Sunday, January 24, 2021


I don't often have pics of myself to post, but Great Neighbor Deb took a few yesterday for me.

First, just plain me.  My pics always look a little odd.  Some people have a natural smile even when relaxed.  Not me.  My natural facial expression is a bit dour, even unhappy-looking sometimes.  When I try to smile for a pictures, my eyebrows go up too and I look somewhere between stupid and surprised.

So I actually practiced in front of the mirror!   I managed to keep the eyebrows down and still get a slight smile.

Second, here is a pic of me with the walker Deb's hubby John brought from work.  He works at a public storage place and they have abandoned stuff like that just sitting around.  The thing on top is the breakfast-in-bed tray I mentioned previously.  One end fits over the walker handle and the other end is snug against the bottom of the tray frame.  It works well enough and it is easily removable.  Deb attached a basket in front with zip ties.  The red thing is an AARP fanny pack.  I keep my meds and my Dr appointment cards in there.  Much better than the plastic shopping bag I originally tied there.
I usually wear an N-95 mask when out, but I found a neat cat mask!  If I wear the N-95 mask under it, I will even look like I have a kitty snout, LOL!
Physically, I feel the same as yesterday, so nothing to mention there...  My sleep cycle is all messed up, though.  Sometimes I am tired and go to bed early and get up early; sometimes late and late.  Some nights I can barely sleep (some muscle unhappy in any position).  Other nights, I'm in bed for 10-12 hours.  I'm driving The Mews crazy; they sort of set their daily clocks by when I get up.  

Keepin On Keepin On...


Megan said...

I think you look quite like your dad in those first couple of pics, Mark.

Sydney, Australia

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I have the same problem with a naturally turned down mouth that makes me look miserable. I used to concentrate on trying to keep a smile at one time but found the effort made the corners of my mouth twitch. Instead of looking miserable I ended up looking crazy so gave up.

Mickey's Musings said...

Glad to hear you are doing OK.
At least you are mobile.
I like your mask :)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Your walker is really set up purrfectly! And love the mask...and smile!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

We love your mask! we're glad you're feeling better.

pilch92 said...

You look surprisingly good for all you went through. I love the mask.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Keep on keeping on, we're cheering for you to get all well again!

The Swiss Cats said...

What a nice smile, great picture ! You're doing things like a champ with your walker, keep going. Pawsome mask ! Purrs

Katie Isabella said...

Love the mask and you are doing great!!! Keep smiling. We like that.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Your mask made me smile!! Nice pics!!
You have your walker outfitted quite well!

Now we can all see how that you are up and around, and being mobile is key to getting batter.

Us hooligans are wagging our tails fast for you and using that energy to add a lot more POTP for you to continue to heal. ♥

Timmy Tomcat said...

That walker is a great setup. Love the mask and we are all wishing you a speedy recovery

Annoying Recall Notice

 The bad...  My electric Ryobi mower is on recall.  I received an email from them about that.  Directed me to a phone number or a website.  ...