Monday, May 29, 2023

US Memorial Day

Memorial Day should be more of somber remembrance than cookouts.  But I understand.  It is the right time to start Summer activities.  And it does celebrate the freedoms that our Fallen fought to maintain.  

And I don't mean just the freedom to burn a few hamburgers, eat some potato salad, and drink beer.  It is the gathering of friends and neighbors enjoying our own particular version of democracy.  It is a recognition of community.  It is not religious.  It is not really political.  It is not a time to speak in anger.   It is a time to ignore your crazy old Uncle who is wearing a tinfoil hat.  It is a time to ignore your Flower-Girl Niece who say "we just need more love in world".  And it is a time to ignore Communist Granny.

Yeah, politicians use the Day, but they take advantage of Groundhog Day too. (well, you can't stop them).

I seldom go to Memorial Day cookouts.  But when I do, I am polite to the Crazy Uncle, the Flower Girl Niece and the Communist Gramma.  I will listen to them all (briefly).  And to the children as well.  Cookouts are exciting to them.  They haven't eaten 1,000 hamburgers yet (LOL) and tried every version of one.  ;)

I enjoy the food well enough.  I mean, I've spent time camping (and primitive camping) where I ate stuff I would toss in the trash at home.  And some people's version of potato salad is depressingly bad.  I help clean up afterwards and thank the hosts later.  I've thrown a couple myself and other people did the same to clean up later.  

But I always keep in mind the true purpose of the holiday.  Sometimes Memorial Day and Veterans Day are confused as meaning nearly the same.  I trust you all know the difference.

Today, we honor those who died in our wars.  Good or Bad war doesn't matter today.  It is for those who lost their lives in service to the US.  My previous generation's family was fortunate.  On one side, my 3 Uncles went to WWII and they came back physically uninjured.  On the other side, my Dad and my Uncle built submarines and ships after being refused for active service.  

So these days, I tend to spend the day quietly at home, thinking about war and sacrifice and how many others did not return home to family and friends...

Memorial Day 2015

1 comment:

pilch92 said...

I agree that we need to remember those that died in wars. For so many it is just the unofficial start of summer. We always put flowers on our loved ones graves too.

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