Showing posts with label YAY!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YAY!. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Ah, Tax Day

 Aren't doing the taxes a thrill?  I'm glad there is software for that.  I wouldn't stand a CHANCE of getting it right otherwise.

I once read of a simplified tax plan:

1.  How much did you earn last year?

2.  How do you have left?

3.  Send item 2.

Actually, I'm not against taxes.  I pay them (and accurately as humanly possible) for several reasons.  First, the government does do many things of overall benefit.  Second, it's a civic duty.  Third, I'm scared to death of the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)!   I worked for the Federal Government, and they CAN be relentless down to the dime.

Soldiers, food inspectors, bridge inspectors, medical researchers, etc don't come free.  Just as in olden times, we must each pour some wheat into the granaries.  

I just wish it was fairer.  Some multibillion corporations and individuals paid less tax that I did this year.  And some people cheat!  Those ads on TV from companies promising to negotiate with the IRS irritate the heck out of me.  They encourage people to cheat on their taxes and pay "dime on a dollar" in settlement.

The tax software sure makes it easier though.  It just asks multiple choice questions and puts the answers in the right boxes.  I have some mutual fund stock investments and I don't have the slightest idea what some of the terms mean (how would I know what "foreign taxes" the index funds paid?  

My index fund used to send pages of data and I had to add up all the columns.  Now (finally) they total them.  And how would I know "qualified dividends" from "unqualified dividends"?  I also donated a car to a charity last year.  All sorts of details required about that.  The software organizes all that.  It is a relief to be told just "enter the number in box 3b of form 1099".

And it STILL took 3 hours!  Part of that was answering "no" to a lot of questions that didn't apply to me, and some took time to download my stock detail report.  There was a time that I could use the "EZ1040 form" (income, standard deduction, subtract the 2nd from the first, pay or get a refund), but stocks and dividends are worth it.

But it really should be easier.  I spent 2 hours proving I owed the Federal Government an additional $6.   I have to mail a check (credit card payment costs more than that). Had they just told me, I would have paid $20 for the advice!  I will get a refund from my State and that is nice.  They starting crediting senior age people (I am one) some income exclusion.  I'm getting $400 back.  Well, I used to owe some.  Not that I didn't pay the taxes; now just a bit less.

Well, I just glad it is over for another year...

Computer Madness And Success

 I was using an old laptop last year.  There were problems.  Several keys came loose, the battery died.  I read that both together would pro...