Showing posts with label Damn Idiots.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Damn Idiots.. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Annoying Recall Notice

 The bad...  My electric Ryobi mower is on recall.  I received an email from them about that.  Directed me to a phone number or a website.  I thought the phone call would be easier.  I was sure wrong about that!

I called the number Friday.  Got an agent quickly (yay).  Gave her all the information she asked for (so they could set up a case file).  She said I would immediately receive an instruction email about disabling the old mower and they would send me a replacement.

I didn't receive an email...

So I called again yesterday.  It was a complete experience of ineptitude!  I guessed (correctly) that they had gotten my email wrong.  Even though I carefully provided it letter by letter (and spoke very clearly).  So this time, I had basic military code words written down for my email address ("Alpha" for A, "Bravo" for B, "Charlie" for C, etc.  

The agent still got it wrong 3 times!  It was maddening.  Even when I asked her to repeat it back to me, she used wrong words.  How can you mistake "Bravo" for "Victor"?  But we finally got that worked out.

Then came my address.  I recognize that my street name is not common.  There is a B where a V seems more likely.  But I gave it to her code word by code word.  And she got that wrong twice.  Apparently, she couldn't type accurately.  And let me say that I'm only saying "her" because her voice suggested she obviously was; not some sense of insult.

We finally got through that.  

Then came the Zip code.  I said 2O6O1, and that didn't register in her computer.  I didn't realize I was talking to a Canadian.  They have letters in their postal codes and in the US it is assumed to be all numbers, so saying O and 0 are the same.  OK, my bad!

Once I figured that out, I corrected it.  And apologized.  I repeated my Postal Code as all numerics.

So she read back all the information I had provided.  And had completed botched almost everything.  Still had my email wrong, still had my street name wrong, still had the Postal Code wrong.  Seriously, how can you confuse the spoken word of "one" with "nine? 

So it was another round of correcting the information. 

That was 45 minutes of idiocy.  She finally did get everything right, because I did receive the promised email of instructions while we were still talking.  And then she said to ignore that.  Apperently, she had to register me with Ryobi/TTI.  ARRRGGGHHH!

She said her system said there was still a problem and put me on hold for 10 minutes.  Came back finally and said it was all worked in their database that I was qualified.  Never mind that they had already said I was qualified for a replacement mower.  I might get the replacement in 2 weeks.  After following the instructions about disabling the old mower.  

And that the original instructions were correct.  In a pdf file I had to download and open, and print.  I have to clip off at least 6" of 2 wires and take before and after pictures.   And send a pic of the model/serial number label.  Which is so small and inconvenient that I'm not sure if I can, and then email it to them.  But that is tomorrow's problem.

I really don't need this kind of aggravation!

My new laptop has only a power plug and 2 USB-C ports.  Can't even plug in a wireless mouse directly

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Tax Form Troubles

I like to write in detail.  I hope you like to read in detail, LOL!

It's been a bad several days.   I thought I had struggled through my tax form software and gotten Federal and State forms printed out to mail.  But a couple of the questions and even how to mail them bothered Saturday. 

Cure for thinning hair? Scientists find plucking ...

I'll dispose of the mailing issue first; it's just less complicated.  I had more sheets of paper to send than would fit in a legal size envelope, so I would have to actually GO TO the Post Office with a large flat envelope to have them tell me the postage.  I know what the lines are like there on Tax Day and would do almost anything to avoid it.  I eventually resolved that, but I'll tell you at the end.  But the immediate concern was that I tried e-filing the tax form earlier today (Sunday).

The 2 items in the tax form itself were the US Stimulus checks and the credit for the car donation I made last year.  I found a deposit for the 1st check, but not a 2nd one.  I checked all my bank statements for 2020.  Either the Govt didn't send me the 2nd one, someone took it out of my mailbox, or I didn't recognize it as legitimate (they warned later it arrives as non-govt mail).  But I was worried about the consequences of not reporting it.

Saturday I saw a report on TV reminding tax-filers that the stimulus checks are non-taxable, so I stopped worrying about whether I reported the 2nd one or not.  

