Showing posts with label Good. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


It was both good and bad today.  First was the grocery store.  Last Fall I got either the flu or covid shop.  Couldn't remember which and couldn't find the record of it.  And lately, there has been a line at the Pharmacy counter so it seems too long to wait just to ask if they knew which one I had already gotten.

Today there was no line, so I stopped to ask.  I had gotten the flu shot.  So I asked to get the covid shot.  The timing was perfect.  They were about to close for lunch, but agreed to give me the shot.  What usually takes 20-25 minutes suddenly became 10!

I didn't even have to fill out the whole permission form.  They just said "sign here", LOL!  And I received the shot.  I appreciate the modern thin needles.  I can still usually tell I am getting the shot.  It hardly bothers me.  This time, I couldn't even feel it at all.  I saw it go in (yes, I watch) so I know they did it.  But talk about easy.

And not only is the shot free (my Dr would charge a $20 co-pay), Safeway gives you a 10% discount coupon on the whole cart.  Not only that, they gave me 3 coupons!  I make a profit getting a health-promoting shot.  

The bad was that their website is changed (or temporarily messed-up).  Safeway offers website digital coupons (called "Safeway For U).  You have to click on each specific item you want though.  I couldn't just click on all of them, but I think they learn to offer what I click on most frequently, and my needs are specific.  So I pick and choose.

But sometimes, it doesn't work quite right.  I find some stuff I've clicked on not registering at checkout.  And I think that happened today.  Usually I check the receipt before I leave the store.  Sometimes I have to go to the Customer Service Desk (and they are pretty good about making adjustments).

But when you have that 10% discount coupon from the covid shot, they don't just reduce the final bill by 10%.  They assign a few pennies discount to each item you purchased.  So between my store loyalty card discounts, the shot discount, and the Safeway For U digital discounts, the receipt was 3' long.  I just didn't want to stand there 15 minutes and review every item.

So I went on to the other food store I shop at.  That one is sort of like a large 7-11 for real food.  Deli counter, personalized meat counter, beer/wine/liquor, specialized herbs/spices, some basics, and some fruits and veggies.  I love the place!  Never seen anyplace quite like.  They have weekly sales of good quality meat.  And they happily accept my special orders of cases of the wine I most like.  And "by the case" is discounted.  They even call me when my order has arrived.  The store manage knows me by name!

The store is busy, but the checkout lines are short because they have enough of them open.  It is a pleasure to shop there.  And they bring my wine out to the car and load it!

So of course there had to be another "bad" experience to make up for the good ones.  On the way home, I stopped at my "not-my-usual" 7-11 to buy some cigarettes.  It was horrible!  Yeah, yeah, I know I shouldn't smoke.  But I do and this one was on my way home.

I buy cigarettes by the carton.  It's just easier that way and the price is the same.  But it saves me going to buy a couple packs every week.

So I asked for a carton of Marlboro Red 100's.  The clerk grabbed 1 pack.  No, I said a "carton" and made the shape of one.  It's like the a 2" slice of a shoebox the long way.  "Ah" he said and proceeded to take a pizza out of the oven and slice it up.  Took him 10 minutes.

Then went off to a secure backroom to get a carton.  Came out and "no carton", like he expected me to leave.  I said 10 loose are fine.  So he pulled 10 loose packs off the rack.  And he started ringing them up (after I entered my smartphone number for a slight discount).  He rang up 2.  Then 2, then 6.

I asked why.  Please understand that I try very hard to understand people for whom English is a 2nd language.  I'm not good at it and I partly blame myself for that.  I just don't have an attuned ear...  But I could not understand a word he was saying, what he was doing, or what I was actually being charged.  

I turned to the next customer in line to ask if he understood what the clerk was saying.  He must have been a smoker too.  Because while he didn't understand what the clerk was saying, he understood what the clerk was doing.

There was some promotion deal where buying 2 packs gets a small discount (up to 4 packs).  So he was ringing up 2, charging my card, rang up another 2 and charging me separately for that, then ringing up the 6 not eligible and charging me for those.

