Showing posts with label Landfill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Landfill. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Doing Useful Stuff, 3

Biannual Trash Dump:

I visit the landfill twice a year.  I recycle and compost so much that I seldom have anything for the trash collectors to haul away.  Maybe 1 bag per month.  And since I have to pay private trash collectors at least $40 per month, that's not a good deal.

And since what IS trash isn't organic, it doesn't smell.  So it can sit in bag in the garage for 6 months.

The kitty litter is the bulk of my other trash.  I can't compost THAT! But with the scoopable litter in plastic bags in the plastic tubs the litter comes in makes a good storage. I can wait on that too.  Seriously, the scoopable litter in the plastic tubs it comes in DOESNT cause any odor.  To me anyway.

So I filled up the car with the tubs of used kitty litter and the bags of  clean trash and drove to the landfill.

I can't BELIEVE I didn't take pictures of the SUV all filled up this time...  This isn't the picture from THIS year, but it is about the same amount.
The difference is that I learned that if I could put it all in the back of the car, I could pay just a flat fee of $5 for the whole load.  A trailer MUST be paid by weight (and that weight cost $10-$15)  So I do that by carload now.

Now I start another 6 months kitty litter and uncompostable, unrecyclable trash collection in the garage.  LOL!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kitty Litter and Trash Bags

I think I set a new personal record.  18 buckets of kitty litter, 5 bags of trash (and they didn't smell a bit),  and various non-recyclable stuff.  And a 30 gallon aquarium that refused to be re-sealed.  Old tape drives, a single CD player that was broken,   Old fluorescent bulbs...  Took 6 months. About 300 pounds,  $5  flat rate because it all fit in the SUV.

See those small trash bags?  Each is a whole month here.  I recycle or compost EVERYTHING possible.  Some stuff ISN'T possible.  I wish I could have NO trash bags.  But I do my best.

But it was a good day at the landfill.  I  resent leaving the litter buckets, but I ran out of space to store them and I can't find a use.   I have used all I can as growing containers.

Any suggestions?

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