Showing posts with label Laz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laz. Show all posts

Sunday, May 23, 2021


Megan commented on The Mews blog about a hair restraint Laz played with "Am I the only one who's wondering why on earth TBT would have bought one of those things? I can't imagine that he ever wore one himself".  And that made me consider the history of my hair.  And why pass up a good topic to post about?

OK, I'm sort of an old fart (turned 71 Friday).  When I was a kid, we all had either "buzz" or "crew" cuts.  "Buzz" was a short 1" high flattop cut and you needed Brylcream to comb it up stiff.  Crew" was a short cut rounded to the skull.  I think the 1st was army and the 2nd was navy.  The really short hair for boys was a leftover from WWII when head lice were a problem.  There was probably also some element of "long hair gives an enemy something to grab".

But, of course by the late 60s we guys were tired of looking like Dad, so we wanted our hair long as a symbolic act of rebellion.  It was one of the least objectionable ways to do that.

So, in college, I grew an 18" ponytail.  Dad hated it, so that was great!  I must have been quite a sight then.  Square-toed engineer boots, a cowboy hat, bell-bottomed jeans, a vest, and the ponytail.  My dorm-mates nick-named me "Sheriff".

It DID cause some surprises when I worked at a department store.  When facing away from a new customer, I often heard "Excuse me Miss..."  LOL!

I still had it when I went to my Govt job interview.  The boss decided I was worth hiring but also asked if I would cut off the ponytail "for professional appearance".  I'm no fool, I immediately agreed and cut it off that night.  I mean, it was a 25% pay raise from the department store!

But I cut it off with the elastic still on and hung it from a picture hook for years.  Reminders of "good old days" are good.  I tossed it away eventually.

Many years later (secure in my job) the 3rd level boss above me grew a ducktail.  He was an utter jerk but thought he was "hip".  So I regrew my ponytail to mock him.  I am basically a progressive type with a few conservative ideas, but very sarcastic (or is that "sardonic"?).  I don't show that here very often, but you should see me on some discussion boards.  No, I won't tell you which ones; I am rather compartmentalized.  But eventually I got bored with the trouble of maintaining it and cut it off again.

Then, when the covid-19 problem came around and visiting the barbershop was a no-no, I shaved my head completely.  3x in 2020.  But my skull is "lumpy" (impacted sebaceous glands), so I gave up on that too.  That's a topic in itself, but not today.

These days, my hair (what is left of it) is styled like my high school yearbook picture.  1/3 to my right and the rest to the left, tapered at the neck, none more than 6" long.  Ease of maintenance has overcome style...

My hair has gone "around the block" (makes me a "blockhead?) a few times, so to speak!  :)

So I am familiar with hair-restraints.  Mostly though, I was happy to see him play with anything.  He is not a toy-oriented cat.  Nor is he a lap cat.  I think he gets really bored inside.  Even in the morning, not having eaten for 10 hours, he would rather go outside first.  

And until he arrived here and was also kept inside for several months until I was sure he knew the house smells and could find it, he had never been outside.  It may explain part of why he had frustration issues at first.  

The more he gets outside, the calmer he is inside.  He avoided returning inside the 1st few months, but as he learned I would let him out frequently (and by very loud demands) the more he has become willing to return when called. 


I pretty much let him out when he wants, and he pretty much returns these days when called.  And even when he doesn't return immediately, he is at the deck in 5-10 minutes.

They say "nothing can ignore you like a cat".  And it is true especially with Laz.  He can be right on the lawn and when I call his name, clap my hands, whistle, his ears don't even twitch! But he knows he has been called.  He's at the deck door soon enough.  Marley responds at once.  Ayla seldom even leaves the deck these days.  

But that is the tale of the hair elastic...

Thanks for the topic, Megan!  Give me a question and I'll write a chapter, LOL!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Hard Day

 We didn't have a great day here yesterday.

Laz fell 12' off the deck rolling over inattentively.

I tried to move a tall wheeled plant stand and the wheels stuck so it fell apart.  Took an hour to get it reassembled.  It holds together by friction of poles in holes.  I improved on that in the re-assembly and I have one more idea drilling 2 holes and attaching a bungee cord, but not today.

I tried to pay a hospital bill online.  What idiot developed that website?  There were options for identifying yourself for paying.  Account number on bill, last 4 digits of Social Security Number, date of birth, date of visit.  Yes, I could establish a user name and password, but I doubt I will need one soon again (they expire) and I have way too many one-shot sign-ups as it is.

Everything I tried used a Captcha test.  I got through that, but it didn't matter.  No method of identification worked.  They just wanted a new Captcha test every step.  And the steps led nowhere.

It was circular.  Add whatever identifier info they wanted, get a Capcha Test, succeed, and repeat.  Back to Square One.    Why is it that non-commercial websites never seem to work?  

