Cat blog friend asked about scary movies and I realized I had more to say about one than would fit as a comment.
When 'Alien' came out in 1979, a friend and I went to see it opening night. We stood in line for hours in the rain, and missed the first showing by only 3 people. We thought is was about bad things from an alien's POV. Boy were WE wrong. When the first viewers cane out, they were pale and shaken! I turned to my friend and asked what we had gotten ourselves into?
Neither of us were particularly frightened by monster movies. I'm realistic, and my friend was a cinema buff, so we weren't either really TOO worried. Space aliens were generally silly, and Earthly ones too unlikely.
But as the movie started darkly, and a sense of unease came over us, and we thought about the looks on the faces of the first audience as they came out, we began to worry. When we first saw the queen alien skeleton in the derelict ship, we both said "Oh crap"!
And even then, we weren't prepared for the first egg. How harmful can a newly-hatched creature be? We found out! And it all got worse from there. By the time Ripley was searching for her cat Jonesie, I was watching most of the screen with partially-shielded eyes. The SUSPENSE was what was killing me!
Right up to the end, I wasn't sure who was going to win. The movie had been unique enough that it might well have been the alien left, sending the ship to Earth...
It is the only movie I have ever left with popcorn uneaten! As we left the theater, I turned to the nearest people in line and said "You aren't prepared for this one".
I still have a T-Shirt I had made afterwards that says "Alien" on the front and "Here, Jonesie" on the back. But I have never watched that movie on TV.
The following Alien movies were easier to watch, but not by much. Enough (since I knew Ripley would win) to watch though. My favorite parts of the later movies were when Ripley confronted the Alien Queen using the personal equipment-mover outfit in Alien2, and when she let herself fall into the molten iron pit in Alien3. I cried as she fell holding the newly-irrupting Queen hatchling to her to prevent it escaping.
Tgere was Alien; Resurrection, but if I saw it, I can't recall anything about it.
But I was surprised some years ago by the movie 'Prometheus'. I watched for a few minutes and realized it felt a bit like 'Alien', so I kept watching. I had no idea it was a prequel. As prequels to movie series go, it was much better than most. It involved a superior humanoid species (likely space-faring ancestors to ourselves in some way, 8' tall, built like giant wrestlers, and technologically-advanced) developing dangerous interstellar creatures as weapons. I didn't watch the whole movie (in and out of the room cleaning) but apparently the human heroine is fighting and losing to the humanoid when a cage is damaged and a dangerous captive octopus-like creature gets loose.
Apparently, it was like a dozen strong humans could capture a panther, but one would have a very hard time of it. And even then, it was a close struggle but the humanoid loses. And the octopus-like creature absorbs him - and his DNA. Making the Alien of the original movies...
The heroine escapes the planet in a makeshift spaceship and instead of returning to Earth goes after humonoid race seeking revenge. That last part is a bit weak, but I guess they couldn't have the Earth being warned about the dangerous aliens.
I understand that there is a Prometheus 2 movie in the works which may explain how the Prometheus heroine fights the sperior humanoid race
But I still can't watch "Alien'...
Showing posts with label Scarey Things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scarey Things. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
I woke up startled this morning. There was a lot bang and I could tell something hit the house. It was too sudden for a branch hitting the roof and the cats were completely poofed! I thought maybe someown had shot at the house.
So I got up and looked around (not turning on lights or walking near the windows). I finally realized there was dust floating in the living room, then that there was a hole in the ceiling, and finally a dent in the floor!
And there, near the bookcase, was a rock the size of a golf ball, and it was WARM...
My house got hit by a little meteorite!!!
I bet that isn't covered by my insurance policy, but I've read they are valuable. I'll probably just keep it though and pay for the roof and ceiling repair myself. Seriously, how many people have a meteorite to show off?
So I got up and looked around (not turning on lights or walking near the windows). I finally realized there was dust floating in the living room, then that there was a hole in the ceiling, and finally a dent in the floor!
And there, near the bookcase, was a rock the size of a golf ball, and it was WARM...
My house got hit by a little meteorite!!!
I bet that isn't covered by my insurance policy, but I've read they are valuable. I'll probably just keep it though and pay for the roof and ceiling repair myself. Seriously, how many people have a meteorite to show off?
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Political Stuff
I'm worried about the Republican Party. When I could first vote in 1968, I thought Richard Nixon was extreme! His "Law and Order" platform against freedom of expression was scary. This was when there actually were liberal republicans (like Senator "Mac" Mathias of Maryland and most of the New England republicans). I considered myself a Republican back then (fiscally moderate and socially progressive).
