Sunday, June 7, 2020

Baby Fish

Baby Fish survived!  I mentioned in a few weeks ago. 

In a community tank egg-layers don't even try much.  Livebearers can't help it.  But for them. thhe babies are expelled and immediately eaten.  It is probably healthy for the othher fish.  But it always bothers me.

So I mentioned when one seemed to be hidden among the live plants.  2 large eyes on a tiny body.  Then I didn't see it for a week.  I assumed it was caught and eaten.

WELL GUESS WHAT?  Baby fish is still here!  It is larger, but still small enough to be eaten (fish mouths open wide).  But pretty soon, it will be of safe size.  I just hope it doesn't get over-confident too soon. 

Here is a bad picture (but the best I could get).  It is almost 1/2" long now.  And I have been crushing some regular fish flakes around the top for it...
Keep hiding in the live anachris, Baby Fish!


Megan said...


Sydney, Australia

pilch92 said...

I wonder if there is a contraption you can make out of fencing to protect it in one area of the tank- you are an engineer- you can come up with something :)

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