Showing posts with label Still Trying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Still Trying. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024


I can't do a proper garden this year.  Bad hip and too much shade now where I built raised beds years ago.   So I bought a dozen 10 gallon containers and put them in the sunniest spot in the back yard.  And then bought 50/50 topsoil/compost mix from a local nursery to fill them.  

I'm glad for my 5x8' trailer, glad for my 3x4' yard cart, glad for my lawn tractor to haul the cart, and glad for my saved collection of 5 gallon 35# cat litter buckets to fill in the cart!  I can't lift anything that heavy anymore, but I am sure glad I kept the old ones.

It took a few days (that hip thing, "grunt, ouch") but I finally got 10 containers filled.  Planted 4 heirloom Cherokee Purple and 2 Brandywine tomatoes.  It is a bit late, but they are 2' mature, so I should get something from them.  Have 2 cherry tomatoes yet to plant but they produce fast and should be OK.

The other 4 containers will have "early" bi-color corn with flat italian beans growing up the stalks.  I would have planted those yesterday, but it rained suddenly.  And I like to pre-soak corn and beans anyway.  

Not much of a garden this year compared to years past, but the important thing was that I did it.  Sometimes the "trying" is the point.

10 years ago, I had a garden that produced these beauties in one day which I started from seed myself...

And gave me these in just one day.  I ate tomatoes with every meal for days and loved it!

Now, I am reduced to store-bought seedlings in container pots.  *sigh*. But you do what you can...

Computer Madness And Success

 I was using an old laptop last year.  There were problems.  Several keys came loose, the battery died.  I read that both together would pro...