Thursday, January 21, 2021

Day 19

First, I just relaxed all day yesterday watching Inauguration Day events.  Well, actually, it was hard to avoid.  Even channels that never show news (like Smithsonian) were broadcasting it.  Mostly, I am just glad that all the election stuff is OVER!

Second, the pulled groin muscle was temporary.  I can still feel it, but it was a lot easier to sleep last night. Still, I'm being VERY careful of it.

Third, I took the first Tramadol pill 4 hours ago.  I can't detect ANY lessening of muscle soreness.  It might as well be a sugar pill.  At least it isn't making me feel drowsy or dizzy or anything.  I'll take another one this evening, but I think I will just stick with Ibuprophen 600mg pill after that.  

Fourth, I swear I am drinking at least a gallon of water a day, but I always feel slightly thirsty.  I try to avoid any late in the evening, I have to get up at night often enough as it is.  Which, I have to say, is a LOT easier than it was a week ago.  

Fifth, I have an appt with an orthopedic surgeon Monday to examine the shoulder joint.  I will be VERY interested  in what she fines.  I could be anything from "you're healing fine" to "let me try this, it may hurt"  to "I'm scheduling an operation".

Sixth, I have an appt with my primary care Dr next Thursday.  I HOPE I won't need it by then, but I probably will.  I don't know what he can do other than measure vital signs like the PA did.  Maybe he will take some xrays to compare to the hospital ones from Jan 5th.

Seventh, I ordered and received a "universal-fit fold down tray" for the walker.  Of course it doesn't fit!  The leg clamps are 2" too short and there is no adjustment possible.  So I am going to try one that has slots that fit over the walker handles.  Those have very specific dimensions, so hopefully it will work.  And since it lifts right off, it will be convenient.  I only need it for transporting meals to the TV room. 

Eighth, the shoulder bruise is gone.  The hip-lower back-other hip bruise WAS solid deep purple.  Now I see some very slight splotching.  So I guess they will fade away in a week.

Other than all that, it is just "sit, sit, sit" though I do make sure to use the walker about 10 minutes per hour.


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

'Hurry up and wait' as the saying goes, seems to apply here...

Sorry your walker tray didn't fit...we have three of them here, and only the newest one fits...the newest walker.Seems like the dimensions have not been standard in the past.

Ibuprofen is helpful but be wary of taking it long term it can have harmful side effects on bones, liver and blood. And stomach...some peeps get GI bleeds:(

Glad you are slowly improving, that is a good thing, though it may be a long while before you can safely stash it into the memory box.

Prayers for good reports form your upcoming appts.

Healing thoughts being sent your way:)

Mickey's Musings said...

Good to hear you are feeling better.
Yes, these darn things take time but it is good that you can see progress :)
Fingers crossed that any news you get will be good.
Take care!!!!

pilch92 said...

I am glad you are improving every day. If only you could train one of the cats to bring your plate into the other room for you- without eating it. :)

Timmy Tomcat said...

The improvements are so slow after injury and that Tramadol is not as good as any over the counter meds. Keep with what works, takes care and we are glad you are on the mend. Purrs the Surgeon does not want to operate

ZOOLATRY said...

Just a hi-bye here ...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad the groin strain has improved.
As I said in my last comment I don't touch codeine now. I do get a lot of bone and joint pain due to my previous cancer pills and so do need painkillers for that and take Ibuprofen if needed. I find they work well but only take them occasionally. As Ingrid from Meezers Mews said, they can cause other problems if you take them long term. Also I only ever take them with meals to lessen the risk of stomach irritation. I hope they help you.

Megan said...

Good to hear about your progress Mark. We'll all be interested to hear what the surgeon says about the shoulder. Fingers crossed that surgery is not necessary.

Sydney, Australia

The Swiss Cats said...

We're glad to hear you're feeling better ! Purrs

The Laptop

 I am not a mobile person.  I don't carry the laptop around with me.  But I have a particular use for it. If I sit at the desktop comput...