Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A New Thing For Me

I've been listening to old music on the computer all night by themes and answering gardening questions on a forum.  But I suddenly had a thought.

I did something neat this morning.  It might be routine for some people even "duh", but it was new to me.

I like sci-fi.  I like Marvel movies and characters.  One of my favorite scenes in a Marvel Movie is in X-men:  Apocolypse where Quicksilver is saving the people in the exploding Xavier College.  And one of my favorite songs is The Eurythmics 'Sweet Dreams' and they were together in the scene.

So I searched the scene and found it.  But no music.  So I opened 2 windows on Firefox.  One held the scene, the other had the song.  I got them open up close enough for them to nearly match!

For me, that is seriously good stuff.  I don't normally figure out how to do things like that that.  Sort of a "one thing at a time person".

I'm gonna go do that again now...


Later, OK 5 more times, actually.

And he MOONWALKED  It was amazing to me.  Its like the Rubik Cube.  I can't do it even with instructions...

I haven't figured out what the brief dart thing meant but it was so quick even in slo-mo.

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Aquarium

I have a 30 gallon with community fresh water fish.There are some bottom-feeders like Corys and an algae-eater who keeps the glass clean.  There are a couple of Tiger Barbs and maybe a dozen Minor Serpa Tetras.  There are also pair of Marigold Platys. 
Image result for sunset platy images
Platys bear live young.  The young never survive in a community tank.  They get eaten by the other fish nearly as fast as they are released.  I have come to hate that.

But I also have live plants and the "anachris" floats on the surface in a rather dense mat.  Baby fish hide in there. 
Live Cutting Anacharis Elodea Densa Floating Plant Bio Filter for Fish Pond Aquarium

I disturbed the surface a month ago, and saw "something" dart out that was immediately eaten.  I realized it was a baby platy that I chased from its sanctuary among the floating plants.  I felt horrible about causing it to flee and be eaten by my action.

So, 2 weeks ago, when I opened the top of the hood to feed the fish, I happened to notice 2 tiny little eyes among the shelter of the plants.  It was a baby Platy that had survived its first few days.  With my reading glasses on, I saw it in various places for several more days.  Little black eyes hiding in the plants.

I've bred various fish in my life.  Bettas, cherry barbs, gouramis, and fancy guppies.  They each need special conditions, but most of all, safety from other fish.  There are even V-shape tank add-ins for live-bearers so the babies fall through and Mom doesn't eat them.  I should buy a new one.

Because Mom looks gravid again.

I haven't seen that Baby Fish for 3 days.   And I feel guilty...

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Bad Days

I feel like I am falling apart lately. 

Need a new car (current one is a 2005 Toyota Highlander) and can't decide whether to replace it standard or keep it and buy an all electric sedan.  I only do errands around town, so an electric makes sense.  But sometimes I haul mulch or compost in a trailer, so I need some power.  I could almost buy a golf cart for my errands...  LOL!

Need a new riding mower.  I'm too old to push the regular ones around, self-propelled types with their constant speed are too difficult around the details of the yard.  Besides, I started with the push mowers at age 12 and hated it.  Eldest sons get all the hard work.  So I looked at Consumer Reports for a new riding mower.  Listed several, but when I looked up pros and cons, a lot of sites said those same mowers sucked at slopes or even dragging a yard cart behind.  I chose one anyway.  But the local store that sells my chosen model (John Deere E130) is closed (convid19). 

Iza's departure has left a hole in my heart.  I want a replacement.  Maybe "replacement" is the wrong word.  I have have space in my heart for another and I want it filled soon.  I am not good at waiting.  But the local shelter is closed, the Tonkinese breeder can't commit for 2 months, and the Siamese breeder is awaiting a new litter before she knows "who is who" I think.  But does have a 3 year old striped Siamese (Lynx?).

Impatience on all is driving me to distraction.

I know, I am lucky to even have minor concerns like this.  I don't have to wait in miles-long lines to get volunteered food like many people are.  I don't have loved-ones dying in hospitals alone.  I am comfortable staying at home.  I have 2 wonderful cats. 

I feel like a damn fool even mentioning these slight problems.  But Iza's loss has me all unbalanced.  I suddenly have nightmares.  I don't enjoy cooking and eating recently. 

I should just delete this.  But telling the world how I feel helps...

In the movie 'Conagher' a cowboy wanders around as a "hand".  He meets a widow named "Evie" who is managing a farm.  He "drifts", she stays.  She attaches notes to tumbleweeds.  An early internet...  He finds a few and wonders who she is (duh). Eventually, he does pull out one of her notes from his pocket and she admits to writing them.  Happily Ever After...

I feel like my posts are notes tied to tumbleweeds sometimes.  I'm not looking for someone, as Evie was not exactly looking for someone either, but my posts are often my connection to the universe... 

