Today, I want to discuss a National Event. I don't want to get TOO political about it. I have mine, you have yours and they may differ with both of us caring about our Country.
I am writing this "before", but will schedule it to post 15 minutes before the event. So I will write as if in that moment.
Today is Inauguration Day, the official day of peaceful transition of one civilian Presidential administration to another. This event has continued for over 2 centuries in our democracy. It is an event to honor and be proud of.
In about 15 minutes, Joseph Biden will become President and Kamala Harris will become Vice President after that. Donald Trump will no longer be our (legitimately and duly-elected) President.
I have (figuratively) been holding my breath since Election Day, waiting for this day. I will (figuratively) exhale finally when the oaths of office are completed. It has been a difficult and unpleasant 4 years for many of us both here and abroad.
Many have asked how could we not get rid of Trump sooner. Well, some countries are based on various forms of government that suit them (or are powerless to change). Some are ruled by dictators or merchant oligarchies, some are led by religious leaders, some are lead by powerful or figurative monarchs, some are lead by a judiciary focussed on a sense of general justice (some good, some arbitrary).
We are guided by rule of law. The distinction may not be great. But it generally means that, if we elect an idiot as President for 4 years, we are pretty much stuck with him. Several Presidents have been "impeached" by the House of Representatives, but that only means the Senate holds a trial afterwards. No President has ever been convicted of charges in the Senate, Trump included.
As was said after Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 (and only after the major political leaders of his OWN party said they would vote to convict), "our long national nightmare is over".

A new Presidential administration will take charge in about 15 minutes. Some will be angry, most will be relieved. I expect things will improve in many ways:
1. The struggle against the covid-19 pandemic will be more scientifically and logistically organized.
2. The US will attempt to rebuild damaged international relationships and treaties.
3. We will examine the partisan divisiveness in our country and begin to examine how some of that can be resolved. There are more angry citizens than people like I realized. Perhaps they have some legitimate grievances that can be addressed. Or maybe there is "something in their water" that just makes them crazy. We will have to find out. It won't be easy or quick.
4. I think we spend too much on military armaments, but maybe there is a good reason. We became "the arsenal of democracy" in WWII; old habits die hard. But there ARE powerful anti-democratics countries. The whole military situation bears evaluation.
5. We can't keep helping other countries as much as we used to. We have poverty and hunger here too. More international cooperation and more efficient use of food and medical help is required. Volunteer organizations might help to improve the effectiveness lof government efforts.
6. We can't keep burning fossil fuels which raise global temperatures and greenhouse gases. We (internationally) have the technology to make low and zero emission technologies more widespread.
7. International sex and enslavement activities are increasing. We need to reduce/end that.
That is a start. I expect the Biden administration to address all of these issues soon. That doesn't mean they will be solved in his 4 or 8 years, but he has to start them here and rejoin international efforts to solve them.
It's still 15 minutes to his inauguration in this (slightly imaginary) post. 15 minutes until a new day, a new way, and a better President than we had before.
I now have some hope for the future. I am financially stable; if taxes need to be raised to help fix things I will pay gladly. If I can help in some government program (I have some experience) I will volunteer once I can get around and drive again.
I have always trusted humanity in general to move towards improving life. It seems a natural arc for us. Think of some good idea, tell your neighbors, "pay it forward". Because they gave your tribe a good idea last year. Help each other. We are all on this one planet together. That drug we created is worth giving to others. Not just because they helped you with something else LAST year, but because they needed it.
We are all in this together.
And in 15 minutes, the US will change for the better. And hopefully, with a hard lesson learned...