No terrible act is remembered forever in history. But I will remember THIS day 11 years ago all MY life.
December 7, 1941 is etched in my memory, though I was not alive them. I know it from history, but what was recent history to me when I aged enough.
November 22, 1963 is part of my childhood memory as a day of great sadness. I remember looking up at the public address system of the school when it was announced that the President had been killed. The PA box was blonde wood, rounded square shaped, slightly wider at the top than the bottom, with brown cloth covering the speaker. You remember the strangest things sometimes.
I was older of course on 9-11. The day started with an announcement on the radio about a small plane crashing into a World Trade Center Building. I mentioned it in passing to my supervisor. The next few reports made it seem worse.
Then I felt a THUMP under my feet at 9:37. I didn't know that the Pentagon had been struck. But I realized after that, that I had felt the strike. I happened to look at my watch. Seared in memory.
My govt office had some Emergency Management functions, so there was a special TV in a conference room. Most of us ended up in there. I was out on the roof at the time the first Tower went down, so I didn't see it in real time.
I saw the 2nd Tower go down though. Most thought it a replay of the 1st Tower, but I saw the difference and called attention to it. We all stared in horror.
There are evil vicious cruel acts occurring all over the world on a daily basis. Victims have their lives shattered every day. No one is free of them. I will not make guesses on "worst".
There are reasons given for all destructive killing acts. Most of them are pathetically weak. But some are more unsensible and evil than others.
I have a background in history. Phenomenally and nearly innumerable horrible acts abound through the ages. Pol Pot, Nazis, Colonialism, Inquisitions, Witch-Burnings, European Christian Crusades, Islamist invasions, Mongol and Hun attacks, Viking slaughters, and back on through the lost times of history. No age is free of vicious and pointless deaths.
But I will remember 9-11 all my life with a line I read in the book 'Dune'. "Never forgive, never forget".
But I should. When I read about some cultural group angry about something that happened 500 years ago, I have to wonder about the "never forgetting" part. There was the December 7th attack, but we think of Japan as an ally now. As Germany is a democracy now, as is Italy. Forgiveness is possible.
There may be a day when I will forgive the Islamists for the 9-11 attack.
But today is not that day.