A quick look at the receipts at the counter suggested it was about the usual price, so I just gave up and left.  But I should have been more observant.  When I got home, I realized I had been cheated.  Marlboro sells their cigarettes in various colors indicating quality.  I like the best of their line which is "Marlboro Red".  Other colors indicate a decline in quality (but also in price).

Sort of in declining order (by memory) are Gold, Blue, Black, Special Blend, and Silver.  And one I had never heard of.  Red Label.  The pack is red, but slightly different in design.  Mid-quality and $2 cheaper per pack.

I got charged full Marlboro Red 100s price for the lesser quality Red Label 100s.  

I don't expect that most of you smoke.  And some people who do don't really care about the differences.  But I do and I can tell.

I am never going to go back to that 7-11!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Yeah, that was actually yesterday.  But it was a bit late when I wrote this, so I'm posting it today.  I am thankful for some of my neighbors.  This is more of a starter-home and bedroom neighborhood for commuters and about half of them are renters who come and go every couple years, so it isn't real tight, but there seem to be several small individual groups of neighbors who are mutually helpful.  It seems to be completely by proximity.

I am the longest current resident on the street (1986 to present).  Not that it means I'm most-connected (I'm not) but it does mean I've seen everyone else move in and leave eventually.  Some obvious helpful friendships have developed and ended as people moved on.  But I've seen new ones form, too.

And I am part of 4 at my end of the street.  It changes slightly as people come and go, but I have been lucky to generally have good ones.  The Couple across the street are the center of the group right now.  The Wife works in "conflict resolution" online from home.  The Husband is an all-around mechanically/constructive "good guy".

She is always there with a hug, some words of peace, and a friendly outlook.  The Husband will help anyone do anything.  Just some examples...

1.  If a neighbor is going on vacation, they park one of their cars in the driveway to make it look like someone is at home.  Mow the lawn, and pick up the mail and newspapers.

2.  They are taking care of the Husband's grandchildren.  And have the neighbor's children over for playtime with them (lots of driveway chalk-drawing and outdoor games).

3.  The Wife helped me immensely when I fell off the extension ladder in Jan 2021.  Did some grocery-shopping, cleaned the cat litter boxes when I couldn't get down the stairs, and drove me to the doctor appointments until I could drive again.  Did some house-cleaning too (I couldn't stop her).

4.  The Husband helped me get my lawn mower running again (it was too long with old gas).  

5.  Invited me to their Friday Night Poker Party.  I'm not great at social events, and they played versions of poker I not only didn't know of, but couldn't even understand when they were explained.  I posted about that once, but mostly, there  were "shifting wild cards" weird down-card layouts and I just couldn't figure it out.

Games were called Bow-tie, 2&22, etc.  I'm old-fashioned.  I know 5 card draw, 7-stud, Hi/Low (aka Chicago, I think) and that's about it.  

Their whole basement is a rec room.  Aside from the poker table, they had a pool table, a dart board, a video arcade game (sadly broken at the time), and a massive snack table.

But, one of their friends had brought his 15-year old son.  He was bored to death!  So, since I was utterly confounded at the poker table. I started hitting some pool balls around.  He was interested by that.  Not that he knew how to play, but was curious.  And some attention and distraction was probably appreciated.

I tried to show him how to use a pool cue.  He had certainly never used one before.  But I had an advantage.  My paternal grandfather had a table in the basement, and I was fascinated by the realization that it was "mostly) geometry angles, so I played a lot there.  I'm not saying I'm good at it, but I understand various ways to hold a cue and how to aim at a round object.

So I showed him how to shoot.  He was wretched at it, but willing to learn.  He got better.  Not by a whole lot, but at least he didn't rip up the felt, LOL!  The first time he sank a ball, he was thrilled.  And so was I!

