Thursday, January 14, 2021

One Day Leads To Another

Not much different today than yesterday.  The ugly shoulder bruise is fading, but the ones around the hips/lower back are deeper purple (I can't show you THOSE pictures, LOL).  They will begin to fade in a few days, I guess.  At least bruises don't actually HURT!  The muscles under them do though.

There may not be much change from yesterday, but there sure is from last Wensday.  Getting up from a chair or bed was a willful act of pain then.  Now I can pretty much just stand up (one hand on a kneee still helps).  One day soon I will just stand up like normal and not even realize it at first.

You would think that using the walker would make my arms hurt/tired since I'm putting a lot of my weight on them, but it is actually the hips that wear out first.  

Deb came over to see how I was doing.  She returned my laundered pants and picked up my grocery list for when she goes out later.  I have lots of the other stuff clean.

She gets a kick out of my grocery list and refrigator supply.  She says I am the healthiest-eating person she ever met.  Today's list was all fresh fruits and veggies.  Not a twinkie or even potato chip in sight.  

She likes my shopping list itself too.  I made an Excel spreadsheet list of all my usual stuff years ago.  I fitted it 2 per page and printed out 50 copies and cut them in half.  So there is 100 lists.  I keep them on a strong magnetic clip on the refrigerator and just check off items as I run out.  She thinks she may do the same.

It can be funny about lists though.  You know what each item means to YOU, but no one else quite does.  Like, one item just says "lettuce" .  I know that means green leaf or buttercrunch.  To Deb, that meant "iceberg".  She LIKES iceberg (I don't), so I explained and gave it to her.  Same with tomatoes.  To me that means grape or cherry tomatoes.  To her it means the larger regular hothouse tomatoes. I know beggers can't be choosy, but I guess I'm a bit of a "foodie"...  So todays list was handwritten in more detail.  She understands.

She insisted on doing some quick cleaning in the kitchen.  I said OK as long as it was just exposed counter space not oven-cleaning and she could NOT even look into the bathroom.  But I think I better do some cleaning in there myself today.  She is VERY determined to help and I do have SOME pride!  But I am the kind of person who couild walk into an abandoned cabin full of cobwebs and a dead squirrel in the corner and think "Home Sweet Home", LOL!

The Mews are adapting to the situation.  They have the Big Bowl of kibble, and I managed canned 2x a day now.  Ayla has been more active lately, coming into the main rooms of the house.  I even saw Ayla nappin on a living room chair yesterday.  And she comes to visit me at the computer frequently.  They still fear the walker.

Thanks for the continued good wishes, POTP, etc.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes, those walker noises can be pretty scary. Keep healing!

Katie Isabella said...

Proud of how well you are doing.

pilch92 said...

Glad you can notice some improvement from last week. Thank God for people like Deb. We are blessed with good neighbors too. Last summer when the power was out for a few days, he loaned us a generator.

Mickey's Musings said...

The worst thing about recovery is that it never seems to end.
I hope your journey will be "quick"(all things considered)
Good that you have a caring neighbour too.
Sending positive vibes and hope the healing goes well and quickly!!!
Nancy ,and purrs rom Julie

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You are managing and recovering very well, Mark. Your stubborn nature helps you in this case!

Just don't try to do too much all at once...those hip bruises are only thge tip of the injury iceberg there...

Yes, us pups are scared of the mobility aids pawppy uses, too...there is the clunking noise, and the awkward gait, and well, those things just *look* ominous to us!

LOL, about the shopping list, that happens here too. One day I wrote something down, and hubby didn't quite know,where to find it, so he took a picture of the bar code to ask the clerk in the store, LOL! Or he brings double the amount we really need...sigh...

Keep on healing up, and we are thinking of you a lot. Licks and wags from us pups, too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad you can see an improvement now, Mark. I agree with you about shopping lists. At the beginning of the pandemic I couldn't get home deliveries and a friend picked up a few essentials for me. I was very grateful for her doing it but I did get some different things to expected. I like flat lettuce which is looser open leaf and also got iceberg!
The weirdest thing I got though was when I was laid up with a broken leg years ago and Ivor did the shopping. I put Jif on the list meaning the household cleaner. (They have since changed it's name to Cif.) He brought home a Jif lemon even though he knows I dislike the taste of lemon!
Continued good wishes to you.

Susie said...

Hire a housecleaning service to do one thorough job, bathroom included. They’ve seen it all! You’ll never have to see them again unless you decide to. ❤️

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