Then came Reagan (aka "Ronald Ray-Guns" to my college and young professional crowd). He was scarier! Bush The Elder followed and he wasn't too bad (except that he once stated that he didn't think atheists should be considered legitimate citizens).
Then came Bush The Younger. I didn't agree with him much, but at least he seemed sane (although a lightweight thinker, an embarassing mangler of language, and apparently controlled by that extremophile Dick Cheney. "Mission Accomplished" and "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" will follow his administration down through history. His utter inability to judge foreign leaders (“I looked [Putin] in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy" says it all.
And now there is The Donald. The scariest Republican yet... The man is deeply disturbed. A neutral psychiatrist would have a field day with him. Not that he is the only person like that, but he is a possible US President and that makes a WHOLE lot of difference. I would try to describe all the problems, but a cat-blogger I visit said it better than I could and in more detail. Read it HERE.
People think of Trump as a successful businessman. He isn't really. And I don't mean that he is a failed businessman. Its that he isn't really a "businessman". He is a marketing genius! He sells his name. He is like a Kardassian... When anyone looks inside his enterprises, all they find is his name. No substance, no product, no employment. He is like a terrible driver who leaves a long string of bad accidents behind him and escapes them all.
Demagogues like Trump come along in politics every so often. They usually fade soon enough before causing too much harm. And there ARE some signs that Trump is beginning to fade as well. He has lost a couple of State primaries he was expected to win and the next round of primaries are not suiting his style of ideology as well as the earlier ones. So he may fade like Ben Carson (another lunatic) did in the past couple months.
One can only hope...
But you know what scares me the most? His followers... I don't care too much if some individual politician has delusions of grandeur, makes bizarre unrealistic promises, is ammoral, unethical, and changes views as often as rock stars change outfits in concerts. It doesn't fool ME. But it sure fools his supporters. And there are a LOT of THEM...
It is THEIR existence that scares me, keeps me awake at night, and worries me while watching the news. No generally decent civilization ever fell overnight, but there was one day when they suddenly "weren't" anymore. The ancient Greeks were suddenly Roman subjects, the Romans were suddenly bending their knees to the Vandals, the Visigoths who created Spain were driven down by the conquering Moors, the Incas to the Spaniards, etc.
No country lasts forever, and democracies especially are fragile and need constant vigilance to survive. Demagogues are ever-present, needing only one opportunity to succeed.
Trump has to lose...

Then came Reagan (aka "Ronald Ray-Guns" to my college and young professional crowd). He was scarier! Bush The Elder followed and he wasn't too bad (except that he once stated that he didn't think atheists should be considered legitimate citizens).
Then came Bush The Younger. I didn't agree with him much, but at least he seemed sane (although a lightweight thinker, an embarassing mangler of language, and apparently controlled by that extremophile Dick Cheney. "Mission Accomplished" and "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" will follow his administration down through history. His utter inability to judge foreign leaders (“I looked [Putin] in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy" says it all.
And now there is The Donald. The scariest Republican yet... The man is deeply disturbed. A neutral psychiatrist would have a field day with him. Not that he is the only person like that, but he is a possible US President and that makes a WHOLE lot of difference. I would try to describe all the problems, but a cat-blogger I visit said it better than I could and in more detail. Read it HERE.
People think of Trump as a successful businessman. He isn't really. And I don't mean that he is a failed businessman. Its that he isn't really a "businessman". He is a marketing genius! He sells his name. He is like a Kardassian... When anyone looks inside his enterprises, all they find is his name. No substance, no product, no employment. He is like a terrible driver who leaves a long string of bad accidents behind him and escapes them all.
Demagogues like Trump come along in politics every so often. They usually fade soon enough before causing too much harm. And there ARE some signs that Trump is beginning to fade as well. He has lost a couple of State primaries he was expected to win and the next round of primaries are not suiting his style of ideology as well as the earlier ones. So he may fade like Ben Carson (another lunatic) did in the past couple months.
One can only hope...
But you know what scares me the most? His followers... I don't care too much if some individual politician has delusions of grandeur, makes bizarre unrealistic promises, is ammoral, unethical, and changes views as often as rock stars change outfits in concerts. It doesn't fool ME. But it sure fools his supporters. And there are a LOT of THEM...
