Showing posts with label Comparing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comparing. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

New Camera

So seeing that the old camera was getting colors a bit "orangey" and "too dark" on the low-light setting but "too bright and uneven" on flash, I bought a new one in May.  And then just let it sit for 2 months...

So I decided to set it up yesterday.  Reconsidering, I shouldn't have chosen it.  I was looking for a simple camera and this one said "for kids and seniors" and it was cheap.  Since I only use a camera for blog pics, that sounded fine.  I probably should have read the specifications more carefully.

There are some oddities about it.  No "low-light" setting.  No semi-click while it focuses.  And the buttons are annoyingly monochrome silver, which makes them difficult to read.  

It takes surprisingly large pictures.  The only choices are 24/36/44 MB.  I have no use for that. I reduce everything to 200-300 KB anyway.

But all that may not matter.  I took a few test pictures around the house and outside.  I haven't tried to process any yet (I don't want 2 different series of sequentially-numbered pics in my folders).  The camera display does show them as accurate in color and single-click works (the pics show as clear.  

I'll take pictures of identical scenes with both cameras and compare them.  Flash and low-light using the old one and normal (the only choice) with the new one.  If the new one results in better pics than the old one I will start using that one.  

I save originals at full size and processed ones at 200-300 (see above).  But I'm sure not going to save originals at 24 MB!  So I would have to reduce the size of the originals too.  Actually, I'm not sure why I save originals.  I suppose because I have the space to do it.  I may have to rethink that.  

I think the new camera will produce better pictures.  We'll see...

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...