The Wife noticed, and left the Poker game to challenge me (friendly) to "solid or stripes" (with the teen as my cheering section).  I know Rotation, Eight-Ball, and Nine-Ball, but never heard of that one.  But it was utterly simple.  You choose one and the 1st person to pocket all "yours" wins.  

"WE" won.  The Wife and I by entertaining the teen, me because I sank all my solids while she had several left, and the teen because I gave him the last shot.  It was one of those positions he couldn't miss.    The last solid was an inch away from the pocket, the cue ball was directly next to it.  I helped him position the cue and said "just tap it".  He did and it went in.  YEAH!

4th of July Fireworks: A Complete Guide 2022 | History, Safety, Best Shows

The teen and I played darts after that.  Neither one of us were any good at it and we didn't know the actual rules.  So after a bit, I just took one of his darts, placed it in the bullseye and declared he won.  He liked that.  

6.  I was a Boy Scout "helpful, courteous and kind" etc.  So I help people and neighbors.  My original neighbor was an elderly lady.  When it snowed, I got up early and shoveled her driveway (as quietly as possible).  But she caught me at it one day and brought me a quart of her best soup later that day.  

BTW, 2 strange stories about her.  One time one of my cats (Tinkerbelle) went missing.  When the neighbor returned after vacation for a week, she opened her toolshed and Tinkerbelle came running out of it.  I was on my deck on the time, so I saw it happen.  It wasn't the neighbor at fault, and she realized what had happened and came over to apologize.  I was just happy to see Tinkerbelle again.

She moved away a few years later.  And we met in a store several years after that.  We talked for a while.

7.  A former policewoman lives on the corner lot.  Sometimes, when she sees several of us outside, she comes by and gives us advice on the latest scams, porch-piracy, and local crimes we should be aware of.  And the rest of us appreciate that.

8.  The newest side-neighbor is trying to be friendly, but there are language issues involved.  My decades-old high school Spanish classes are not up to the task and neither is their English.  But the Husband and I can get by with a little work.  

It is their first house.  I have helped him about lawn maintenance, trees, and shrubs.  He had a tree that was over-hanging my roof removed while I had a tree-removal company removing a dead tree and some unrecoverable shrubs on my property.  And I had the tree company grind down his tree roots that were making mowing my yard like "driving over railroad ties".

We aren't "the best of friends" but at peace.  And I make it a point to talk to both of them when possible.   If they stay for a while, things will improve.

9.  Not all neighbors are perfect.  There is a guy down the street who just loves to ride his motorcycle back and forth along the street early in the morning.  I don't love motorcycle noise.  And before him, there was a side-neighbor who used to drive his cycle to work.  He has the right to that.  But before 6 am, he would run it in his driveway 30 minutes while he washed and tuned it.

I went over one morning and asked if he "had to keep it running all the time".  He was surprised I didn't like the sound of  motorcycle!  Well, for me, 6 am is "the middle of the night".  He stopped for a week (just doing it in the garage) but his wife stopped him from that so he had to do it outside again.  Fortunately, they moved.  

10.  So I like my neighbors.  And we generally help each other.  

Sorry to go on for so long...


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Grocery Store Pickup Results

 Well, the pickup process was actually a bit confusing.  I had set a pickup time for 2PM and I expected that meant I should just arrive there at that time.  No, not quite!  I received an email the evening before that said my order would be ready between 2-7 PM.  What?!

I would receive a "notification" when it was ready.  But they didn't tell me what form the notification would be in.  They had my phone number and email address, and I had unchecked mobile phone text.  Searching their site and even talking to a chatbot didn't reveal anything.  

So in the morning, I called an 877 number to a centralized location.  The agent there couldn't answer my question, but did give me a number to the store customer service desk (CSD).  Amazingly, the CSD couldn't tell me how I would be "notified" either, lacking a smartphone app.

However, some good news!  No sooner had I hung up with the CSD than I got a call from a store shopper saying my order was ready to be picked up.  She even said the shallots were rather soft, did I still want them". (no).  I explained I had some mobility problems but would be there in 15 minutes.  So she said she would keep watch for my arrival (green Subaru SUV).