It is THEIR existence that scares me, keeps me awake at night, and worries me while watching the news. No generally decent civilization ever fell overnight, but there was one day when they suddenly "weren't" anymore. The ancient Greeks were suddenly Roman subjects, the Romans were suddenly bending their knees to the Vandals, the Visigoths who created Spain were driven down by the conquering Moors, the Incas to the Spaniards, etc.
No country lasts forever, and democracies especially are fragile and need constant vigilance to survive. Demagogues are ever-present, needing only one opportunity to succeed.
Trump has to lose...
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Bad Snow-Plowing
We usually see a snow plow come down our dead-end street 2 days after the snow ends. The County admits (reasonably) that Cul De Sacs and Dead-End streets don't have the same traffic demands that more travelled streets do. I accept that.
So I was surprised to see someone plowing my street Sunday morning right after the snow stopped falling. But it wasn't a real snowplow. It was a guy in a front-end loader.
Not the most efficient way to remove snow from streets, but anything was welcome.
He was working well, and even tried to dump the piles of snow in between yards at the property lines. I was watching out the computer room window. Unprepared to go rushing outside in the snow...
It suddenly struck me that his "in-between properties" pattern was going to cover the storm drains at the corners of my property! Ack, it would create an ice dam under the pressure of the snowpile. I yelled at him out of the window and pointed the both storm drains, but he couldn't hear what I was yelling over the noise of the diesel engine. But he could tell I was yelling at him. It went downhill from there...
So I slammed on a pair of shoes and went running outside to explain. I guess he gets complaints from residents who say not to pile the snow on THEIR yards. Because the first thing he screamed at me (yes "screamed") was that 6' off the road was really County property. (well, yes, but only if they do a legal "taking" of it for sidewalks and such).
But I pointed at the 2 storm drains and demanded he NOT pile snow THERE! It happened once 20 years ago and the street in front of me was a ice rink for a week!
I saw him talking to my neighbors shortly after I went back inside. He probably told them I was a crazy person.
Fortunately, he didn't pile snow on one storm drain because I had a trailer parked right next to it. He came close to covering the storm drain that would have caused real problems, but didn't. But he was about to when I ran out...
As annoyed as he was, and least he didn't cover the storm drain!
So he piled it up on my front lawn instead.
Well, the snow had to go SOMEWHERE and at least snow does melt eventually...
So I was surprised to see someone plowing my street Sunday morning right after the snow stopped falling. But it wasn't a real snowplow. It was a guy in a front-end loader.
Not the most efficient way to remove snow from streets, but anything was welcome.
He was working well, and even tried to dump the piles of snow in between yards at the property lines. I was watching out the computer room window. Unprepared to go rushing outside in the snow...
It suddenly struck me that his "in-between properties" pattern was going to cover the storm drains at the corners of my property! Ack, it would create an ice dam under the pressure of the snowpile. I yelled at him out of the window and pointed the both storm drains, but he couldn't hear what I was yelling over the noise of the diesel engine. But he could tell I was yelling at him. It went downhill from there...
So I slammed on a pair of shoes and went running outside to explain. I guess he gets complaints from residents who say not to pile the snow on THEIR yards. Because the first thing he screamed at me (yes "screamed") was that 6' off the road was really County property. (well, yes, but only if they do a legal "taking" of it for sidewalks and such).
But I pointed at the 2 storm drains and demanded he NOT pile snow THERE! It happened once 20 years ago and the street in front of me was a ice rink for a week!
I saw him talking to my neighbors shortly after I went back inside. He probably told them I was a crazy person.
Fortunately, he didn't pile snow on one storm drain because I had a trailer parked right next to it. He came close to covering the storm drain that would have caused real problems, but didn't. But he was about to when I ran out...
As annoyed as he was, and least he didn't cover the storm drain!
So he piled it up on my front lawn instead.
Well, the snow had to go SOMEWHERE and at least snow does melt eventually...
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Funniest Jokes
Since I will be pretty loopy and really unhappy after the tooth extraction at 2 pm today, I am leaving the 4 best jokes I ever heard, for your amusement. I'll be back online Friday (I hope) or Saturday (If things are difficult) when the extraction heals and I don't have the painkiller pills messing up my mind...
Laughter is sometimes the best medicine...
1. Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls 911s. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's actually dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"
2. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire to their tent for the night, and go to sleep.
Laughter is sometimes the best medicine...
1. Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls 911s. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's actually dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"
2. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire to their tent for the night, and go to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes wakes
up and nudges his faithful friend. “Watson, look up at the sky and
tell me what you see.”
“I see millions and
millions of stars, Holmes” replies Watson.
