Showing posts with label Fell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fell. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2021


I've been offline a week because I'm stupid. I fell 14' off a ladder Jan 2 saturday trying to get Laz out of a tree.  I know he probably could have gotten down eventually, but I saw him try 2x and not knowing how, and it was dark.

I am injured.  I hit the ground on my right shoulder and back.  I passed out briefly, then yelled for help.  No one heard me.  I felt like I had been hit by a car.  It took 15 minutes to crawl 50' into the basement.  I couln't manage the staiurs, so i slept on the basement floor.  In the morning, I was able to slowly drag myself up the stairs and into bed.  It was VERY painful to do that.

I didn't feel any broken bones, I figured it was all sprained muscles, and I heal fast.  Because of that, and covid19 fears (both danger and expecting no beds or nurses available) I didn't call 911.

Sunday and Monday were horrible!  Tuesday, the muscles hust "less" (a rather relative "less") but then I could feel rubbing on both side of my ribs.  Plus the ball of the right shoulder joint was sticking up.  I could not move my right foot to walk.  I called 911 and they sent a medical transport vehicle ( not a full-blown ambulance, thankfully).  They were wonderful!

I was given immediate attention.  After physical poking and prodding (oh the joy)  :( I got xrays, a catscan, and an MRI.  I have 3 broken ribs on the left, 1 on the right and a dislocated right shoulder. I have a massive bruise on the right shoulder. I got a morphine shot.  There wasn't actually much they could do for me there, so they sent me home whith a percoset prescription and the name of a local chiropractor.  I couldn't go get the prescription of visit the chiropractor.  

I had no one local to call for help.  Family dispersed and no telephone numbers for neighbors.  But here is where things got much better.  I saw the lady across the street (Deb) outside Thursday.  I manged to open the window (OUCH!) and called out for help.  She came right over.  

She saw I was in misery and offerred complete help.  She collected mail and newspapers (papers on the ground invite burglars).  She asked about food and medicine.  I had a shopping list and the Percoset prescription.  I gave her my food list, prescription, driver license, and insurance card and she took off at once.  

It took her 90 minutes to get everything.  What a kind person!  

She immediately asked what else she could do.  I hesitated to ask, but the litter boxes hadn't been cleaned since Saturday.  Turned out she had cads previously and said she would be happy to clean them (down in the basement).  And I asked her to bring up fruits and vewgies and meat from the basement refrigerater.  She even watered my basement plants.

She also called her husband (John, works at some public auction place) and told him to bring a walker home.  He did and they brought it right over.  What a relief!  I was barely scooting around in my computer chair.  With the walker, I could even drag my right foot along.

She teleworks, so she is home all day.  She gave me her phone number and assured me I could call day or night.  She came over this afternoon to check on me and did some more helpful things.

I didn't know Percoset was Oxycodone and something else I forget, so I was careful to take a 1/2 pill to see how it would affect me (warns of drowsiness and dizziness).  It didn't seem to cause a problem, so I'm taking a full tablet as prescribed now.

Everything still hurts like blazes, but I suppose it would be worse without the Percoset.  I can get around with the walker.  Today I could actually stand up on my own though I can't move around without the walker.  I can get in and out of bed with less pain.  I've been lying in bed 12-14 hours a day.  The waterbed is soft and warm.

I can cook simple meals, though I'm more thirsty than hungry.  I can use the computer (carefully).  Deb will come visit each day.  She even offerred to do laundry, but I have enough clean clothes for a week.

I'm healing slowly but steadily.  Everything still hurts.  Today, I am able to use my right leg some.

I'm leaving a brief note on the Mark's Mews blog.  I think I can be emailed directly at  I MAY be absent a while.  Or not.  Typing is awkward, but doable (and it's not like I have much to do but watch TV otherwise).  I may be able to walk normally in 3-4 days, but I'm not going to risk the stairs.

I did get Laz out of the tree, but that's why I fell.  I got his claws loose from the branch, but as I lifted him towards me, he grabbed the branch again.  Not knowing that, when I pulled, he held and over I went...  I'm not blaming him at all.  But I'm not letting any of the cats out.  They are all acting weird because I'M acting weird!  Ayla is spooked and hiding, Laz will walk past me but out of reach, Marley at least stands next to my chair for scritchies sometimes.

Deb filled a large bowl with kibbles, and I can manage canned food once a day.

See ya around...

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...