I got there and got out of the car and someone came out with a cart of bags.  Wrong person, LOL!  But she went back inside and found the right person.  That person came right out, loaded the bags into my car.  Even refused a tip.  She said she was paid to do pickup orders.

It was a wonderful experience and I will do it again.

There were 2 minor problems.  I had clicked on "no substitutions" for every item.  I ordered minced horseradish and got "creamy".  OK, I can live with that.  The other seems to have been my fault.  I wanted Breyer's chocolate chip ice cream and got regular chocolate.  I don't like regular chocolate.  But after reviewing my original order, it appears I clicked the wrong one.

Well, my good neighbors across the street are taking care of 3 grandchildren.  I bet some of them like regular chocolate ice cream.  It will be a gift; they have certainly done more than enough for me!

I haven't tested it yet, but I bet the items I ordered this time will be close to the top the next time.  The Safeway digital loyalty card section notices my routine preferences, so I expect the online ordering one will also do that.

Friday, December 29, 2023


2023 was eventful.  It seems easiest to just make a list...

1.  I lost 2 cats but gained 2 new ones.   Sadness and happiness at the same time.

2.  I got my flu, covid, and RSV shots.  On separate visits to Safeway because they are free and they give me a 10% discount each visit.  

3.  Speaking of Safeway, they give me a 10 cent gas credit at their pumps for every $100 I spend there.  I got 80 cents per gallon off a couple days ago!

4.  I'm slowly getting better after the 2021 ladder fall.  2021 was bad.  But sometimes this year, I noticed a few odd pains vanished.  The separated right clavicle remains, but as the doctor said "you can get used to it".  He has one himself and he was right.  I hardly notice it.  The body adjusts...

5.  My knees are still a problem.  I have velcro braces for both.  After a few weeks of wearing them, things are good.  But they are annoying.  The knees issue predates the ladder fall.

6.  Spring was horrible for the garden.  Kept staying too cold for my transplants randomly.  And then we had a minor drought.  So planting my heirloom tomatoes were delayed.  They never caught up.  I got like 6 good tomatoes from 10 plants.  The cherry tomatoes did well though.

7.  I receive checks sometimes.  Odd stuff.  My Government Thrift Savings Program (TSP) says I have to start cashing out gradually, but I always forget, so they send one anyway.  My electric co-op sent a check for reducing my usage and another as a rebate to all customers.  The Maryland State Government sent me one to correct a tax error.  I stuck them on the refrigerator and then put something on top and forgot about them.  Now I have to call about getting some reissued (some are still depositable).

8.  The Subaru Forester I bought in 2020 has 2,400 miles on it ( don't drive much).  So gas prices don't bother me.

9.  In the Spring, the 30' diameter daffodil bed bloomed nicely.  The deck flowerpots bloomed well all Summer and Fall.  And I have a 10'x6' bed of pansies that will bloom all Winter.  It is good to have colors in the yard all year.

10.  I bought a lot of stuff in 2023.  Some of it useful and some of it whimsy.  Useful means a good new kitchen or gardening tool or new high-sided cat litter boxes (Loki pees standing up and overshoots the old ones).  

Whimsey means "just cool".  

Sponsored Ad - YUKOUQIAN Tardigrade Stuffed Animal Tardigrade Plush Toy 10 inch Gift for Girls Boys Christmas (Tardigrade)

That's a plush tardigrade (aka Water bear).  They are the size of pinpoints, but can't be killed easily.  They can be frozen, heated, exposed to the vacuum and cosmic rays of outer space and recover.  This one is 8" long and sits on my car dashboard.  Hey, some people have bobbleheads, I have a tardigrade.  LOL!

I bought 2 cat jigsaw puzzles made of real wood.  If I ever put them together, I will mount them in a frame.

I also bought a bomber jacket.  But it has too much specific unit identity on it.  I will return it.  I don't want people thinking I served in those units.  I never served at all.

