Showing posts with label Bruises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruises. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Day 19

First, I just relaxed all day yesterday watching Inauguration Day events.  Well, actually, it was hard to avoid.  Even channels that never show news (like Smithsonian) were broadcasting it.  Mostly, I am just glad that all the election stuff is OVER!

Second, the pulled groin muscle was temporary.  I can still feel it, but it was a lot easier to sleep last night. Still, I'm being VERY careful of it.

Third, I took the first Tramadol pill 4 hours ago.  I can't detect ANY lessening of muscle soreness.  It might as well be a sugar pill.  At least it isn't making me feel drowsy or dizzy or anything.  I'll take another one this evening, but I think I will just stick with Ibuprophen 600mg pill after that.  

Fourth, I swear I am drinking at least a gallon of water a day, but I always feel slightly thirsty.  I try to avoid any late in the evening, I have to get up at night often enough as it is.  Which, I have to say, is a LOT easier than it was a week ago.  

Fifth, I have an appt with an orthopedic surgeon Monday to examine the shoulder joint.  I will be VERY interested  in what she fines.  I could be anything from "you're healing fine" to "let me try this, it may hurt"  to "I'm scheduling an operation".

Sixth, I have an appt with my primary care Dr next Thursday.  I HOPE I won't need it by then, but I probably will.  I don't know what he can do other than measure vital signs like the PA did.  Maybe he will take some xrays to compare to the hospital ones from Jan 5th.

Seventh, I ordered and received a "universal-fit fold down tray" for the walker.  Of course it doesn't fit!  The leg clamps are 2" too short and there is no adjustment possible.  So I am going to try one that has slots that fit over the walker handles.  Those have very specific dimensions, so hopefully it will work.  And since it lifts right off, it will be convenient.  I only need it for transporting meals to the TV room. 

Eighth, the shoulder bruise is gone.  The hip-lower back-other hip bruise WAS solid deep purple.  Now I see some very slight splotching.  So I guess they will fade away in a week.

Other than all that, it is just "sit, sit, sit" though I do make sure to use the walker about 10 minutes per hour.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

One Day Leads To Another

Not much different today than yesterday.  The ugly shoulder bruise is fading, but the ones around the hips/lower back are deeper purple (I can't show you THOSE pictures, LOL).  They will begin to fade in a few days, I guess.  At least bruises don't actually HURT!  The muscles under them do though.

There may not be much change from yesterday, but there sure is from last Wensday.  Getting up from a chair or bed was a willful act of pain then.  Now I can pretty much just stand up (one hand on a kneee still helps).  One day soon I will just stand up like normal and not even realize it at first.

You would think that using the walker would make my arms hurt/tired since I'm putting a lot of my weight on them, but it is actually the hips that wear out first.  

Deb came over to see how I was doing.  She returned my laundered pants and picked up my grocery list for when she goes out later.  I have lots of the other stuff clean.

She gets a kick out of my grocery list and refrigator supply.  She says I am the healthiest-eating person she ever met.  Today's list was all fresh fruits and veggies.  Not a twinkie or even potato chip in sight.  

She likes my shopping list itself too.  I made an Excel spreadsheet list of all my usual stuff years ago.  I fitted it 2 per page and printed out 50 copies and cut them in half.  So there is 100 lists.  I keep them on a strong magnetic clip on the refrigerator and just check off items as I run out.  She thinks she may do the same.

It can be funny about lists though.  You know what each item means to YOU, but no one else quite does.  Like, one item just says "lettuce" .  I know that means green leaf or buttercrunch.  To Deb, that meant "iceberg".  She LIKES iceberg (I don't), so I explained and gave it to her.  Same with tomatoes.  To me that means grape or cherry tomatoes.  To her it means the larger regular hothouse tomatoes. I know beggers can't be choosy, but I guess I'm a bit of a "foodie"...  So todays list was handwritten in more detail.  She understands.

She insisted on doing some quick cleaning in the kitchen.  I said OK as long as it was just exposed counter space not oven-cleaning and she could NOT even look into the bathroom.  But I think I better do some cleaning in there myself today.  She is VERY determined to help and I do have SOME pride!  But I am the kind of person who couild walk into an abandoned cabin full of cobwebs and a dead squirrel in the corner and think "Home Sweet Home", LOL!

The Mews are adapting to the situation.  They have the Big Bowl of kibble, and I managed canned 2x a day now.  Ayla has been more active lately, coming into the main rooms of the house.  I even saw Ayla nappin on a living room chair yesterday.  And she comes to visit me at the computer frequently.  They still fear the walker.

Thanks for the continued good wishes, POTP, etc.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Day 10 After The Fall

First, thank you all for the MANY well-wishes.  It is good to have friends.

Second, it has not escaped my awareness that I could very well have died!  I was fortunate to have fallen relatively flat.  A slight change of angle and I could have landed on my head.  SNAP!

Third, it seems odd to realize that I fell 10 days ago.  It seems like both forever and yesterday.  "Forever", because I am used to being active and there sure isn't very much I can do lately.  It is amazing the things you take for granted.  "Yesterday" because undifferentiated boring days all melt together.  When nothing about one day is much different from another, you lose track of them.  

Fourth, I've lived (pretty happily) on my own for 50 years.  It creates a habit of self-relience.  Suddenly not being self-reliant is quite a shock!  So, I make it a point to do what I can.  Its not much but even small things help.

Fifth, I want to assure everyone I do not blame Laz in the least.  I have told him several times "It was NOT your fault".  

Sixth, some of the initial bruises are beginning to fade.  Oddly, some of the original lighter bruises are deeper purple now.  I have never bruised easily, so I don't have much experience with how they heal.

Seventh, I am learning to be very efficient when I move around.  When I'm in one spot, I keep everything together on a counter or table.  Food (for example) gets separated by to-be-microwaved, to-be-stovetop-cooked, and edible raw (fruits, salad material).  And I don't leave a spot without making sure I have my cordless phone, eyeglasses, TV remote, etc with me.  Nothing like "walkering" across the house and realizing my glasses were left in the bedroom to make you sigh DEEPLY!

Again, thanks for all the good wishes, thoughts and prayers, POTP, and useful advice.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Some impressive bruises on the right shoulder.  Biggest I'VE ever had, anyway.  And well, I can't politely show the others...


Computer Madness And Success

 I was using an old laptop last year.  There were problems.  Several keys came loose, the battery died.  I read that both together would pro...