I went through the same nonsense with getting a new sticker for my trailer license plate.  The website said I didn't own the trailer.  I received a renewal form in the mail and replied to that.  It worked in 5 days!

Speaking of the trailer, I noticed the supporting pipe fell off the cinder block I use to keep it off the ground.  So it was in the ground.  In fact, it is stuck in the ground.  I can't lift things like I used to.  I'll have to drag out the car's jack.

Lately, all my neighbors have decided it is great to mow their lawns at 9 am.  Im trying to sleep then.  Not their problem, but the noise is "sleeplessness".  And 2 neighbors have bought motorcycles they drive up and down the street at the same general time.  What is it with loving "noise"?

Just ranting mildly...

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Future Cat

Well, I've gone and done it now.  I sent a deposit check to a Tonkinese breeder yesterday.  The details are uncertain, but apparently, sometime in 2021, I will be able to drive 90 miles and pick up a kitten who will be "sort of like" Iza.  I don't expect a clone and don't want one.  But it would be a kitten similar in appearance and nature.  Discovering her personality will be a wonderful thing.

If she is like Iza, I will love and cherish her.  If not, I will love and cherish her.  I have never had a cat that wasn't friendly to me or that I didn't cherish in return.  That part is sort of automatic.

I emailed and phoned the breeder.  She agrees I would be a great person for one of her "girls".  I can't wait.  But I have to.  

Funny how this works.  If I had done this in May when I originally contacted the Tonkie breeder, I would have  the kitten now.  But not have Laz.  

I like how things are working out.  I get both.   Laz is amazing.

Laz is a flaming ball of energy.  I've never had a cat quite like him.  He runs full-tilt everywhere.  When I hear him running in the house, I have to stop because he runs into any of MY moving parts. 

But he has adjusted to Marley and Ayla, so finally I can consider a kitten.  I'm guessing late Summer...

Thursday, October 29, 2020


I have mentioned recently that Laz has been getting better in adapting to the house.   I may not have have mentioned HOW much better he is doing.

There is still an occasional hiss from Ayla (she is reluctant to trust him) and when you get attacked, you remember it.  And I don't blame her for remembering being attacked.  But I haven't heard a screech in a week (maybe 2) and only softer hisses.

Laz is reacting positively to being let outside.  He got over the fence once a couple/few weeks ago (I think from my compost bin) and observing him desperately trying to jump back up (down is easier than up), I don't think he will do it again soon.  And besides, I now have a board set on the likely jump point loose on edge.  If he tries to jump from that, he will have a very negative experience.  On the other hand, if he does do it, I have one fence board barely attached so that he has a way home.

I know I said I was going to build a small enclosure for him to sit outside in, but I realized what he needed was "running around space".  He is young, full of energy, and I think the outside (in limited and controlled conditions) are good for cats.  

Being outside and exploring the yard (usually with Marley and/or me outside with him) has calmed him.  At first, he did not respond to my calls to return to the house.  The outside was too strong an attraction.  But lately, he has been responding.  That is a major success.  

I am pleased to say he now routinely comes in when called.  It helps when he sees Marley coming back to the house, but he more often does it on his own.  Not always, of course, but what cat ALWAYS responds to calls immediately?

The point is that he usually does and is getting better at it.  That I give treats to all when they do helps.  Well, you can't give treats or food to one and not all.  They KNOW!  I swear, I could give treats to Laz out in the yard and Marley and Ayla would be waiting for theirs inside.  Ayla has several special places where she expects food and sometimes I think that if I even WROTE about food, she would go to one of her places expecting some.

Not to get off-topic entirely, but Ayla decides WHERE she will eat.   I sometimes have to follow her through 3 rooms until she decides where the RIGHT place to eat is.  LOL!

But back to Laz...

Laz is calmer around Ayla.  Ayla has been more willing to come out of the bedroom and Mews Room.  Laz is much more "touchable".  He used to stay just out of reach walking by, but now he comes close enough for a back stroke and sometimes attention.  He loves chin rubs and strokes when he is on the cat tree platform and he flops right over on the waterbed seeking attention a LOT more than he used to.

He talks constantly.  He has a voice like a rusty gate, but even then, not as loud and worried-sounding as a couple months ago...  He is getting better in bed.  He used to push and shove against me very hard.    That might have been desperation about contact with his "new safe Being".  Now he has learned he can stay there longer with softer contact.  Laz and Ayla have peacefully slept around me the past 2 weeks and that would have been impossible a month ago.

Thinks are looking a LOT better than just a few weeks ago.  I think Laz has made some adjustment in his mind (forgot some bad memories, learned new ones, reconsidered his position here, learned to calm down, discovered he could expend youthful energy running around the yard, learned to trust me, connected to Marley, accepting Ayla, etc).

So Laz is here.  And he won't be going anywhere.


Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...