Monday, June 15, 2020

Busy Days

I've been slacking.  Distracted and sad, really.  I started staying up late and getting up late.  Laying in bed for 10 hours.  Bad weather, Covid-19, not shopping, Iza's departure, repetitive news, clutter, ignoring my veggie garden, 2 crazy neighbors, no sports on TV, etc.

Suddenly, I feel a bit back in control.  I got the bike and air pressure charger and 2 trailer tires sold (less clutter).  I finally purchased a new riding mower to replace the 25 year old one that had been limping along and getting worse.  Still missing Iza so much but accepting that she is gone.  Laz was really difficult the first month, but is doing better (though I am learning he was poorly socialized when young).  I watch science and nature DVDs and listen to CDs more than the news (I understand the importance of current events, but 2 weeks of "Breaking News" on the same 2 subjects wore me out), no longer much worrying about dying everytime I had to buy food, and watching previous sports games.

Friday, I finally had enough of just laying in bed and got up at 7 am.  Which may be late for some, but I spent 35 years getting up at 5 am and I'm not recovered from that yet.  I got up and made breakfast.  For me, that is a weird meal when you normally get up at Noon.  But I make a very good 2x-folded cheese and minced bacon omelet  or 2 soft-fried eggs on a pancake breakfast when I feel like it.

So I was outside by 9 am Friday.  So many things to catch up on.  I had planned for it, charging up all the battery-powered tools.

First thing was to use the electric mower to cut the lawn 2 rows along the property line and around the utility boxes on the property line.  I mentioned recently that the next door neighbor has little concept of property lines and LOVES his big gas weed-whacker.  And I saw him cutting around shrubs and trees IN MY YARD.

He said he didn't know where the property line was So I yelled at him (he wouldn't shut his gas weed whacker off) to stop and I pointed out the property line.  And as I walked back to the house, he went FURTHER into my yard and started whacked one of my trees.  Some people are just clueless.  I ran back out and demanded he never step foot in my yard.  He was offended.  This is the same family that started burning bruch under dry low branched trees last Fall next to my wood fence and only put it out when I said I would call the Fire Department.  Having only a small child's bucket from a wading pool...  I was ready with a hose.

Weed whackers strip the bark of trees.  Diseases and insects get in (that's what bark is FOR).  So, since he is only there on weekends (none of my business to know why) I mowed the lawn and trimmed around the trees with sheers to avoid his temptation Friday...  And I keep my ears open for the sound of him mowing.

And then I used the electric mower.  Trimmed under all the shrubs and around stuff the riding mower can't handle.  That was a lot.  Recharged the batteries.  Powerful electric but the 2 batteries only last 10 minutes each.  But I got a lot done in the 20 minutes.  Used and recharged them 3 times in 2 days.  Lots of trimming needed.

My garden is mostly unplanted.  I think the pH is all out of whack.  So I scooped some soil and added some distilled 7.0 water and shook it thoroughly.   I can use pH strips to check the pH, AND as the soil settled over 2 days, it will tell me what my soil components are.

The soil has settled around Iza's grave.  I will lift all 3 memorials and rake the soil level, put down a cut-up heavy cardboard from a bookcase, and smother all the weeds around the area.  The memorials should show up better.  I don't want weeds around them.

I cut down all the weeds between my garden frame boxes.  I tried te string-trimmer, but the weeds were so tall, they just wrapped around the trimmer head and it was difficult to remove them.  I tired the electric mower, but it won't turn the corners between framed beds and lifting it around the corners was damn hard.  I finally discovered the hedge trimmer worked best.  I will cover the paths in packing paper.  That should smother the weeds.

I carefully mowed the daffodil bed.  There are some pavers there, so it took a while.  I also have briars and weeds between the daylilies, but again, the hedge trimmer worked best.   Stuck it in between the daylilies and moved it back and forth carefully to not cut the lilies.  And it doesn't kill the brambles and wild blackberries, but after I see what turns brown and pull those out,  I can use the razor hoe at the roots of the weeds after that..

I discovered the new riding mower gives a great even cut on 4" grass but fails at 5"  so I will be diligent.  I like tall grass becaus tall leaves mean deeper roots.  But there are limits.  3' is right fo my fescue grass.

The other crazy neighbor is the same guy who was here several years ago having screaming matches with his girlfriend and taking off with their toddler late Summer nights.  But so far they are quiet.  If they are peaceful, I'm fine.


Megan said...

Good to hear that you're getting back into your groove.

Sydney, Australia

pilch92 said...

Glad you are feeling better. Turning the news off is a good thing to do, they focus so much on the negatives. I am glad my neighbors are not like that. We have a lot of trouble with people trespassing in the wooded acreage we own.

Changing The Clocks And Watches

As I said yesterday way more briefly than I intended to (I meant to go back and add a lot more Saturday evening) I love Daylight Saving Time...