Showing posts with label Fertilizer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fertilizer. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Good Outside Day

I presoak my large seeds.  I think I get more emerging seedlings that way.  I put them in an old ice cube tray.  It isn't hard to tell some seeds apart (what else looks like corn or beans?) .  But I had 2 kinds of SE bi-color corn (early and late) so I drew a box on paper with names.

I planted the beans (yellow italian flat pole beans), english style seedless cucumbers, a couple yellow squash along the trellises at the back of the framed beds.

Planting the corns was more involved.  I chose to plant then where I had tomatoes near the house last year.  It was mostly still covered with red plastic so there weren't too many weeds, but there were some.  And I added 2" of compost to the top.  I have a nice little electric tiller good for small spaces and used that to mix the compost in.

I didn't think there was much above ground or below, but this little tiller really wraps up anything around the blades!  It took we 15 minutes to unwind all the grass and weed roots (and I was annoyed to find a poison ivy vine it pulled up. 

I was wearing gloves, so no real concern about a poison ivy rash, but I soaked the gloves in hot soapy water and washed my had up to the elbows carefully afterwards.  I'm careful around that stuff, as I pulled up unknown viny roots from my asparagus bed and had 2 weeks of poison ivy annoyance years ago.

But after the tilling, the ground was soft and mostly weed-free.  So I drew two 3'x3' blocks  and stuck stakes around them  to mark the planted area.  There is space for another succession planting of 2'x2' blocks of both corns in 3 weeks.  Stuck one germinated corn seed in each 1 square foot block.

Then it was time to fertilize.  I had some leftover 6-0-0 corn gluten meal liquid and some N-Lite 2-6-6 (which makes a good balance), but I can't use the corn gluten liquid where there are new seeds.  Then I remembered I had some organic 11-0-0 lawn fertilizer.

So I sprinkled a mix of the lawn fertilizer and the N-Lite that resulted in a 6-6-6 fertilizer for most of the garden.  I used the corn gluten liquid (that prevents seed from germinating) on the tomato and pepper seedling bed (since it won't disturb them but will suppress weeds).   And I spread mostly lawn fertilizer over the corn planting area since corn is a heavy Nitrogen user (like lawn grass).

And since I was in "fertilizing mode", I mixed more 6-6-6 to spread on the meadow flower bed and the hummer/bee/butterfly bed. 

The hummer/bee/butterfly bed really got my attention.  It is almost bare of growth!  I suspect the seed mix I sowed last year was almost all annuals. 

I need to find a better mix.  I got out the catolog I bought the last year's seeds from, but they do not say which are annuals and which are perennials.

But that is for next time.  I was tired.

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