Showing posts with label Falling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Falling. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Scene Of The Fall

First, I've felt slightly stiff the past couple days.  I suppose it is because I am re-engaging some muscles  that I had previously been favoring.  Well, I've been more active lately.  Partly just because some degree of activity is recommended for healing; partly because after 7 weeks there are simply some things that MUST be done around the house.

I couldn't ask Deb to take care of me forever.  Thankful as I am for all that wonderful help, I feel a deep need to start to do some things again myself.  Oh for sure, I will ask for help if I need it, but there comes a time...

Which reminds me I need to return the walker to her so that John can return it to his workplace (before it gets "missed" maybe in an inventory).  I wouldn't want to get anyone in trouble.  And besides, that gives me an opportunity to bring a "thank you" gift.  They said they loved my home-baked bread, but I also make an old family banana cake recipe that surprises people.  Think of spice cake in texture and appearance but with banana and walnuts.  The family recipe calls for a bundt cake pan (for even cooking) but I've learned how to make it in muffin trays.  

I was going to bring flowers, but it is near Valentines Day, so I will wait a few weeks on that, as I don't want to confuse a simple THANK YOU with a rather romantic holiday.  Anyway, I will continue with gradual and home-oriented thank you gifts.  My intent is "thank you" reminders of appreciation...

So I am doing more (having a couple minor setbacks) and expecting better things each week.  

Second, here is a pic of the "Beware Of Falling Idiots" zone!  The small ladder was there so I could raise the top of the extension ladder.  I am usually so cautious that I would have tied a rope to a middle rung and tied it around the tree so it couldn't move.  But when I bounced on the lower rungs and pulled side-to-side, it wouldn't move (and indeed it did not).  There is a "U-shaped" stabilizer bar on the top (for roofs) and it was very snug around the trunk.

The branch going to the left at the top is where Laz was sitting and calling for help.  That's why I had to stand on the top rung to reach him.  Well I had the trunk and branch to hold onto.  THAT wasn't the cause of the fall.

BTW, the pale circle near the top of the ladder is where I had a weak fork in the trunk cut down a few years ago.  I keep telling myself I should paint it bright yellow and then paint an emoji on it, LOL!

The ladder on the ground shows where I hit and the orientation.

Well, I had that ladder out to fill the birdfeeder, so I set it down afterwards to take the picture as a good reminder...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I have 2 computers set up.  One is the usual Mac I use to post with.  But last month, I got an old PC up and running and set it up on a card table behind me.

I have a 4'x4' plywood base so the computer chair rolls on it easily at the Mac table.  And that's where the problem started.  The plywood base doesn't quite reach to the new PC card table.  I have to roll it onto some carpet.  Not usually a problem. 

So I moved from the Mac (where I was downloading the new Maverick OSX) and playing Civilization II on the PC, and I failed to negotiate the drop off the plywood correctly and leaned a bit too far over...

Found myself on the floor with the chair in two pieces.  Naturally, I focussed on the chair.  Apparently the sitting part of chair can just lift off the wheeled base, but it took a few minutes to see that (I don't often fall off of chairs and few of THEM come apart).  Actually, I spent some time looking for a loose set screw I assumed was there to prevent exactly this from happening.

There wasn't one.  So I set the sitting part back on the wheeled part and sat in it carefully.  It seemed as solid as ever.  So I just had better be careful wheeling it off the plywood "carpet mat".  I decided that was a good time to call it quits for the night and went to bed.

I'm glad I have synthetic product carpet in the computer room.   The next morning, I discovered that I had also flipped the ashtray over (yes, I smoke) as I fell off the chair.  A lit cigarette fell onto the carpet.  Well, when you are suddenly falling, minor details escape your notice.  As in, I can't recall what song was playing on the radio, what time it was, and whether I had a lit cigarette.

I had a lit cigarette.  It melted an inch long spot in the carpet.  "Darn" (I used other words at the time, but I won't ruin your innocent ears by being specific now).

Fortunately, there was no serious damage to me or anything.  But I sure will remember the awful sudden feeling of falling over in the chair!  Five wheels on the chair and 3 of them did NOT work in my favor, LOL!

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...