Showing posts with label Bad Neighbors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad Neighbors. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Things are getting weird.  The bad neighbor who had screaming fights with his girlfriend, kidnapped their toddler child and pushed her with the car has moved back into to the rental across the street.  Who returns to a previous rental place?  But they aren't yelling this time (yet).  Summer seems to trigger him...

The next door neighbors are nuts.  The guy only comes on weekends (there can be good reasons for that).  The lady started burning cut-down brush last Fall.  Under small dry trees and next to my wood fence!  When I saw the flames, I ran out and told her to stop.  She wasn't sure why she should, but she did get her young daughter to bring small buckets from the kiddy pool.  I was ready with an actual garden hose "just in case".  The brush is still piled against my fence.  She might decide to light it at any time. 

The guy arrives on weekends to mow the lawn.  I looked out the window and he was attacking my shrubs with a weedwhacker.  I ran outside and told him to stop.  He said he didn't know where the property line was.  So I showed him the line.  It IS kind of obvious. 

Partly, their grass is crap and mine isn't.  But mostly, any idiot could see that the line inside from the fence corner to my mailbox isn't his.  I showed him the property line with utilities across it and a concrete pad at the street.  I thought that was sufficient.

But NO!  After I turned my back, he went FURTHER onto my yard with his gas-powered weed whacker bark ripping tree killer machine and started attacking the slight grass around one of my trees.

I was stunned, so I went back and yelled at him (I had to yell; he wouldn't turn of the gas engine) and demanded he leave my yard alone (I treat it gentley).  HE got pissed (over loud gas engine whacker he wouldn't turn off). 

I showed him the property line AGAIN.  Stood on it.  "This side yours; this side mine.  Don't ever touch my side again".  He seemed offended.

How does one deal with utter idiots?

I think I stay here because of the cats buried here...

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...