Friday, July 5, 2024


You should not have to listen to a neighbor's music when you can barely hear your own TV with all the doors and windows closed.

Yesterday, one of my neighbors decided to "delight" the entire neighborhood with their personal choice of music. You could hear it 1/4 mile away (yes, I walked that far and checked).  After an hour of having repetitive loud bass beating through my walls, I dragged one of my 3' DCM speakers out on the deck and turned the tuner to the hardest music I could find.  At full volume.  For 1 minute.

They got the message and turned down their music to "their yard" level.  LOL!  

1 comment:

pilch92 said...

Glad that worked. :)

Daffodils, Trash, And Old Electronics

I finally got about 3/4 of the daffodils planted.  I have a front yard island bed surrounding the Saucer Magnolia tree and a 3' boulder ...