11.  I think I finally learned how to make a decent pizza at home.  My own dough. In a small sheet pan sprinkled with cornflour (for automatic raised edges) ON a baking stone at 500F (highest the oven will go).  

12.  Got better at discussion forums.  Ignore the angry fanatics, respond to rational people, give facts...

The older I get, the more tolerant I become.  By the time I die, I will have things just about right.  ðŸ‘Œ

Sunday, July 9, 2023

A Productive Day

Some days, I get up, make lunch, read several days of newspapers,  check computer stuff, pay a few bills, putter around until dinner, and then watch TV afterwards and go back to bed.  But usually I am more active.  

This was an active day.  I actually got up in time to make breakfast.  A pancake with 2 soft-fried eggs on top (so the yolk mixed with the pancake, 2 sausages, a mug of cocoa (OK, OK, Nestle's Quick in warmed milk), a mug of green tea, and some Coke for fizz.

I read the newspaper fast (editorials and comics) and decided to work in the yard.  The Weather Channel said I had 3 hours before some "possible" moderate rain.  And I had bought 3 small pots of coleus to plant in 3 hanging pots.  I wanted to get that done because it was the last of the flowers to plant and Fall veggies will need to be planted soon.

It of course immediately started to rain hard!  So I spent the afternoon in the basement.  It is a mess!  So it wasn't wasted time.  Cleaned litter pans (always a daily priority).  I've been using Tidy Cats for years.  But it is sticky to the sides of the pans.  I had bought a box of Arm&Hammer "Slide" to try it out and it is easier to scoop and doesn't stick as much.  

Tidy Cats is the size of sand.  A&H is more like sugar-sized.  I like it better.  But it is more expensive.  Something like 57 cents per ounce vs 80 cents per ounce.  But it does scoop more easily.  I'm still deciding which to use regularly.  The Mews don't seem to care.  

So that down for the day, I went around the basement just cleaning, arranging, and fixing stuff while it rained.

First thing was to make a small LED Mag-lite flashlight magnetically-attachable to the metal basement door.  I had an old flashlight that was pathetically dim even with new batteries, but it had a magnetic attachment.  It took a few minutes to figure out how to get the magnet off.  Pounding it didn't work, but a screwdriver tapped in under the magnet pried it right off.

I tried superglue and clamps on the Mag to start.  Superglue just does not hold to plastic.  So I tried contact cement.  I'll know if that works tomorrow.  

Second, I had 12 really heavy-duty boxes from wine shipments and was saving them because they were so sturdy and just seemed useful.  But I wasn't using them and they were taking up space.  But I value large pieces of cardboard for smothering weeds in garden paths and unplanted areas in the flowerbeds.  So I took out the 6-pack dividers and stacked them up, and saved the big 2 boxes the 12 came in to cut open later.

I have an invasive periwinkle vine that is taking over the yard.  Roundup doesn't kill it (waxy leaves).  But covering it with the cardboard will, eventually.  And this heavy box cardboard should last long enough to smother them.  And I think I will cover the cardboard with black plastic to make it last a couple years.

I have too much junk.  I actually have 2 dead microwave ovens, a dead wet/dry vaccuum, and an old chair in the garage.  I have a 20 year-old computer and some dead monitors sitting in a closet.  I have an entire closet of stuff I will never fit into again.  I collected all the electronic (recyclable) stuff in a corner of the garage.  I can't dump it in the general recycling bin, but the County Landfill has a special place to leave that kind of stuff for free.  

Some of the clothes are quite fine, just will never fit me again.  They go to Goodwill.  But I could easily gain 4' of closet space at no loss.

After that comes actual junk.  2 ancient cheap chairs (I save the swivel bottoms - oddly useful things).  I got them in the 90s and I loved them.  Took some work to get them too.  Light rocker/swivel chairs were kind of hard to find then.  And the place I found them had the in peach, aqua, and lavender.  And those wouldn't work in my dark red TV room with black equipment.  

