Showing posts with label Strange Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strange Questions. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Adjusting To CoVid19

I'm being careful.  Last month, guessing that things might get bad, I safely shopped in a grocery store and Walmart for basic supplies.  I didn't overdo it.  I didn't buy 2 years worth of toilet paper or 50 gallons of bottled water.  I didn't buy a case of canned chili (gag), a dozen frozen pizzas, or every box of chicken pot pies.  I didn't buy 5 gallons of milk (who can use 5 gallons of milk before it spoils)?  I'm reasonable. 

I did buy some large bags of frozen veggies.  I like veggies, and frozen isn't too bad.  I bought some canned goods (beans and corn) and 4 gallons of distilled water "in case", but not much else. 

I already had several months worth of frozen cooked meat (I routinely smoke a pork shoulder and cook chicken thighs en masse sometimes) and put them in 4 oz portions for future meals.

I didn't try to raid local stores of hand sanatizer or masks.

But it can be amazing what a packrat like me has sitting around...    I found leftover hand sanitizer from when my becoming-demented Dad was living here in 2012 to 2014.  I found I had a large bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol (why 91% and not just 90% baffles me) in the back if the bathroom cabinet.

More to the point, I do some woodworking and sawdust is always a problem.  I had a sawdust mask I had used too often and noticed a box on a basement windowsill.  Well, stuff sits around here a long time without really being noticed sometimes.  It is a box of 20 N95 respiratory masks

So I have a quandary.  I could donate it to a hospital or keep it.  A hospital would use it up in a few minutes.  To me, it means possible safe grocery shopping for several months.  I'm in the danger range for CoVid19.  Over 65 and respiratory issues.

What would you do?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Are You Not Moving?

Are you sure?

As you sit unmoving in a chair, you are probably moving about 750 miles per hour as the Earth rotates.  More if you are near the equator, less if you are closer to the poles.

But then the Earth is in orbit around the Sun.  That has you moving at about 67,000 miles per hour.

The sun is part of The Milky Way galaxy.  The Milky Way rotates at about 540,000 miles per hour in the main body of stars.

Our Milky Way galaxy is part of a local cluster of galaxies moving generally along together at higher speeds, and the local cluster is part of a supercluster moving faster than the local cluster, etc.

You are moving at something like a million miles per hour.  It gets worse than THAT but I'll spare you...  And you feel like you are sitting still.  That's what gravity does.

And yet gravity is weak.  You can easily lift a brick against the full force of the gravity of the entire planet!  The human record seems to be 1,102.3 pounds of deadlift (just off the floor).

So gravity is weak, and we are moving at about 1 million miles per hour...  Ever wonder what keeps us on the Erth surface and just not jumping away?  LOL!

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...