Well, here it is all done. The gutter guys were in and out so fast, I
hardy got any pictures (and I was pretty worn out by that time).
The house looks GREAT!
The neighbors have commented on it (favorably).
I am thrilled!
See the downspouts? I have 6" gutters and downspouts, and a gutter cover that will keep leaves out (finally).
this siding is smoother than the old siding. No place for mildew to
get into for a long, long time. A lot easier to keep clean!
something else. The workers were very careful about my plants all
around the house. Very little damage. I watched them moving the
ladders around, and they really worked to not damage them. That
I will be giving them an "A" rating all the way on Angies List.
Showing posts with label Siding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siding. Show all posts
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The New Outside, 5
The New Siding (finally):
They worked on the front first. That went slow because of all the windows. They were VERY careful about fitting the siding around those...
It was the same on the back. More windows...
The sides went a LOT faster. No windows, LOL! But the angles for the roof took time. They were VERY careful about THAT too. In fact, one guy did all the angle werk. He seemed to be a specialist in a couple other parts of the job too. And maybe they do the sides last because its easier to measure the amount of siding still needed. That seemed to be a concern (but they had leftover siding they left with me).
I know the siding loks a bit gray, but it is greener than in the pictures. Maybe because it was cloudy.
They worked on the front first. That went slow because of all the windows. They were VERY careful about fitting the siding around those...
It was the same on the back. More windows...
The sides went a LOT faster. No windows, LOL! But the angles for the roof took time. They were VERY careful about THAT too. In fact, one guy did all the angle werk. He seemed to be a specialist in a couple other parts of the job too. And maybe they do the sides last because its easier to measure the amount of siding still needed. That seemed to be a concern (but they had leftover siding they left with me).
I know the siding loks a bit gray, but it is greener than in the pictures. Maybe because it was cloudy.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The New Outside, 4
So, he first thing they did was start puting new soffit on the undersides of the eaves.
I was surprised at how much work was involved. They did more than the original builder did! They added anchor strips and checked for it being level in all 3 directions. I enjoyed listening to them calling the measurements down to the guy doing the cutting. "5 4 3" is 5 feet 4 and 3/8 inches. No wasted words, LOL!
The results looked great! (This is before they screwed the outside edge to the bottom of the overhang). But I don't have a good picture of that.
I was surprised at how much work was involved. They did more than the original builder did! They added anchor strips and checked for it being level in all 3 directions. I enjoyed listening to them calling the measurements down to the guy doing the cutting. "5 4 3" is 5 feet 4 and 3/8 inches. No wasted words, LOL!
The results looked great! (This is before they screwed the outside edge to the bottom of the overhang). But I don't have a good picture of that.
Friday, September 21, 2012
The New Outside, 3
The House, stripped of the old siding...
And the new underlayment/insulation on.
Unlike the original builder, they covered every square inch with insulation.
End of first day...
They arrived the next morning, when the new siding was to be delivered. It wasn't. They did what they could, waiting. There were some soffits still to be removed, and electrics (like my motion detector lights over the front door) to be detached and capped off for safety.
But the new siding still wasn't delivered. They called about it and were told it wouldn't be there til after noon, so they left.
But the delivery came immediately. A delivery driver called in sick, but an office guy loaded up a pickup and drove it over. Fortunately, the siding guys saw it coming into the neighborhood and followed it back here.
So they unloaded...
And they went right to work! YAY!!!
And the new underlayment/insulation on.
Unlike the original builder, they covered every square inch with insulation.
End of first day...
They arrived the next morning, when the new siding was to be delivered. It wasn't. They did what they could, waiting. There were some soffits still to be removed, and electrics (like my motion detector lights over the front door) to be detached and capped off for safety.
But the new siding still wasn't delivered. They called about it and were told it wouldn't be there til after noon, so they left.
But the delivery came immediately. A delivery driver called in sick, but an office guy loaded up a pickup and drove it over. Fortunately, the siding guys saw it coming into the neighborhood and followed it back here.
So they unloaded...
And they went right to work! YAY!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The New Outside, 2
The debris was amazing!
They cleaned everything up every day.
They could have waited to the end of the work. I would have thought that OK. But they like to leave the place clean every day.
I was impressed! They are professionals, and have pride in their work.
They cleaned everything up every day.
They could have waited to the end of the work. I would have thought that OK. But they like to leave the place clean every day.
I was impressed! They are professionals, and have pride in their work.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
The New Outside, 1
OK, I took enough pictures of the changing of the outside of the house, so I an sure going to show them!
