Platys bear live young. The young never survive in a community tank. They get eaten by the other fish nearly as fast as they are released. I have come to hate that.
But I also have live plants and the "anachris" floats on the surface in a rather dense mat. Baby fish hide in there.
I disturbed the surface a month ago, and saw "something" dart out that was immediately eaten. I realized it was a baby platy that I chased from its sanctuary among the floating plants. I felt horrible about causing it to flee and be eaten by my action.
So, 2 weeks ago, when I opened the top of the hood to feed the fish, I happened to notice 2 tiny little eyes among the shelter of the plants. It was a baby Platy that had survived its first few days. With my reading glasses on, I saw it in various places for several more days. Little black eyes hiding in the plants.
I've bred various fish in my life. Bettas, cherry barbs, gouramis, and fancy guppies. They each need special conditions, but most of all, safety from other fish. There are even V-shape tank add-ins for live-bearers so the babies fall through and Mom doesn't eat them. I should buy a new one.
Because Mom looks gravid again.
I haven't seen that Baby Fish for 3 days. And I feel guilty...
Mother Nature can be nasty. If you can buy a gizmo that will provide the babies with a sanctuary, that sounds like the go, Mark.
Sydney, Australia
Poor babies. Yes, you should buy the thing to protect them. I never had luck with an aquarium. I managed to keep some tetras alive, but that was it.
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