Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Well. I Did It!

Shaved the head...It's not pretty. and I smeared it with aloe because I didn't think it was ready for even the 1/2 strength aftershave I mix for my self (unscented).

And trust me, the above-the-head shots are not pretty.  I missed a few spots, but I'll get them next time.  My electric razor ran down though, so there are some raw spots.  But for a first try, it could be worse.

Makes my brain look bigger, LOL!

It's OK, I wasn't exactly the Handsome type before, either


Katie Isabella said...

You got me to smiling all the way up to laughing with how you worded this, Mark. Love it.

Megan said...

Well, I wouldn't say that this was the most glamorous shot you've ever posted of yourself! LOL

Glad you're happy with it. I think it sounds like it's a lot of fiddling about. But then I didn't understand what was so annoying about having hair.

Sydney, Australia

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