Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Dr Office Visit

Went to my regular Dr office as followup to hospital visit.  Actually, I saw a physician assistant (PA) hereafter).  I have good vital signs!  Blood Pressure 150/65 (the 150 is a little high, but she allowed for the exertion using the walker for 2 weeks).   Pulse was 66.  Oxygen level was 98% (fantastic for a 50 year smoker)!  And to think the primary care Dr suggested I might have COPD in 2018.  Temp is a perfect 98.6.  

Turned out they WOULDN'T approve a Percoset refill.  I told her my last pill had been Thursday and I felt just fine mentally (as in no withdrawal sensations) but they are being cautious and I understand that).  But she understood I WAS in some pain, so I got a prescription for traMADOL (an opiate) and 600 mg ibuprophen.  Grand total cost 49 cents.  WOW!

I researched traMADOL (that's how it is printed on the bottle).  It seems more addictive and dangerous than Percoset!  Well, they only gave me 9 pills.  What bad can happen?

It was funny when she asked my age.  When I said 70, she looked at me carefully and asked me to confirm it.   Yeah, I'm one of THOSE PEOPLE.  I often get carded when I request a senior discount, LOL!  Fair is fair, though.  I sufferred as a teen by looking 14 when I went to college.  Just TRY to date a college woman when you look like you're in 10th grade...  Liquor store guys would study my drivers license to see how I had faked it. 

I ordered a flat tray with raised edges for carrying food to the TV room on the walker (I have a basket but it only fits small bowls) and 2 precut tennis balls to fit the non wheel legs.

I'm actually having a harder time getting around now than 2 days ago.  Apparently, I've pulled a groin muscle.   THAT stings a bit.  The ibuprophen helps and I start the opiate tomorrow.  But I need to favor the right leg for a few days.

BTW, both Deb and John tested positive for Covid-19 last Summer.  Several negative tests since then.  She sanatizered me and had me wear gloves in her car and the Dr office.  Even so, she said she wouldn't go in the Dr office waiting area, and then did anyway.  She did all the paperwork and got the prescriptions afterwards (there is a pharmacy right there in the Medical Bldg).  She is a take-charge person!

When she got me home, she insisted I do a complete change of clothes and put that set into a separate plastic bag (from which she will dump untouched from the bag into the washer for safety).  She is a self-proclaimed "cleanliness fanatic".  My house must look like a horror show to her.  Let's just say I am a "rather careless housekeeper". It just doesn't bother me.  I grew up playing in dirt and creek water, and my adult hobbies usually have me in dirt.  The PA was surprised at my lack of adult health problems (I never catch colds or flu.  I've read health articles about that, though.  Moderate exposure to "the natural world" tends to provide lifelong health benefits.  :)

She loves the truffle sample box I gave her.  Says she never guessed there were so many flavors.  Pumpkin, spice, mint, sea salt, etc.  I have simple tastes in chocolate:  White and Extra Dark!  So, I know what to do with the sample box (basically 2 or 3 of every flavor Lindor sells) that will come with my next White and Extra Dark order I place (I order a 150 piece box of each about once per year).

That will be a few months from now, so I am planning "innocent thanks" flowers next week and prime steaks when I can shop for myself again.  And some fresh garden produce in Summer.  Not many people are familiar with flat Italian green beans, and apparently, she has never had an heirloom tomato.  Hmm, a loaf of my home baked bread next week, too.  I use beer instead of water for more depth of flavor, and add dried minced onion, crushed garlic and oregano.  Really makes a difference.  I LOVE my bread machine!

Other than that, it is "same old, same old".  Wait and heal, wait and heal...


Brian's Home Blog said...

Yea, watch that med, it's sort of a starter drug, yikes!

Marvelous Marv said...

Glad to hear you are doing well and the the Dr was happy! And the neighbor too! Chocolate truffles are always good and homemade bread is always loved! Have a marvellously Happy Day!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Well, you are now into buttering up your kind neighbor lady! MOL, Just kidding...she deserves a huge thanks!

Did you get anther appt to see the doc for another check up on your progress?? Or for PT?

Hubby has a tray made esp for walkers, it fits over the handles. (We went to the Drive medical equipment site, or you can google walker trays.)

Sorry you stained a muscle, must have happened from over compensating for other weaknesses.

Hope those meds work, ibuprofen is a good one, its anti-inflammatory as well.

Glad you are in good health otherwise! That is wonderful!
(I did the same with my clothes/uniform when we had a covid outbreak where I work....and I stayed away from my family members for a while.)

Hugs and us pups are wagging and wiggling for you as well as we are praying for continued recovery without any setbacks.

Megan said...

Thanks for the update, Mark. Two steps forward, one step back so to speak - be careful with that pulled muscle! I think your plans to thank you neighbour with homemade bread and homegrown vegetables etc is wonderful - because these are the things that money can't buy. And ... if she doesn't bake her own bread or grow her own vegetables they will be a real novelty and something quite special.

Good htinking!

Sydney, Australia

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I can understand Deb making you have a complete change of clothes when you got home. I don't go anywhere because I have a poor immune system due to the cancer meds. The only place I do go is to the hospital for CT scans, blood tests etc. I have my small bottle of anti viral sanitiser that I spray the seats with before I sit down, and when I get home everything goes straight in the washing machine. The virus is spreading so fast that you can't afford to take any chances.
I am glad all your vitals are good, but sorry you have pulled a groin muscle. Remember, take things slowly.
It is good they only gave toy 9 tramadol. When my cancer was first found to have metasticised I was in a lot of pain. I was given unlimited codeine and ibuprofen and told to take 2 of each 4 times a day.
The codeine worried me being an opiate but I was assured if I was taking it for pain it wouldn't become addictive. NOT TRUE!
I was taking 8 of them a day for several months and it continued to worry me so I started to very slowly cut back on them. I was alright until I went from 3 to 2 then I was getting the shakes and panic attacks. I was determined to not go back to 1 three times a day and persevered, but it was hard. I waited several months before I tried to reduce them again and then only by half a tablet. I am pleased to say I have not taken any for over a year now.
Sorry to go on about it, but it makes me so mad when the doctors told me it was not addictive, and I am not a person who gets addicted to things normally.

catladymac said...

Based on my experience you may find Tramadol isn't all that effective on pain either, so you may not have to worry about getting hooked.

It is so good that you have caring neighbors. Just the thought of heirloom tomatoes makes me giddy.

Purrs to the Mews !

catladymac said...

I do not mean to contradict what Eric and Flynn's Mom warned you about Tramadol. My pain was in one knee, the result of a kneecap broken years ago and still painful off and on, so the doctor has tried me on several things. I imagine that is a different type of pain from what she describes, so you may find either one to be true in your case. You are right to be cautious in any case.

ZOOLATRY said...

G'morning friend: may as well add my thoughts on tramadol; given after hip replacement; used two the first day. Zero help; the rest still in my Rx bag. Aleve worked just fine. Slow and steady rules all. Deb's your angel on earth, blessed to have her and your "plans for thanks" are the best! May each day be a wee bit better than the day before ...

Changing The Clocks And Watches

As I said yesterday way more briefly than I intended to (I meant to go back and add a lot more Saturday evening) I love Daylight Saving Time...