Friday, March 2, 2018

March Comes In Like A Lion

And other problems...

We have had some of the strongest winds here the past 2 days and it is forecast to last another.  Well "strongest" except for hurricanes and those don't last as long.  There have been gusts up to 62 mph, and it seems constant around 40+.  The wind howled so loudly around the house I could barely sleep, and I was very tired from staying up all night on the computer til 8 am the day before and only getting 5 hours sleep before I was SO hungry I couldn't lay in bed anymore.

I've mentioned before that I keep weird hours, but maybe not have explained in much detail.

I stayed up late Tuesday night and got 5 hours sleep.  I stayed up late Wed night in spite of having a dental appointment Thursday at 2 pm.   Partly, it was stress from the dental visit, but partly because I got emails from almost everyone I know and wanted to respond.  And I had just started an online chess game and kept getting replies from my opponent.

I also had about 100 pictures to process, a Dr Seuss poem to write, some software downloading problems, and Amazon seemed to have taken over my search engine choices (anything I searched online was sending me straight to Amazon's page).

I can't sleep worth a damn when I have stuff floating around in my head like that, and the only solution is to stay up until I solve most of the problems. 

So I did most of that stuff, and went to the dentist about as tired as possible.  That is generally good, as I have some problems with dental work.  I have a small jaw and holding it open while they do their work is hard.  Plus, let's just say I have to swallow a lot when my jaw is stretched wide and leave it at that. 

So I got home Thursday and the winds hit!  I needed sleep and got little.  The crashing sounds outside didn't help.  I was "IN" bed 12 hours, but maybe got 8 hours sleep.  Which, averaging the past several nights came out to about 4 hours per night for 4 nights each.

My local meat market was having some specials this week of exactly the stuff I wanted.  Del Monico Steak at $8 per lb, pork boston butt at $2, deli roast beef at $5/lb, and other stuff.  I HAD to get up to shop today to shop (Saturday is a madhouse there).  And I was out of fresh fruit.  I love fruit. 

I slept Thursday night til noon.  Got up and left the house at 1 pm.  But that would have put me at the meat market just when the local school lets out and a dozen students hit the store deli counter for subs.  So I stopped to get a haircut. 

I obviously don't worry about my appearance too much, LOL!
The cats aren't very critical and it is not like I'm trying to win a "handsome contest". 

Driving to the barber and the grocery stores was interesting.  The car kept rocking in the wind just sitting at a traffic light.  While actually driving, I kept getting hit with cross-winds and wanted to "change lanes" for me.  Local bridges were all closed.  One bridge, after having 3 tractor-trailers just plain knocked over. 

The dentist said none of my teeth are any good.  Which is really annoying because I don't eat candy and sweet stuff and brush twice a day.

Well, Dad have no teeth left by my age, so I guess I will not thank him for THOSE genes. 

The neighborhood have fence panels blown out all over the place and I've never seen THAT even when Hurricanes blew through.  None of mine though!  Friends tell me I "overbuild" things.  But I know those neighbor's fences and they are newer than mine and build by professionals.  I built my own. 

Companies use 1x4s and I use 2x4s.  They use nails and I use screws.  And that is why it is still standing!  My fence is 30 years old now, and not one board loose...


Megan said...

Good job on the fence. Quality will out. But how is that old bench handling the strong winds, huh? LOL

I hope the cats weren't too upset by the wind - three kitties yowling at you would make it hard to get any sleep at all.

Sydney, Australia

The Whiskeratti said...

All that sounds very uncomfortable.

AnnDee said...

Speaking of fences, did you ever meet your neighbor? Anymore feedback on your side being painted a different color?

pilch92 said...

Glad your fence is still standing. Sorry about the bad news at the dentist. I brush several times a day, but keep getting told it isn't enough. Water picks are supposed to be even better than flossing and the electric toothbrushes are highly recommended. I have both, but I am too lazy too bother.
We had a lot of wind too. One pine fell into the neighbor's yard, buy luckily it missed their garage.

I Have New Neighbors

 One house across the street had the detached shed catch fire about a year+ ago.  It also damaged one side of the house, but I didn't se...