Showing posts with label Mowed Areas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mowed Areas. Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Catching Up With The Yard, Part 3

I meant to show the clearing and mowing of the 3 beds and forgot...

So here some are:  Plus the goldfinch feeder.  Just couldn't leave that one out...

Some spots went unmowed for the year but that is mostly done now and thge mowed stuff will smother the grasses.  I have 2 Yuccas in one bed and a wild daylily in another.  There were 3 Yuccas originally, but I have one in the original spot that can be divided in 3 now and moved so I will have 5 in the future.  I'll wait to see the daylily color next year (I plan to divide most of them in the original area this Fall and mix up the colors anyway) while creating more plants.

The last picture is of a front yard island around the Saucer Magnolia (my best Spring-flowering tree).  There are daffodils planted around the bed, but I want Painted ferns and variegated Bishop's Weed in there too.  The Astilbes didn't thrive,  but the other 2 seem to like the area and the deer don't eat them, so they are good choices.

The unmowed area is where some Astilbes survive.  I will move them to a better location.  I have landscape flag next to each one, so I can dig up the roots and hope they like a new spot.

Computer Madness And Success

 I was using an old laptop last year.  There were problems.  Several keys came loose, the battery died.  I read that both together would pro...