Thank you to all who read here.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Iza's Marker

I've been slowly building Iza's marker box to match that of Skeeter and LC.  They were bit of odd constructions with lots of angles.  The detailed work seemed a sign of respect.  So I copied them for Iza.

Somehow, tradition matters to me about OTB cats.  I want a sense of continuity and equal respect, so the markers have to be the same.

I started by taking one marker box into the basement and measuring it carefully.  It felt a bit weird having the marker box in the basement, but it was meant with respect.

Then I started cutting and assembling new boards.  It was very comforting, and I did it with Iza in my thoughts.

I cut pieces of preservative-treated wood ( for durability) to size, tilted the table saw blade of 30 and 60 degree angles to match the previous markers, and made some slight adjustments (not all boards are exactly the same thickness and width).

But I got it assembled with wood glue and clamps to hold it all together.
One can never have "too many clamps" but this didn't require all of mine.  
I didn't get all the angle cuts perfectly, but weather will expand the wood slightly.  I've learned to leave slight gaps on outdoor wood.
I leave the back open on these because I don't want to encourage critters to hide an burrow over the cats.
Here is the constructed memorial marker box.  I sanded some slightly mis-matching edges and added countersunk exterior-grade screws.  Glue won't hold long, but screws will.
And then I used rubber cement t attach the last brown resin cat figurine I had.  They came in 3,  Skeeter, LC, Iza...
Closeup of the Iza figurine... I apologize to her that it was the least expressive of the 3, but I really wasn't expecting to use it hoping to find more of the original set.  Or so soon.
I have brass letters on order for delivery in a week, and will attach them then.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


I meant to show 2 colors of pansies I have not seen before, Tuesday, and forgot.  And not that I know much about pansies.  But they seemed unusual...

I've never seen a purple/white pansy with a  with a bottom of yellow.
And these seem unusual to me.  Actually, they are slightly more lighter orangish than this, but I couldn't adjust the pic for the right color.   My camera has thoughts of its own sometimes, and I don't know enough about tint management.
Aside from that, I had a lot of the 16 cell pack pansies that were actually multiple plants per cell, so I got a lot of rather interesting combinations of 2 colors in one spot and even 3 in a few.  Don't you love surprises like that?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day 2020

Let's say a strange message appeared on my monitor a few days ago.  Let's suppose it came from The Galactic Confederation and went something like this...

"We have received some primitive signals from you.  We assumed they were some sort of sign of intelligent life or maybe a request for membership.  So we investigated.  After all, we have a few picobots around every planet that develops so much as pond scum...

Your application to join us is denied.  

We consider you all to be blarts.  You lay waste to your planet, you are all divisive and warlike, and you eat each other.  WE do not approve.  We note that you are attempting local spaceflight (and badly, we will say).  We will make sure you do not succeed at that until you get yourselves united, organize your resources better, and learn to get your individual energy from non-living renewable sources.

And BTW, we have detected your attempts to discover us.  Your efforts are both puerile and easily thwarted.  We have a whole world dedicated to presenting you images that look very nice and are meaningless.

If and when you "get your act together" in the picobots judgement, WE will contact YOU.  Meanwhile, we would appreciate it if you would stop trying to  galacticAI.univ us.  It's just static and goes straight to the junk balik.   We have one poor Scopinea who spends all day deleting your nonsense and while we give him that function, he is a sad case by our standards though we suppose hesheit would seem like a genius to you.

So fix your own problems before you try to leave your planet.  If you do, we will know." 

Ack Thbbft!

Image result for earth image
Fix it before you leave it...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


The Mews have not decided who will host the Thursday Garden Tours and I haven't collected the pictures of the Saucer Magnolia and the Daffodil Bed as they bloomed for a slideshow yet, so I wanted to show the Happy Pansies in the deck pots for now...
The warmish Winter and soft Spring has let tem grow better than they have in any previous year here.
If the pots look like they have too many of some color and not enough of others, it is because they got all the ones that weren't blooming at the time I planted the outside large mass. 
I was expecting some randomness surprises, and I got some.  
But that was the point, LOL!

The massed planting is doing well, though the Winter weeds have grown suddenly.  I had dragged the scuffle how between them in January, but apparently the weeds either grew back or new seeds germinated due to me disturbing the soil.   
Maybe they looked better in March.  Fewer flowers but fewer weeds...
I would hoe again, but newer demands command attention for longer-term benefits.  I have perennials and self-sowing annuals to plant in the Meadow and Pollinator Beds, wild blackberries and other briars (and some poison ivy) to dig out in the back non-lawn area.  It took days with the brush-cutter to chop all the wild stuff down last Fall, so I don't want to let that escape again.

But the Pansies sure have been a pleasure since October!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Proper Place For a Deceased Cat

The proper place for a deceased cat should be a place of beauty because cats are nearly the definition of beauty.  And grace, agility, and movement.