This is how bad the siding looked. It got so abraded in 26 years that the mildew couldn't be blasted off with housewash spray and pressuse rinse. It would look good for a month, then mildew grew again (the front faces north, so no sunlight to kill mildew).
I tried sprays, I tried mopping, I gave up. Vini, Vica, Surrendre! And 26 years of blue was enough anyway.
"There is a time, (turn turn turn)
To have a new look (turn turn turn)
To have another color, under the sun."
"A time for a change,
A time for new,
A time for color other than blue,
A time to re-flect a new clean of viewing."
So the guys are stripping the old siding off. They really knew their business. Without words, they moved together or apart to do the job perfectly!
I knew the house was built badly just by living here. But I learned new shortcuts about it when the old siding was pulled off. See the raw plywood? That was all supposed to have been covered with insulation. It wasn't. But when the house was buit in 1986, I could only visit on weekends. I didn't see that part done poorly.
The new work was what the old work SHOULD have been. Insulation put on every square foot. And the guys tapped every spot to make sure that they nailed not just into the sheathing, but the interior wall studs for greater strength.
They did such GREAT work. Watching them measure the flashings around the windows (as they took the old stuff OFF was wonderful. They checked the levels of all windows several tines before they attached anchors for the new trim and siding.
I knew as I watched them merely REMOVE the siding, that they knew what they were doing!
This is how bad the siding looked. It got so abraded in 26 years that the mildew couldn't be blasted off with housewash spray and pressuse rinse. It would look good for a month, then mildew grew again (the front faces north, so no sunlight to kill mildew).
I tried sprays, I tried mopping, I gave up. Vini, Vica, Surrendre! And 26 years of blue was enough anyway.
"There is a time, (turn turn turn)
To have a new look (turn turn turn)
To have another color, under the sun."
"A time for a change,
A time for new,
A time for color other than blue,
A time to re-flect a new clean of viewing."
So the guys are stripping the old siding off. They really knew their business. Without words, they moved together or apart to do the job perfectly!
I knew the house was built badly just by living here. But I learned new shortcuts about it when the old siding was pulled off. See the raw plywood? That was all supposed to have been covered with insulation. It wasn't. But when the house was buit in 1986, I could only visit on weekends. I didn't see that part done poorly.
The new work was what the old work SHOULD have been. Insulation put on every square foot. And the guys tapped every spot to make sure that they nailed not just into the sheathing, but the interior wall studs for greater strength.
They did such GREAT work. Watching them measure the flashings around the windows (as they took the old stuff OFF was wonderful. They checked the levels of all windows several tines before they attached anchors for the new trim and siding.
I knew as I watched them merely REMOVE the siding, that they knew what they were doing!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Ack. Roof Problem!
You never know when you will discover a house problem. I happened to reach for a book on the top shelf of the bookcase, and a "wrong" image caught my eye. You live in a house for 26 years and you know every square inch of it...
There was a slightly off-color spot on the living room ceiling. I looked at it a few minutes, then backed away across the room. A 3' area sagged about an inch. I got up into the attic...
The attic is not my favorite area. I always expect that hornets will have moved in, or squirrels, or knife-wielding people with masks. Its been a year at least since I was up there. Its "The Land of Old Boxes and Junk". Ayla loves to climb ladders, and even she won't go up there!
Years ago, I put plywood sheets down on the center of the attic. I meant to do the other half, but there were problems with wiring going over the joists and I put it off. I should have finished the work.
Because when I got up there and crab-walked over the joists to where the possible leak was, I found one! One drop per minute while it was raining yesterday. When the rain stopped, so did the drips.
So I looked around for a wide pan to catch the drips so they wouldn't soak the plaster ceiling any more. I found an unused cat litter pan in the basement and went back in the attic with a piece of plywood scrap to span the joists to support the pan to collect the drips.
You know how, any time you find a good solution, a better comes to mind after? I was looking around for a large wide container to catch drips and settled on a kitty litty pan. Well, when I went to bed that night, I was staring at a HUGE plastic storage bin that would hold about 20 gallons!
I'm usually smarter than that about thinking of the best things to use. But fortunately the rain is stopped for a week, so the need to get back up into the attic with the larger container is delayed.
I had a roofing expert come to the house today. He was REALLY NICE! He got up on the roof, examined the spot, and saw that a tree branch had fallen onto the roof and punctured the plywood slightly. Small hole, slow leak. Ans his best guess that even a hurricane (like Isaac) coming up through the Southeast US IF it hit maryland on the way east, wouldn't fill the pan. So I'm OK.
