Showing posts with label Choices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choices. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

Maryland Primary Day Voting

Of course I voted.  Since I turned 18, I've only missed one Primary or General Election.  That was Carter vs Reagan.  I din't want to vote for either.  I preferred John Anderson then and the lines were so long it didn't seem to be worth standing in line for a few hours for a protest vote.

Maryland (at least my part of it) is VERY good about providing many voting places these days.  20 years ago, the lines were HOURS long; today, they are MUCH shorter.  

Today, I rolled in and there were no lines.  Got approved to vote, was given a folder with a strip of paper, escorted to a touch-screen voting machine, and told to entry the paper strip into a slot.  It didn't work.  So they escorted me to another.  That one accepted the paper strip.  

Voting was so easy.  Tap a button for your choices.  A review comes up showing your choices, offering ways to change them in case of a mistake.  If you agree, the votes are recorded.  The machine sends the paper strip back out for a final review.  It was correct.  

Then you bring it to the counting machine.  And, BTW, the election officials won't even touch your slip of paper (lest there be any "sleight-of-hand").  I was in-and-out in 10 minutes.  I can't think of any way Maryland could make the voting process any easier or more secure!  And I got another "I Voted" sticker...  I wish I had saved them from decades ago.  I would have quite a collection!

I won't reveal my votes for the major Democratic Primary candidates (they all won, so you can figure it out if you want to).  But there were 10 Electoral College candidates and you could vote for 9.  One was "uncommitted" and the others were committed to my Presidential choice, so I voted for them.

School Board candidates are usually difficult (yes I even care about them).  I used to read summaries about each one from The League Of Women Voters, but they are blocked from providing information like that now.  It's not like they made recommendations.  They just allowed each candidate to provide several paragraphs about themselves.

I used to read those carefully.  School Board is officially non-partisan, but each candidate almost always used a few hints and code-phrases to tell you where they stood.  I miss that information very much.

But it didn't matter this time.  There were exactly the same number of candidates as there were positions to be filled, so there was no point in voting for them.  Maybe next election, I'll toss my name into the list!  I care about general education enough.

I now look forward to the General Election.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Quest For Wine

 I have been trying to find a decent inexpensive replacement for a Old Vine Zinfandel I have bought for a decade.  The winery shut down.  Some research suggested other Old Vine Zin (or course) but also Malbec and Merlot.  Visiting my regular local meat/deli/liquor store (weird combination, I know), I bought 3 Zinfandels, a Malbec, and a Merlot.

The first thing I noticed was that the price had nothing to do with how much or little I enjoyed the wines.  The 2 most familiar and drinkable were 1.5 L bottles and the cheapest.  And neither was a Zin!  Of the 2 most expensive Zins, 1 tasted "acidic" and the other "dusty".  I don't actually know the "wine terms" for that, but that was my impression.

One Zin was "OK", but at $17 for a 750 bottle, I wasn't very impressed.  Why is it that I liked the cheap Zin but not "better ones?  LOL!  The Frontera Malbec (Argentina) at $10 for 1.5L  was closest to the Twisted Zin I can't get anymore.  The Mondavi (Private Selection) Merlot 1.5L at $17 was better.

I'm obviously not a wine-snob.  I like what I like.  And the foods I cook probably have a lot to do with the wines I like.  So what wine I drink with dinner has a lot to do with my choice.  I mean, I cook a lot of different foods, but I do tend to use the same spices and such.  Regardless of whether I cook chicken, pork, shrimp, or beef, there is garlic, oregano, and sometime ginger involved.

So, after tasting a variety of other Zins, some Merlot, and some Malbec, I'm probably going with the Malbec for regular dinner and Merlot on occasion.  The local meat store will special order as many cases of either as I want.  It is easier just to order 6 or so at a time (so that I don't have to bother them to do it often).

I am sure you were all just waiting anxiously to see what I decided...  LOL!


BTW, is there a difficulty commenting on this blog?  I get lots of visitors but no comments lately.  Has something gone wrong with my blog settings?  Or am I just boring everyone to death?

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...