The proper place for a deceased cat should a place it enjoyed in life because cats are almost the definition of knowing where they look their best and they know thos locations.

The proper place for a deceased cat should a place you look at frequently in the normal course of your life, because cats deserve to be remembered.

The proper place for a deceased cat should be a place you will maintain free of weeds and briars and invasive plants so that their final spot will not be lost.

The proper place for a deceased cat should have a decent marker.  They deserve it, and making (or buying) one is a final act of love and respect.
The proper place for a deceased cat should be in a sunny spot.  They adore sun.  They won't know it is sunny (maybe), but you will, and that will comfort you.

The proper place for a deceased cat should include gravegoods in honor of what they most loved in life.  Some treats, some Nip, a couple of toys.  Add anything you think is good.

The proper place for a deceased cat should include a bit of ceremony.  When the last shovelful of Earth's is added and tapped down (gently of course, cat's don't like loud sounds), play a bit of soft music, sit by the spot and contemplate the individuality of that cat.

The cat who shared space with you for a few or many years deserves time for you to recall its habits, likes and dislikes, loves and fears, and how it adjusted to you as you adjusted to it.  It was a living, thinking creature.

Cats are still essentially feral animals.  Yet they adjust to our world, come to adopt us as we adopt them, accept most of our household rules and get along so gently.

The last thing we do is remember them after they have gone OTB.  So do it well...

Friday, April 10, 2020


One less cat to pick up after.

One less bowl to clean.

One less litterbox to empty.

Fewer cans to open.

No meds to provide.

No more hairballs or floor-pee or morning stomach-foam from a sickly cat. 

But damn, I would sure accept that all again to have her back on my lap purring...

Iza was as unique a cat as humans are unique.  There will never quite be another "Iza".

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I used to play chess very well.  When I was 12, I beat my Dad at it, and he never played me again.  I found a neighbor kid who also played and we had great games.

Wen I went to Univ of MD, it turned out the President of the Chess Club was 2 rooms away.  We played for hours.  I got pulled into the rated chess world.  When my friend the President was in an accident and became permanently (how do I say this) "not himself anymore", I took over.

Not that I was ever going to challenge Bobby Fisher, but I got a trophy or 2. 

Years later, I learned that some of the people on a discussion board also played chess (better than I did) and we formed an online team.  We did great.  I organized and they played.  I played some and won most games.

But there suddenly came a day when I couldn't play worth a damn.  I could defend perfectly well, but I couldn't arrange an attack at all.  I had just lost that. 

I quit the team and passed on the leadership to an other.

But I kept trying to rediscover the attack with books and chess apps.  I couldn't.  And AFAIK I didn't have a stroke. 

So I have been playing the chess app on my mac while waiting for things to process or download.  And I discovered that if the app was set to thinking 3 moves ahead, I could never win.  But if it was set to 2 moves ahead, I won every time.

I'm a 2.5 player, LOL!

There was a day when I thought I was still creative at things like chess, and I was.  And then, one day snuck up on me and whispered "you aren't anymore" and proved it.  I have some old written recorded games from years ago.  I replayed them. I don't even know what I was thinking in those attacks, but they worked wonderfully. 

Getting older sucks!

I don't feel dumber, but I have proof.  Dad lived here with me for 2 years, and went from slightly confused to totally demented.  One thing you can learn from aged parents is what to expect...  Well, at least if I follow his path, I have 20 years to go before that. 

Unless CoVid19 gets me.

I'm a downer today, sorry.


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

ConVid19 Update

I am changing some of what I said in the previous posts.  I am now very concerned about CoVid19.  Things have gotten far worse than I expected just 2 weeks ago.  I thought it might last several weeks and then those people who would catch it would catch it and hospitals would take care of most of them.  OOPS!  Serious pandemic experts say that it won’t end in a few weeks with a few thousands deaths but maybe late Summer with 100,000-240,000 deaths in the US.  THAT is scary.  

Worse, the experts specifically said that if you think you are immune because you don’t catch the flu or other viral illnesses, you are wrong because no one is immune because it is new.  That is REALLY SCARY!  I was kind of depending on having a genetic resistance to viruses in general (through experience).  I still suspect they might be “somewhat” over-stating it.  I know from reading some medical articles in the past that descendants of people who survived the Bubonic Plague in Europe have a general genetic resistance to viral illnesses.  Or maybe they were wrong then and know better now and I am just as vulnerable to this new one as anyone else.  That is REALLY REALLY SCARY, and I have adjusted my habits accordingly.  Not that I was wiling to tempt fate all that much before today, but I am being more careful now.

