a fussy writer. I almost redo half my typing most days. I took typing in high school, but never mastered touch-typing. Well, my fingers and brain don't communicate all that well. I can't play a musical instrument for the same reason.
But that is just my latest thought about the causes. I have no really good reason for the cause. My Dr says these things can happen for many reasons and there isn't much that can be done about it.
I suspect the real cause is DDT exposure. When I was a kid in the 50s, the town I lived in sent mosquito-fogger trucks around several days a week at twilight. It was a DDT fog and supposedly harmless to people. But we kids loved riding our bikes in and out of the fog.
I developed hand-tremors after that and they remain to this day. I got bad enough soon after that and I never could build a decent model kit (glue got everywhere). These days, I have to be really careful handling a mug of tea or bowl of soup.
It's OK; I'm just complaining out load. Attaching notes to tumbleweeds, as some people say...
Mom used to tell me that getting old isn't for sissies. Dad was actually fortunate in a way. He went into dementia before his physical health failed, so he really didn't understand what was going wrong.
Yeah, I'm only 70, but I see what is coming. It probably won't get better. I see the downhill slope more lately. I don't mean to worry anyone; I'm still mentally and physically active and enjoy my life. But life passes in only one direction. I'll never be 30 again. Heck, I'd love to be 50. Tell that to a 20 year old, LOL!
And I expect to be "compos mentis" til around 85-90. That will have been a good run and better than average. Lots of great experiences, lots of good meals, and lots of special cats. And as Frank Sinatra sang once, love was good to me a few times.
I probably shouldn't even really post this, but my finger is over the button and...
I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts. I'm a homie. I went to college there. When th...