Showing posts with label Beyond My Experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beyond My Experience. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bathtub Tile Repair

I mentioned recently that my bathroom tub tiles were loose and needed repair.  And since I am a reasonably talented D-I-Yr, I was asked why I couldn't do it myself. 

Well, I've never done any tile work, and this sure isn't the place to start...

Here is the humiliating proof...

I am quite sure that the tile backing is utterly rotted.  It may need studs replaced.  And I know for sure I don't want to mess with grout...

This is one thing I don't feel remotely competent to fix.

University of Maryland's Women's Basketball Team

I thought the Maryland Men's basketball survived a tight game NCAA game 72-71 with a buzzer-beater.  But DAMN the 4th-seeded Maryland Wo...