So I looked around the house to see what I had.  I found a large bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol which I will use carefully (because good luck finding any of THAT at Walmart).  I found a bottle of hand-sanitizer left over from when Dad was here.  And Wonder Of Wonders, I found that the box of 19 “dust masks” (it was 20, I used one) I bought a few years ago to help avoiding inhaling sawdust when I cut boards in the basement were N-95 respirators!  They must have been on sale at the time or I was thinking “why not the best"…  

I haven’t left the yard for 10 days, but I need fresh veggies and fruit.  One mask every 7-10 days grocery-shopping will me last 4-6 months.  Or maybe longer.  The medical folks say that the virus doesn’t survive more than 9 days under perfect conditions, so if I set 1 aside, it can be re-used in 2 weeks safely.  And I have 2 boxes of 100 latex gloves (one stays in the house and the other stays in the car) to handle them carefully to hang them in the garage (where I seldom go since I’m not driving anywhere these days).  

So I’m going grocery shopping tomorrow.  The Safeway stores have “senior shopping" from 7am to 9 am Tues and Thurs.  I won’t be there then.  First, who is most likely to be contagious?  Second, who is least likely to be careful with sani-wipes and masks?  Third, I’ll go right after lunchtime when the store is least busy.  And I’ll go with a handkerchief dampened with the 91% alcohol packed in a ziplock bag, 2 latex gloves, and a dishtowel to wrap around the cart handles (in case they are out of the sani-wipes they promise will be at the front door but weren’t the last time I shopped).

I picked a rotten time for my indoor-grown lettuces to be used up.  I grow several kinds in trays under daylight bulbs and when you cut them an inch or so from the base, they re-graow several times.  I just used up the “several times" and had to replant.  At least they grow fast.  In 6 weeks, I can start harvesting again.  And that matters because leaf lettuce doesn’t last long in the fridge and I LOVE my salads!  Running out of lettuce gets me going to the grocery store faster than anything else.  I have some crops planted outside.  Spinach, radishes, carrots, beets, snow pear so far.    And broccoli and related crops, leeks, celery, garlic, to transplant out soon.  Tomatoes and peppers to follow in 3 weeks.  But those take time to mature.  If I have to depend on harvesting tomatoes for food in dire straits, we are ALL in SERIOUS trouble.

MD, VA, DC, and several other States here have declared lock-downs the past few days.  The govts are all working out which businesses have to close and which can stay open (is 7-11 a “grocery”?) and is a liquor store “essential”?  What about a hardware store (if you need replacement parts for a toilet?) and what about if your TV dies?  TVs are important methods of communicating govt decisions.  

Restaurants here are doing free delivery just to keep staff employed.  Some places are converting to CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) where they deliver a box of fresh veggies for a monthly subscription.  I might consider that.  There aren’t many fruits and veggies that I don’t like.  But I’m fussy.  I want my apples and peaches ripe but my bananas green.  Not choosing individual items would be a real change.  But maybe if I organized a neighborhood group, we could exchange (from 10’ away) what we like and don’t.

There is good news.  While I tend to view “American Exceptionalism” with some suspicion, it appears from today’s news that we do have it in some ways.  Researchers have developed the first blood test that can accurately detect more than 50 types of cancer and identify in which tissue the cancer originated, often before there are any clinical signs or symptoms of the disease.  And with an error rate of .07%! 

Abbott (NYSE: ABT) announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the fastest available molecular point-of-care test for the detection of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), delivering positive results in as little as five minutes and negative results in 13 minutes.  Previous tests took 3-4 days to show results.

3M has in two months doubled global production of N95 masks to about 100 million a month.  Some manufacturing companies that produce ventilators are going into 24/7 production.  Some other machine-oriented companies are changing machinery to produce more.  Based on some ideas from China, shelter companies are producing “one week wonders” to construct safe temporary hospitals on sports fields, in convention centers, and city parks.

FEMA is going full on.  The military is going full on.  The US actually has the worst infection statistics in the world.  It is hitting here hardest because we don’t allow the govt to declare total lockdowns (we just won't allow it “yet”).  But we are also responding to it in medical and technology ways that will have benefits here and around the world.  This virus is serious and it will reoccur for many months if not years.  But by this time next year, we will probably have a vaccine and it will become “just another” seasonal virus that will kill some people (as routine influenza does now) and become part of the background fight with viruses we have fought for a century

Many people will die, but most of us will live.  And fewer will die the next season.  We are about 325 million people in the US.  if 200,000 die from this it will be a tragedy to those who die, those who know the ones who die, and to society in general of the people who died who would have done great things in the future.  That is .06% of us (did I add the % inaccurately?).  It is tragic but not existential.  We will get through this.
It's going to be hard, but beatable.

Spring Has Sprung

I love Spring!  The 2 Saucer Magnoloias are in complete full bloom.  Sometimes a late freeze catches them and damaged to budding flowers, bu...