Sunday, March 4, 2018

Genetic Test

I just got the most ridiculous genetic test results back today.  A previous test from MyHeritage offerred results I generally expected.  Mostly French/German/Scottish and a bit of Iberian.  That made perfect sense.  Family lore and genealogy says we came from France and Germany into England and from there to North America early on in the 1600-1700s with more German influence in the 1800s. 

The result I received from crigenetics is moronic.

According to them, I am mostly Finnish.  And there is all that Asian percents.

I wouldn't mind the least bit if I thought it was accurate; in fact if I thought I was from "everywhere", that would actually be neat!  But I know they are wrong about it. 


Megan said...

Hmmm - perhaps they just use a random number generator to produce their results? It's hard to imagine how all your ancestors would have got together - did you great-great-great-great grandmother from Finland have a bit of a fling with a Vietnamese chappie and keep it quiet from the rest of the family?? I guess, on the bright side, it does suggest that your ancestors were open-minded and a bit adventurous, and not racist bigots!

Sydney, Australia

AnnDee said...

What? No Neanderthal?

pilch92 said...

Do they ask you any questions about what nationality you are? That seems so odd to have such different results, especially when the original ones seemed accurate. Too bad the tests are so pricey, you could try other companies too -it would probably me more confusing though.

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