Showing posts with label Early Years. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Early Years. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day

 I am not technically a "human father" (so far as I know, and at 74, I probably would by now).  But I am a "Cat-Daddy" and that is sufficient for me.  It is actually an honor.  I have known some people who just have a "family cat" and if it disappears or dies, they just get another.  Like replacing a broken vase...

They matter more to me than a vase.  Each cat in my life has been a distinct individual.  A self-aware being knowing it had a life.  And everyone of them has been unique in some habits.    

I wasn't always perfect in my care for them.  Sometimes in my early years, buying them food was more on my mind than regular vet care.  But as my financial situation improved, so did their care.   I feel sorry for the earliest ones who could have lived longer, but I seldom had one who died before 12.  I do often wish I had those years and cats to live over with better.

so the past 35+ years have sort of been making atonement for the failures of the past.  i have gone from "cool, a cat in the house" to being able to take care of several at  time.  sometimes, it has been 2 (Skeeter and LC) to 4 (a couple of times).

Today, it is 4.  It could be calmer.  Marley always gets along with all cats.  Lori doesn't love Loki and Binq very much (but that is getting better slightly these days).  Loki and Binq love each other.  And they both like Marley.  

I used to resist the title of "Cat-Daddy".  Their actual daddies were unknown male cats.  But I am accepting the idea now.  I serve as a parent to them.  I don't quite know how they think of me, so I stick with "The Big Thing".  Well, I am big and not a cat.  They probably don't quite know what I am.  I am probably more like "Mom" to them (food, cleaning, attention), but for all they know, "Dad" would do the same.

I would be pretty much "undone" without The Mews.  I need them at least as much as they need me.  They talk to me as much as I talk to them.  Loki is particularly vocal (as were Ayla and Iza). 

So Happy Fathers Day to all you of actual "Fathering'.  And I will take my indirect "fathering" of The Mews with respect for the day.

Happy Father's Day Cat lover Card | Zazzle


Sports, 2

I've mentioned sports too much.  But I have to tell you about a big event before high school. I played in little league.  I was a terrib...