But I really liked the chair.  So I contacted the manufacturer and asked if I could get 2 in black.  They were pleased that I liked their chair so much.  They said that if I would sent them fabric (I seem to recall it was about 13 yards), they would make 2 just with it just for me.  Plus shipping of course.  But the fabric (good or bad) was my choice to send.  It took a week to find a fabric store that had that much jet black fabric.  

I loved those chairs for 20 years.  But they were actually cheap chairs and wore out at the springs.  I got rid of the worst one years ago, got the one remained in the garage.  Time to let it go!

I spent an hour sorting out planting pots, plant labels by type of plant, and arranging my potting bench for starting Fall crops.  After that, I divided up a mosquito BT killer donut and spread it around in the small pond and a few trap jars I keep.  The stuff works well and a pack of a dozen lasts a Summer for $13.

I collected all of my tool chargers in one spot.  I needed to see how many there really were and how much room they would take.  I plan to make a dedicated charger shelf soon, but at least I managed to write the tool on each charger for future reference.  Why chargers don't come with the name of the tool they are intended for is annoying and should be a standard practice.

Swept the basement floor.  I have a wet/dry vacuum, but the noise annoys me.  Sweeping is sort of "zen".  And you wouldn't believe the amount of cat-hair in the basement,  It all seems to gradually float down the stairs and collect there.  I would compost it, but there is always uncompostable stuff mixed in.  Bits of wire clippings, scraps of plastic, etc.  I don't want small sharp stuff to end up in the garden soil while I handle it while planting.

A very good 4 hours work.  And ironically, the rain stopped exactly when The Weather Channel predicted it would start.  LOL!

So I made dinner.  Pork smothered in sauteed red and green bell peppers, and ear of corn, and 2 home-made shrimp eggrolls...

Monday, February 7, 2022

A Little Of This, A Little of That

I didn't realize I hadn't posted for so long.  I've been on the computer about "enough" stuff that I kind of forgot about my own ME blog.

Computer problems continue to drive me crazy.  I can't seem to solve them.  I'll try to stay brief, to spare you...

The computer restarts randomly because of (from the error message) incompatible software or hardware.  Wow, that pretty much covers all possibilities.  I've unplugged all non-essential hardware.  I've looked at all the software, trying to figure out exactly what is incompatible.  Maybe turning off nearly all software and bringing them back one at a time will help.

I've scanned the HD for problems.  2/3 is available, so nothing there to fix.  I've used Kaspersky and Bitdefender to search for malware.  Nothing seems wrong.  I increased my RAM from 8GB to 16 GB; didn't help.

Macs can stay in sleep mode without problems, but I restarted it several times and even shut it down a few.  That didn't solve anything.  I even shut down the router overnight and restated it.  No help there.  The problem pre-dates my current O/S (and nothing mentions frequent restarts as a bug in any recent O/S).  The 2018 Mac isn't old enough to be a problem.


I can't get the newer printer to print.  It there in the printer list, just "idle and paused?  I've tried it cabled and wireless, and followed the manual instructions in "baby steps".  I've even gone a a Mac Help Forum.  No  luck.

On other stuff...

I ordered a clear acrylic dining tabletop cover in November for "3 week delivery".  And since I was doing that, I ordered covers for my 2 computer tables for easier cleaning.  The computable table covers arrived in perfect condition.  The dining table one had a big chip on one edge.  When I sent the sender pictures, they promised to ship a replacement in 5 business days.  That was January 17.  Time to bother them again.

They don't want the damaged one back, so I am using it in the meantime.  I haven't even peeled off the protective masking.  It does work functionally, but a bright blue tabletop is a bit funny-looking.  When the new one arrives, I'll use that.  Interestingly, I do make things from plastic sometimes.  When I'm positive they can't demand the damaged one back, I'll use it for a few projects.

Not everything is bad.  I ordered flower seedlings.  A native-plant seller of good reputation offers various plant mixes.  One was 38 plants for $149 dollars (free shipping).  You can order 2 kinds (16 of each) or up to 6 different kinds (7-7-6-6-6-6).  Since most are perrenials or self-sowers, I went for the 6 different kinds.  I matched them by water/sunlight needs and spread them by bloom time, so it should give blooms May-Nov.  Most of those are meadow flowers with a couple of ornamental grasses.

