The earliest established daffodils are up. Not blooming yet, but leaves about 4" high.
They will look like this soon.
I expected the gradual emergence about now. My excitement is that some of the ones I planted in early Winter are showing up. Planting was delayed because they arrived late, the weather was cold, it was a new spot, I needed to cover the spot with brown packing paper (to smother grass), shovel several inches on 50-50 compost/topsoil on top of that, my hip hurt, and I had to drill 250 holes. The drill auger helped...
Because they were planted late and Spring bulbs need a certain amount of "chill time" to get out of dormancy and develop roots, I wasn't sure if they would emerge this year or just sulk until next year (if ever recovering).
So I am pleased to say that at least 25 (so far) have sent up leaves. That suggests that more are on their way up. I check each day and see a few newer leaves each time.
Yay! 😁