“And what do you deduce
from that?”
Watson ponders for a minute.
Astronomically, it tells me
that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of
| |
Astrologically, I observe
that Saturn is in Leo.
| |
Horologically, I deduce
that the time is approximately a quarter past three.
| |
Meteorologically, I suspect
that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
| |
Theologically, I can see
that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant
part of the universe.
But what does it tell you,
Holmes is silent for a moment.
“Watson, you idiot!”
he says. “Someone has stolen our tent!”
3. Two guys are in the woods when they see a grizzly bear running towards them. The first guy runs away and the other follows.
Surprised, the other man says " What are you thinking, we can't outrun a bear! The first guy says "I just have to outrun you."
Surprised, the other man says " What are you thinking, we can't outrun a bear! The first guy says "I just have to outrun you."
4. A research group was engaged in a
study of longevity in mammals and had recently focused their attention
on a particular species of porpoise. They came to believe
that, if fed just the right combination of nutrients, this particular
porpoise could, in theory, live forever.
To put this to the test, they studied the world's flora and fauna to see if any naturally occurring organism would fit the bill. They finally narrowed the selection down to an unusual species of mynah bird, and they sent a team of researchers off to gather a specimen.
It turns out that the mynah bird in question was quite rare, living only in a single tree in Kenya. The research team finally arrived at the tree to capture a bird, only to find that the tree was surrounded by a pride of very hungry lions, precluding any reasonable attempt to approach and climb the tree.
A suggestion was made that the lions might be manageable if they could be fed, and a couple of fat cape buffalo were captured and offered to the lions. The hungry lions devoured the hapless beasts and lay down upon the grass to digest their meal.
One of the researchers then gingerly tiptoed past the lions, climbed the tree, and had little difficulty capturing one of the mynah birds. He climbed back down the tree and walked past the lions to rejoin the group when a game warden appeared and arrested him for (what else)...
"Transporting mynahs across sated lions for immortal porpoises."
To put this to the test, they studied the world's flora and fauna to see if any naturally occurring organism would fit the bill. They finally narrowed the selection down to an unusual species of mynah bird, and they sent a team of researchers off to gather a specimen.
It turns out that the mynah bird in question was quite rare, living only in a single tree in Kenya. The research team finally arrived at the tree to capture a bird, only to find that the tree was surrounded by a pride of very hungry lions, precluding any reasonable attempt to approach and climb the tree.
A suggestion was made that the lions might be manageable if they could be fed, and a couple of fat cape buffalo were captured and offered to the lions. The hungry lions devoured the hapless beasts and lay down upon the grass to digest their meal.
One of the researchers then gingerly tiptoed past the lions, climbed the tree, and had little difficulty capturing one of the mynah birds. He climbed back down the tree and walked past the lions to rejoin the group when a game warden appeared and arrested him for (what else)...
"Transporting mynahs across sated lions for immortal porpoises."
Hope you liked them
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
An Overdue, But Unwanted Visit
I'm sure you have all had to eventually to something you avoided as long as possible. Tomorrow is my day for one of those. Tomorrow, I visit The Dentist.
8 years ago, the first week of my retirement, I was having lunch with a friend to celebrate my retirement. A filling came loose. Well, it didn't bother me to have it missing, so I delayed going to a dentist to replace it. My previous dentist had just retired and I didn't like the rather odd attitude of the 2 guys who bought his practice. Somehow, the oldr dentist's motto of "We cater to cowards" because "Deal with it you coward".
So not feeling any immediate problem, I figured I would just find a new dentist. Besides, I had some problems in the dental chair, so I kind of avoided doing annything.
No one likes the dental chair, but my reasons are not (I think) the usual ones. I don't mind the drilling. I don't feel it, I don't care. The dentist could just as well be drilling my name in a concrete slab on the wall.
But I have some problems that cause me to avoid the dental chair mightily! And if you are sqeamish, just stop reading. Those of you you who accept that bodily functions vary and are sometimes annoying, may read on.
I have smoked for 45 years, and there are consequences. I cough a lot, I have a constant nasal drip at the back of my throat, my nose runs, I swallow constantly, and as soon has my jaw is open, I salivate. And there are some problems I had before I smoked. I have a small jaw, my teeth are crowded (when I was 30, one dentist wanted to remove 1 forward molar in each right/left and upper/lower part of my jaw to let the remaining teeth "spread out", I can't open my mouth very wide (a standard thick sandwich is a problem, and a thick sub is impossible).