I also ordered 3 seed mixes (each covers 500 square feet) for about $22 per bag.  One is deer-resistant (for the front yard - the deer can't get into the backyard), one is for shady areas, and one is for pollinators (some specifically for native solitary bees).  

Plus, I have saved seeds and existing transplantable meadowlike and pollinator-friendly plants.  I'll move those.  That will free up some space for "merely" ornamental flowers.

I'm sure glad I bought a snowblower 5-6 years ago.  Self-propelled, forward/reverse, and electric-starting.  It was most important with the 12" snowfall, but even with 4" it sure makes things easier!  My house faces north, so while the cross-the-street neighbors' snow melts in a day or 2, mine turns to ice if not removed quickly.  And my driveway slopes downhill to a drainage ditch.  I had to pay a guy $50 to shovel my driveway once (18") so I think the snow-blower has paid for itself now.

I'm replacing the refrigerators.  Yes, plural.  I have a really old one in the basement for bulk veggie and seed storage.  It is SO bad, I have to chip ice off the top of the refrigerator section and the freezer section won't go below 10 F (S/B 0 F).  And I bet it is costing a lot just to operate.

The current fridge isn't great at temperature uniformity, but it is sure better than the basement fridge and more energy-efficient.  I looked up newer/better ones at Consumer Reports.  There is a bottom freezer  LG model rated at the top I think I'll buy.  The temperature uniformity, reliability, and owner-satisfaction are all at the top, the price is about the same as lower-rated ones, and it has a top "energy-star" rating.

It has an external ice-maker.  I'm not sure I like that.  They tend to fail.  I make ice cubes manually just fine.  But if it works, "hurray".  Mostly though, you can't find a good refrigerator without one, LOL!

I'll have to clean the basement before I order the new refrigerator though.  It is too cluttered for movers to get around in.   No matter what I want to do, I have to do something else first!  To explain, I have say that my electric co-op will come and take away the oldest refrigerator and credit me $50.  Who doesn't want $50?

But I have to clear a space for the new fridge guys to put the older kitchen one in the regular space and the oldest one "somewhere".  That "somewhere" has stuff in the spot.  So I need to move that stuff.  I'm running out of places to put "stuff".  Which leads to REALLY cleaning the basement before I can buy a new fridge.  It's ALWAYS something...

Back to sad stuff...

Lori went into heat Wednesday night.  It's Monday night and that makes it 5 days.  She HAS to stop tomorrow, right?  Lori hasn't been as bad as Ayla was, but a sudden "calling session" in the middle of the night is hard to sleep through.  I sleep badly enough as it is.  Daytime isn't too bad and she doesn't keep it up for more than an hour.

Unlike Ayla did.  OMC!  She was a yeller.  For those of you who read this but are unfamiliar with "Alya In Heat", she had 2 botched spays by the breeder's vet, went into heat every 3 weeks for 7 days at a time, climbed me desperately with sharp claws, for maybe a year before my regular vet got her fixed.  

Ayla drove me crazy day and night, screaming.  The first circle of Hell is probably filled with Siamese cats in heat...  It was a terrible year.  I still have the calendar marked with Xs for her days in heat.  It seems mostly Xs.  She was seriously messed up.  

Lori isn't "that bad".  She has a quieter voice.  And it will certainly be her-our last experience.  I am a little annoyed at the vets though.  They said they didn't like to operate on a cat in heat so they wanted her to go through it first.  Timing the operation for "in-between", they said.  OK.  But they aren't here listening to the calls.

I am sad that Lori can't get the relief she wants so desperately.  Marley and Laz are neutered and *I* sure can't do anything about.  There should be a chill-pill...

That is sure more than enough for now...

