Saturday, January 23, 2021

3 Week Anniversary

Yeah, 3 whole boring (sometimes painful) weeks!  

There is a song with a verse I recall that goes:

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all
Playing solitaire 'til dawn with a deck of fifty one
Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo

Now don't tell me I've nothing to do

The entire lyrics are HERE if you are interested.

Things to do when you are bored:
1.  Hand-wash dishes
2.  Fold your underwear
3.  Clean all your light switch covers
4.  Look yourself up on the internet
5.  Look your friends and family up on the internet
6.  Watch a political TV channel whose views you hate and laugh at them

I bought a universal-fit walker tray.  It doesn't fit (no adjustments possible) so I'm returning it.  I may have mentioned that previously or not.  The good news is that I realized I had an old breakfast-in-bed tray.  It fits on the top of the walker!  Not that it attaches, but it stays on well enough (I'm only going 10' with it).

I will become a member of the smartphone world Monday!  My needs are few (phone away from home, camera, navigation app).  I chose an Apple iPhone XR.

Tried my 1st home food delivery.  They were out of half my order.  Naturally, the stuff I wanted most.  Next time, I will try allowing substitutions.

Medical Report:
1.  Feeling somewhat more mobile
2.  Can handle stairs carefully (but can't do that AND bring the walker down with me)
3.  Seeing orthopedic surgeon about my shoulder Monday
4.  Seeing primary care Dr Thursday for (hopefully) final re-evaluation
5.  Gave up on the tramadol (no effect at all)
6.  Ibuprophen is working fine with no side effects so far (but I'm going lightly with it - a 600mg when I get up and a 200 at bedtime)


Megan said...

Things to do when you're bored: how about you open this list up for 'helpful' suggestions from your audience, Mark? Here are some of my suggestions:

1. Read. Good grief, you can't ever be bored if you've access to something interesting to read.

2. Take up knitting, embroidery, crochet, patchwork, pencil drawing/sketching, zentangle. Loads of YouTube videos on all these kinds of things.

3. Make 2021 Christmas cards by hand. (Never too early to start!)

4. Peruse cooking/recipe websites and plan some new meals for when you're fully restored.

5. Make a list of things that you'd really like to know - how your heart works; why more people are right handed than left handed; how different religions around the world compare. Then spend time on the internet becoming a bit of an expert.

Have fun!

Sydney, Australia

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Glad you ARE bored, that means you are feeling better enough to want to do things, though you still can't all that well. LOL!!! What a conundrum!

Hubby had the same issues with stairs...what to do at the top or bottom when the mobility aids are on the wrong level? Well, he uses a cane upstairs...and earlier he was using the walker on the main level which is quite a but longer so more support needed. Now we just keep the quad cane on the main level, and the single cane upstairs. He hope to eventually shed both of them...Hmmm...that may still be a ways off.

Your list made me smile...we have not as yet tried any food deliveries, though we did do a take out meal for a birthday...and they got the order all messed up even so. Had to make a trip back into town to get the missing items...of course they didn't pay us for the extra gasoline, LOL! (A 20 minute trip one way...)

Best wishes for your new smart phone! iPhones are wonderful...though I don't have one, the three menfolk here do...and they love them, and can do all kinds of stuff with them. (I just have an old hello/goodbye phone, all I need!)

The Whiskeratti said...

Welcome to the smartphone world! I was a late adopter, now can't live without it. I have a Motorola Droid Turbo 2. Several years old. I'm planning on having a new battery installed soon, because I really do like this phone. Plus it's cheaper than buying a new one.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Just keep getting better, it's tough but you're doing it.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Oh I remember those early days after my hit-run accident.(mine was slightly more involved with 4 months acute hospital and 22 surgeries) BORED. Can I do this? No! Can I do that? No! Can I, yes, just about! YAY!
It is a slow process and we are glad you are healing up. Remember to call the fire department next time someone is stuck up a tree. Yes they do that! Purrs and Prayers.(Pick which you like or both)

pilch92 said...

I am sure the kitties are doing their best to amuse you. I am glad you are improving even though it is not as fast as you want it to be. I hope you get good reports from the orthopedic Dr. and the regular one.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Slow and steady is the only way to go. The boredom is good although it doesn't feel it. It means you are healing and want to do things. Wait until your body tells you it is ready to do more though.

Annoying Recall Notice

 The bad...  My electric Ryobi mower is on recall.  I received an email from them about that.  Directed me to a phone number or a website.  ...