So when that lost-filling tooth twinged a few months ago, I became worried. It subsided, bit there were a few days months later when I detected some problems.
A month ago, I noticed some "pinkish" as I expelled my toothpaste. And then a tiny bit of filling. Then pinkish regulary. I recognized that I had to do something about that and started cutting done on cigarettes. The connection there is that I sure wanted to not cough and have to swallow in the dental chair.
Last week, I suddenly felt a slight movement at that bad tooth. I suspect that there is a broken piece of tooth at the gumline. Fortunately, there is no pain (I think I had a root canal work there 20 years ago).
But it meant that I couldn't put visiting a dentist any longer. I had had Dad living with me for a year in May 2012 to 2013 nd he had a tooth problem. So I had searched Angie's List for the best local dentists. And the one I found for him was very good.
I visited his office today and made an appointment. He's not going to be happy with the problems I have described above. But he specializes on children an old people, and in my experience watching him work on Dad's bad tooth, he will be the most tolerant dentist I can find.
I will see how the initial visit goes. He may simply pull out bits of a broken tooth and drill out the roots. I wouldn't mind the tooth simply being removed. Or he may see I can't handle the dental chair concious and suggest sedation dentistry.
But this is a big step for me right now. I'm not scared of the dentistry work; just my body's annoying reactions to all that stuff in my mouth. The dentist doesn't scare me. But I'm afraid I might choke to death while he does his good work!
If I don't return, then something went really wrong. Seriously, one never knows...
8 years ago, the first week of my retirement, I was having lunch with a friend to celebrate my retirement. A filling came loose. Well, it didn't bother me to have it missing, so I delayed going to a dentist to replace it. My previous dentist had just retired and I didn't like the rather odd attitude of the 2 guys who bought his practice. Somehow, the oldr dentist's motto of "We cater to cowards" because "Deal with it you coward".
So not feeling any immediate problem, I figured I would just find a new dentist. Besides, I had some problems in the dental chair, so I kind of avoided doing annything.
No one likes the dental chair, but my reasons are not (I think) the usual ones. I don't mind the drilling. I don't feel it, I don't care. The dentist could just as well be drilling my name in a concrete slab on the wall.
But I have some problems that cause me to avoid the dental chair mightily! And if you are sqeamish, just stop reading. Those of you you who accept that bodily functions vary and are sometimes annoying, may read on.
I have smoked for 45 years, and there are consequences. I cough a lot, I have a constant nasal drip at the back of my throat, my nose runs, I swallow constantly, and as soon has my jaw is open, I salivate. And there are some problems I had before I smoked. I have a small jaw, my teeth are crowded (when I was 30, one dentist wanted to remove 1 forward molar in each right/left and upper/lower part of my jaw to let the remaining teeth "spread out", I can't open my mouth very wide (a standard thick sandwich is a problem, and a thick sub is impossible).
So when that lost-filling tooth twinged a few months ago, I became worried. It subsided, bit there were a few days months later when I detected some problems.
A month ago, I noticed some "pinkish" as I expelled my toothpaste. And then a tiny bit of filling. Then pinkish regulary. I recognized that I had to do something about that and started cutting done on cigarettes. The connection there is that I sure wanted to not cough and have to swallow in the dental chair.
Last week, I suddenly felt a slight movement at that bad tooth. I suspect that there is a broken piece of tooth at the gumline. Fortunately, there is no pain (I think I had a root canal work there 20 years ago).
But it meant that I couldn't put visiting a dentist any longer. I had had Dad living with me for a year in May 2012 to 2013 nd he had a tooth problem. So I had searched Angie's List for the best local dentists. And the one I found for him was very good.
I visited his office today and made an appointment. He's not going to be happy with the problems I have described above. But he specializes on children an old people, and in my experience watching him work on Dad's bad tooth, he will be the most tolerant dentist I can find.
I will see how the initial visit goes. He may simply pull out bits of a broken tooth and drill out the roots. I wouldn't mind the tooth simply being removed. Or he may see I can't handle the dental chair concious and suggest sedation dentistry.
But this is a big step for me right now. I'm not scared of the dentistry work; just my body's annoying reactions to all that stuff in my mouth. The dentist doesn't scare me. But I'm afraid I might choke to death while he does his good work!
If I don't return, then something went really wrong. Seriously, one never knows...
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Changing The Clocks And Watches
As I said yesterday way more briefly than I intended to (I meant to go back and add a lot more Saturday evening) I love Daylight Saving Time...