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Random Thoughts


1.  Moles and Voles are evil.
2.  Weeds are evil (poison ivy, english ivy, wild grapes, wild blackberries, invasive perennial flowers, mock strawberries, bindweed, thistles, those large plants with purple berries that stain your fingers [obviously I forget the name], and the horrid invasive vine that a previous neighbor planted and I can't find the name of either).
3.  Groundhogs are evil.
5.  Deer are evil too, but at least they are afraid to jump the backyard fence.  They just eat my front yard plants.
6.  The neighbor in the ugly McMansion across the street who mows his lawn a 7 am when I am trying to sleep is evil (even if he is a really cool guy otherwise).
7.  Both next-door neighbors are evil.  One set has a fallen over tree in the front yard and it has been sitting there for 3 years.  The other set tried to burn dry dead branches right under small dry trees and next to my wood fence.  And they didn't even have a garden hose in case things went bad (I told them to stop or I would call the fire department).  And I caught the husband using a weed whacker around my trees and shrubs 10' on my side of the property line.  "Death by weed-whacker" is an actual problem.
8.  The neighbor across the street and next to the McMansion is evil.  He and his girlfriend used to have screaming arguments at 3 am on weekends.  They moved out some years ago, but now they are back!  Who moves back to a rental place?
9.  Ryobi Tools - Its a string trimmer that won't handle grass or vines.  So I bought a replacement head with serrated plastic blades,  But I can't find the right size bolt to fit the drive shaft.  I've emailed Ryobi twice about the exact size and thread per inch, but they haven't responded.  They promised 48 hours.  Its been 5 days. As far as I can tell, it is either a 9/32nds or a 7mm reverse-threaded bolt and no one locally sells either.
10.  Neighbors 4 houses away who think that everyone within 1/2 mile wants to hear their outdoors music.


1.  I have a Fall garden.  Beans, cukes, tomatoes, corn, squash, coles (brocolli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi), carrots, beets, radishes, and flat italian pole beans.
2.  Dug up some black-eyed susans in the garden paths and moved them to the meadow bed.  If they survive, great, but they had to be removed from the paths anyway.
3.  This one is a bit odd.  I plant my tomatoes through a red plastic cover.  The red cover supposedly reflects sunlight that tomatoes absorb best AND deters insects.  But it is hard to water the plants.  So years ago, I bought some plastic tubes that attach to large soda bottles.  You cut the bottoms off the bottles, sick them in the soil and you fill them with water from the hose and it slowly drips into the root zone.  Got them cleaned and installed yesterday.  Some drained quickly, others didn't.  But all drained eventually.  I'll watch the leaves to make sure they aren't wilting.  A lot faster to water the tomatoes deeply that way.
4.  The cheap electric mower is great for trim work, but only lasts 10 minutes.  Still, its quiet, and light.
5.  The cheap small electric tiller works great.  If you cut the weeds down first and till shallowly at first pass.  Otherwise, the tines get roots wrapped around them and it takes work to unwrap them.  But it is great in close situations and shallow tilling.


1.  My new Subaru Forester is too fancy.  I don't understand half of the displays.  Better sit down and study the manual.  I thought it was tricky, but one of the things I noticed in the old 2005 Toyota Highlander manual as I was cleaning it out was how many post-it notes I had to things that confused me then.  So I guess I'll learn about these things on the Forester.  I especially need to learn how to NOT have the Forester shut off when stopped at traffic lights.
2.  The deck gets too hot for the cats' tender paws.  The composite deck material gets to 120F.  So I bought 3 12'x2' strips of outdoor carpet.  Turns out the Home Depot store guy gave me "a couple extra inches" on each strip.  None of which are exactly the same width.  So I have to do some extra cutting.
3.  Related to the above, I think I will get a cover over half the deck.  I would get a retractable Sunsetter awning, but my deck-to-roof distance is too low.  I would cover the whole deck, but I have smoker/griller on one end and that needs free "up-space" for the heat and smoke.

That's almost enough, but I came across a funny thing all writers will understand...




Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...