But that means a roof job. It's 26 years old. I had been planning to replace it anyway. 20 year guarantee and lasting 26 years is "OK".
But the roof isn't the only problem. The cheap vinyl siding is about worn out. It was "builders grade", and that is about as poor as it gets. But I didn't know anything about that stuff 26 years ago. It needs to be replaced too. It is so abraded by weather that the surface is rough and grows mold and mildew rampantly. It stayed clean for 13 years, so I cleaned it. Then it only stayed clean for 3 years and I cleaned it. Then it only stayed clean 1 years. Then 6 months. Now it can't stay clean of mold and mildew on the north side of the house at all. So I need new vinyl siding.
So I have added new siding to the roof job (he does both). I'm not going to be "the blue house" anymore. We are changing to a slightly greyish green with darker green trim and "heather" shingles.
I couldn't expect it all to last forever. Well, actually, I didn't expect to live in this "starter house" for 26 years. But here I am and I don't plan to move just yet.
I'm glad I have savings, I can write a check for the whole work... On the other hand, that's 80% of the checking account. But the house is going to look a WHOLE lot better in a couple weeks and I'm not touching the savings account at all.. Happily, the inside is in great condition.
Its time to have some work done on the house...
Things are going to be VERY NOISY here for 3 days in a week from now...
There was a slightly off-color spot on the living room ceiling. I looked at it a few minutes, then backed away across the room. A 3' area sagged about an inch. I got up into the attic...
The attic is not my favorite area. I always expect that hornets will have moved in, or squirrels, or knife-wielding people with masks. Its been a year at least since I was up there. Its "The Land of Old Boxes and Junk". Ayla loves to climb ladders, and even she won't go up there!
Years ago, I put plywood sheets down on the center of the attic. I meant to do the other half, but there were problems with wiring going over the joists and I put it off. I should have finished the work.
Because when I got up there and crab-walked over the joists to where the possible leak was, I found one! One drop per minute while it was raining yesterday. When the rain stopped, so did the drips.
So I looked around for a wide pan to catch the drips so they wouldn't soak the plaster ceiling any more. I found an unused cat litter pan in the basement and went back in the attic with a piece of plywood scrap to span the joists to support the pan to collect the drips.
You know how, any time you find a good solution, a better comes to mind after? I was looking around for a large wide container to catch drips and settled on a kitty litty pan. Well, when I went to bed that night, I was staring at a HUGE plastic storage bin that would hold about 20 gallons!
I'm usually smarter than that about thinking of the best things to use. But fortunately the rain is stopped for a week, so the need to get back up into the attic with the larger container is delayed.
I had a roofing expert come to the house today. He was REALLY NICE! He got up on the roof, examined the spot, and saw that a tree branch had fallen onto the roof and punctured the plywood slightly. Small hole, slow leak. Ans his best guess that even a hurricane (like Isaac) coming up through the Southeast US IF it hit maryland on the way east, wouldn't fill the pan. So I'm OK.
But that means a roof job. It's 26 years old. I had been planning to replace it anyway. 20 year guarantee and lasting 26 years is "OK".
But the roof isn't the only problem. The cheap vinyl siding is about worn out. It was "builders grade", and that is about as poor as it gets. But I didn't know anything about that stuff 26 years ago. It needs to be replaced too. It is so abraded by weather that the surface is rough and grows mold and mildew rampantly. It stayed clean for 13 years, so I cleaned it. Then it only stayed clean for 3 years and I cleaned it. Then it only stayed clean 1 years. Then 6 months. Now it can't stay clean of mold and mildew on the north side of the house at all. So I need new vinyl siding.
So I have added new siding to the roof job (he does both). I'm not going to be "the blue house" anymore. We are changing to a slightly greyish green with darker green trim and "heather" shingles.
I couldn't expect it all to last forever. Well, actually, I didn't expect to live in this "starter house" for 26 years. But here I am and I don't plan to move just yet.
I'm glad I have savings, I can write a check for the whole work... On the other hand, that's 80% of the checking account. But the house is going to look a WHOLE lot better in a couple weeks and I'm not touching the savings account at all.. Happily, the inside is in great condition.
Its time to have some work done on the house...
Things are going to be VERY NOISY here for 3 days in a week from now...
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Sports, 1
I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts. I'm a homie. I went to college there. When th...