Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2021

Post-Christmas Thoughts

The Mews were all snuggled asleep on the bed

With visions of toy-mousies in their sweet heads.

Two napped together, one slightly apart.

And one napped aloof, that one darling old tart.


When what to my wondering eyes did I spy,

But the clock showing that my own bedtime was nigh.

I slid into bed with the greatest of care,

But the Mews sure did know, like I was a bear.


There were mews of complaints,

But we all did adjust.

One curled on the right of me;

Another chose the left.


A third lay beside me.

The fourth took a corner

And we slept through the night like

A drugged bunch of turtles.

And if you are noticing

That my poem lost the rhyme,

Just credit it to

That last glass of wine...




There are things that leave

My writing skills some agape.

Its the Wrath of Grapes...




I joke often, I am serious often.  I think.  I write.  It all blends together.  I suppose that sometimes, I am the only one who knows exactly what I mean in a post.  Jokes can hide serious thoughts and serious thoughts can hide jokes.

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Night Before Election Day

A poem expressing my concerns the time before Election Day in the US... 

"Twas the Night of Election Day

As I paced through the house.

Would we get back to normal, the old voting way

Or would Donald steal it, the Cheating Old Louse?


I knew that the polls


Had the Biden team goals

Being granted, you see.


But that's what I thought

In '16, when we "won"

But Hillary still lost what most of us sought

So I won't count my chickens until the last one.


Cuz Donald makes Tricky Dick

Seem like a nun

Saying he'd cheat the People with legal stuff sick

By saying the voting was over afore it half-done!


He said he would do it

Then said it was fake

And when shown the recording a bit

Said "Let them Eat Cake".


And spent 15 minutes

Defending you see,

What he claimed he had not said

To the cameras and we.


The businesses all boarded

Their windows today

In expectance of armed crazies with guns all aloaded

If Electoral College count drives Trump away.


They will say it is fake news

Conspiracy proven

The Deep State and Anti-Fa fears fanning their illusions

Of being the majority as the Biden's prepare move-in.


Or maybe tis I to weep who shall

Weep deep bitter tears

At the end of our laws and see autocrat gall

Replace freedom and voting for may yet years. 


Ben Franklin once said

When asked by the crowd,

If we had democracy, monarch, or dread

You have a Republic, defend it or be cowed.


Republics are fragile

Just ask the Old Greeks

Or the Romans who had some experience a while.

Nothing good lasts for long, go and vote or be weak.


So I pace the floor watching

The news of the day.

I think that the outcome will likely be fetching

But I won't be relaxed for many a day.


It takes time to count ballots

Mail-ins take some time.

And Trumpians are trying legal tricks quite lots.

But I think that when Electors meet, Biden gets the dime."

Doonesbury-NixonResigns | Doonesbury's strip shortly after ...


Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Person Died

I only knew because his sister posted a message on the forum.  And she only did that because he had a list of places for her to tell.

I didn't know him all that well.  He just posted poems sometimes.  I liked his poems enough to have his page bookmarked.  We emailed a few times.  He wasn't a happy person, and his poems showed it. 

I told him I admired his poetry.  He appreciated that. 

He killed himself.  I don't know the details and don't have to know. 

I have always planned to make a similar list with passwords and sites to tell if I die.  Just so people know why I vanished.  And I sure don't plan to die anytime soon.  But there is always that surprising skidding semi-trailer or a piece of beef or a little too little blood to the brain, ya know?  Maybe I would have really made the list the day after I die.  One day late.

My youngest sister just fell down dead from a brain artery thing one day.  She was only 44.

A sadly appropriate poem from his site:


Solomon Zorn

No sadness more
No absence more

A human
Cannot be replaced
A heart in mourning
Will accept no comfort

Promises of heavenly reunion
Offer soothing
For a pain
That cannot be soothed

Death is tragic
Death is final
Death is painful
For those who survive

But survive they will
And build on the
Of the one who died

The same fire
Which burned in that soul
In those who were touched

Eventually time heals
Survivors move on
But not today
Today we are inconsolable
I think I better get started on that list...

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...