Showing posts with label Shoveler Teen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoveler Teen. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


I have read that snow predictions around Washington DC are the most difficult in the US.  Just to the west of us, we the Appalachian Mountians.  OK, they aren't the Rockies, but they are high enough to shift storms in subtle ways.  Snowstorms especially can suddenly go north or south 20 miles or hit us when it was not expected.  

The Rockies are tall and wide.  The Appalchians have gaps where just a couple of miles of the storm path can have considerable consequences in very local snowfall.  I suppose that is true about rain too, but rain just soaks into the ground.

2" of rain (or not) doesn't stop traffic.  But 2" of precipitation as snow is 18".  That closes down everything.  

We were predicted to get 3-5".  I got 10" and some places got 12".  I would just shovel off 3-5".  But 10" takes my snowblower.  Hey, I'm not young anymore.

I tested the snowblower last Fall, and it started up just fine.  It better work today, too.  I have loved using it.


Funny story:  About 10 years ago, we got a foot of snow, so I started shoveling it.  I did about 5' (the driveway is 60' long).  Some teenager came by offerring to shovel it for $50.  I said no (I'm used to doing things myself), and he started to go to the next house.

But then I thought "why did I say no"?  OK, I'm also cheap.  But he was trying hard to earn money, and I have money.  And I was looking at at least 2 hours of miserable work.  I called him to come back and he did.

But all he had was a garden shovel, 😖  I let him use my (very good one).  He did a very good job and I gave him $50.  When I was a teen, I got $5 for a driveway.  Inflation, but probably about the same real cost.

And there is more to the funny story...

That Spring, when prices were low, I bought a top-rated snowblower.  That Winter, we got another 12"+ snowfall.  My Good Neighbor did his driveway with his snowblower and then came to do mine (being helpful).  I got dressed "wintered-up" real fast, ran to the garage, pulled out my new snow-blower and opened the door with a "Ta-Da" pose.

He cracked up.  👍  Then went to help another neighbor.


Snowblowers aren't free.  And they have some problems.  Sometimes the snow slushes the output chute solid and you have to plunge it clear.  But having one means the difference between 1 hour+ of hard work and 15 minutes plus $1 worth of gas.  I love my snowblower!

Changing The Clocks And Watches

As I said yesterday way more briefly than I intended to (I meant to go back and add a lot more Saturday evening) I love Daylight Saving Time...