Showing posts with label JFK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JFK. Show all posts

Saturday, November 23, 2024

A Day Late

But I wanted to remember a sad day.

John F Kennedy Memorial at Kennedy Plaza Editorial Stock Photo - Image ...

Photos: Nation remembers JFK on 50th anniversary of death | Minnesota ...

I remember some parts.  I was only 13.  I saw a lot on TV afterwards.  But my most specific image is the loudskeaker above the teacher's desk.  The Principal broadcast news that we were all to go home as school was dismissed for the day.  Those who could would.  Those who couldn't would stay in class and wait for their parents.  

Because the President had been shot and killed.  I biked to school, so I left.  But the image that remains with me is not the event itself (though that was important)).  What is strongest in my memory is the speaker box.  Because that was all we had to see at the time.  

It was about 12" square and about 6" deep.  It was pale wood.  The front was covered in a square or a circle of brown cloth (somehow, I can't remember that part well).  I picture screws in each corner of the front of the box.  

As events sometimes occur, my family visited the Grandparents for weeklong Thanksgiving Day visit.  It was a quiet dinner.  Grandad had the TV on all day, which in 1963 was a bit unusual.  Everything onair was about the funeral.

I may be slightly off on sone details.  It was 61 years ago.  But that is what my memory says...


Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...