The worse part was the car donation tax form.  I had assumed that a 15 year old car wasn't worth much even with only 30K miles on it.  So I donated it.  I should have checked at the time.  When I checked a standard professional estimation site last week, I found that this year it would have been worth $7249 (so surely would have been worth more last year when I donated it).  And Carmax offerred to buy it for $8800 (of course it was long gone).  

So I entered the $7249 on specific donations form.  I got a receipt from the charity organization.  It had the vehicle make/model, VIN, date, and a signature on a form naming the charity.  What else could I need?  Well, apparently an appraisal document and a tax form from the charity...

I donated a previous car to the same charity, and I didn't need that then.  So that part was missing from my tax documents.  Being that I was using tax preparation software, I assume any question it doesn't ask is not applicable or necessary.  And the tax software "accuracy review" found no issues when I printed out the forms to mail.

That's where the mailing issue resurfaced.  Not willing to stand in line at the Post Office for an hour or more, I decided to e-file.  Which meant I would have to pay a "convenience fee" to use a 3rd party for a credit card payment but it seemed worth it.  It used to be $20, but it is down to $2.95 for a $6 payment, so OK.  I'll gladly pay $3 to not stand in line for an hour!

Guess what?  The tax software that happily allowed me to print out the forms with a missing donation appraisal form said the IRS would not accept an e-filing without that form.  So instead of standing in line at the Post Office, I spent 3 hours trying to provide the required information on the form or get it elsewhere.  

If I mail my tax forms, I can include explanations for missing information.  E-filing does not permit that.  E-filing is only for "perfect forms".  If I mail it, they have to receive it and read everything.  If I e-file, their computer can "just say no".

So I was really in a situation.  Tomorrow is the filing deadline.  So I could stand in line mailing printed forms with 1 incomplete or file for an extension.  All my numbers on the tax forms are accurate; I am WAY too honest (and scared of the IRS) to lie about anything.

If I mail the forms (all with accurate numbers) all they can do is tell me I need to complete one specific form more properly, and I can contact the charity for that.  

So I went to the US Post Office website and found the most accurate estimate of the mailing cost.  $1.50, so I added a couple more stamps for safety and put it in the mailbox.  My $6 check is in there.  The IRS can't say I didn't pay (my total taxes were rather higher; the $6 was just the additional amount owed).

Done, finished, will be picked up Monday.  I tossed the Sate tax forms in the mailbox too.  It is based on the Federal tax form, so no reason to wait.  At least THEY owe ME money.

I may never donate a car to a charity again.  The IRS makes it altogether too annoying at tax time.

A weight off my back...  Now I can get back to the cats and garden.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Idiots Everywhere

My next door neighbor cut down most of the hedge between her and the farther neighbor 2 months ago.  It might have been by agreement, but I wonder if they know (as only I do being here before both of them) that the hedge was planted by the previous owner of the OTHER house. 

Not all that important, but that same immediate neighbor decided to burn the dried hedge material in the back yard.  Under small dry trees.  Among other dry debris.  Next to my wood fence...

Fortunately, I happened to step out side and heard the very distinct sound of a crackling fire.

Seriously, there was dry brush from the original burning spot all the way to my fence.  I told her it was very dangerous for several obvious reasons and that she needed to put it out.  She said OK and told her child to bring water.  It came in a child's pail which the woman splashed around a bit.  But they did that several times and it appeared to be extinguished.  The woman went inside; I stayed out to watch.  Fortunately it really was out.

Who is dumb enough to burn dry brush under dry trees near a wood fence?

Just a few minutes ago, I went to the local 7-11 literally midnight, and there was a teenager who just sailed through a busy intersection (with no overhead lights) on a black push scooter.  Wearing black clothes.  I only saw him in the headlights as I turned.  And I hit the brakes.  Another driver turning oppositely almost hit him too. 

Is there something in the water that is making people stupid?

Sports, 2

I've mentioned sports too much.  But I have to tell you about a big event before high school. I played in little league.  I was a terrib...