Showing posts with label Operation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operation. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Yet Another Update

Well, I had a followup visit with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday.  I almost cancelled it for several reasons.  First, I couldn't think of anything useful she could tell me  (I was mildly wrong about that).  Second, sitting around the waiting room is really boring.  

Third, half my driveway still has ice on it. And it was raining lightly, so it was slick.  And my driveway goes downhill to the street.  And across the road where the driveway joins it, there is an 8' drop to a drainage easement.  So I was unsure about risking it. 

I was cautious.  I stepped on the ice first.  The light rain HAD made it "punky" enough so my shoes made an impression.  So I backed the car out of the garage so the rear wheels were on the ice and the front still in the garage and then pulled forward again.  Nice crushed tire tread marks!

The street-side half of the driveway was bare asphalt, so I couldn't slide beyond that, and the street was bare of any ice, so I could certainly stop there.  And the car is 4 wheel drive.  So I decided it was safe for several reasons.  I decided to visit the Dr...

And there were NO problems getting the car to the street safely.  If that still seems "un-cautious", I'll mention that I did NOT put on my seatbelt AND kept the door slightly open in case I had to bail out.  On the street, I attached seatbelt etc...

At the Dr's office, a person interviewed me about changes in condition since the last visit, any specific problems and questions, etc.  I mentioned having no specific pain anymore, very mild hip stiffness when I first got up in the morning or after sitting for an hour, not taking any meds (not even OTC Ibuprophen for several days), getting back to some normal household activities like laundry and cat litterbox cleaning, but feeling some weakness lifting anything above my right shoulder (where the clavicle is separated from the scapula.  Complained slightly that I probably couldn't bowl or golf again, and that my gardening activities might be very restricted.

The Dr arrived 10 minutes later.  After asking questions for 5 minutes, she had a few  observations/suggestions.  First, I was healing quicker than average for my age and most people with similar injuries were still on meds.  I'm not playing "tough guy".  If I was hurting, I would ask for a med.  

Second, she asked if I had seen a physical therapist.  I hadn't, but that was because I had visited my primary care Dr (who has the same shoulder injury) and he showed me the mild stretching exercises he was given.  Plus, I looked it up on the net and it was obvious stuff I was already doing.  Drs HATE that, but hey, this was from professional sites.

Third, she mentioned that I might be self-limiting about bowling and golf and gardening.  The clavicle/scapula connections is not a strength joint.  She suggested I try a few frames of bowling (just to swing the ball gently and release it, and try some gentle golf chip shots in the back yard to see how it felt IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS.

Fourth, she reminded me that surgery IS an option at any time.  She said a minor incision to insert a pin holding the clavicle in place with the scapula is an option, though it takes 6-8 weeks of general shoulder immobility.  She says the operation would essentially return my shoulder to pre-fall condition

That's both a possibility and a concern.  I find the shoulder "annoying" and come Spring when I can do things outdoors again, I might find my new limitations unacceptable.  On the other hand, I can't quite image being essentially left-armed for 6-8 weeks as being manageable.  

But I don't have to make that decision now.  The shoulder problem is more weird than limiting at the moment.  I will see how things go when I'm out in the yard again.  Trying routine yardwork in a month or so will help me decide.  As the Dr said, and this point, the operation would work the same tomorrow or next year.

So I've been testing myself (gently) with indoor things.  I normally clean the cat litter boxes by lifting them to the workbench and doing the scraping/sifting there.  I was doing it on the floor on hands and knees a few weeks ago, but have done it on the bench twice since.  It works, but let's say I'm about 80% good at the lifting.  It doesn't hurt, but the right shoulder is weak.  

Part of my recovery has been adjusting ways of doing some things.  I've always been better at using my left arm and hand than most people.  In fact, I suspect I was originally a "lefty" but was discouraged from it as a child.  In the 1950s, that was considered a "problem" for kids as they tried to fit into society.  

So for now, let's say that I am in pretty decent shape (all things considered), that what I am now is what I WILL be (into every life, some rain must fall), and that at some point "life" was going to catch up to me.

I'm 70.  Some physical problems were inevitable.  I've been lucky.  One finally got me and it was my fault.  Ya can't be lucky forever...

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...